Mr Vandenbohede, Alexander |
Institute |
Top | Institute | Publications |
Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Vakgroep Geologie; Laboratorium voor Toegepaste Geologie en Hydrogeologie; Onderzoeksgroep Grondwatermodellering, more
Institutional address:
Krijgslaan 281 S8
9000 Gent
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Publications (53) |
Top | Institute | Publications |
A1 Publications (24) [show] |
- Vandenbohede, A. (2016). The hydrogeology of the military inundation at the 1914-1918 Yser front (Belgium). Hydrogeol. J. 24(2): 521-534., more
- Vandenbohede, A.; Walraevens, K.; De Breuck, W. (2015). Erratum: What does the interface on the fresh-saltwater distribution map of the Belgian coastal plain represent? Geol. Belg. 18(2-4): 160-160, more
- Vandenbohede, A.; Walraevens, K.; De Breuck, W. (2015). What does the interface on the fresh-saltwater distribution map of the Belgian coastal plain represent? Geol. Belg. 18(1): 31-36, more
- Pauw, S; Essink, O; Leijnse, A; Vandenbohede, A.; Groen, J; van der Zee, M (2014). Regional scale impact of tidal forcing on groundwater flow in unconfined coastal aquifers. J. Hydrol. (Amst.) 517: 269-283., more
- Vandenbohede, A.; Mollema, N; Greggio, N; Antonellini, M (2014). Seasonal dynamic of a shallow freshwater lens due to irrigation in the coastal plain of Ravenna, Italy. Hydrogeol. J. 22(4): 893-909., more
- Post, V.E.A.; Vandenbohede, A.; Werner, A.D.; Maimun, M.; Teubner, M.D. (2013). Groundwater ages in coastal aquifers. Adv. Water Resour. 57: 1-11., more
- Vandenbohede, A.; Wallis, I.; Van Houtte, E.; Van Ranst, E. (2013). Hydrogeochemical transport modeling of the infiltration of tertiary treated wastewater in a dune area, Belgium. Hydrogeol. J. 21(6): 1307-1321., more
- Werner, A.D.; Bakker, M.; Post, V.E.A.; Vandenbohede, A.; Lu, C.; Ataie-Ashtiani, B.; Simmons, C.T.; Barry, D.A. (2013). Seawater intrusion processes, investigation and management: Recent advances and future challenges. Adv. Water Resour. 51: 3-26., more
- Hermans, T.; Vandenbohede, A.; Lebbe, L.; Martin, R.; Kemna, A.; Beaujean, J.; Nguyen, F. (2012). Imaging artificial salt water infiltration using electrical resistivity tomography constrained by geostatistical data. J. Hydrol. (Amst.) 438-439: 168-180., more
- Vandenbohede, A.; Lebbe, L. (2012). Groundwater chemistry patterns in the phreatic aquifer of the central Belgian coastal plain. Appl. Geochem. 27(1): 22-36., more
- Vandenbohede, A.; Hinsby, K.; Courtens, C.; Lebbe, L. (2011). Flow and transport model of a polder area in the Belgian coastal plain: example of data integration. Hydrogeol. J. 19(8): 1599-1615., more
- Vandenbohede, A.; Lebbe, L. (2011). Heat transport in a coastal groundwater flow system near De Panne, Belgium. Hydrogeol. J. 19(6): 1225-1238., more
- Vandenbohede, A.; Courtens, C.; Lebbe, L.; De Breuck, W. (2010). Fresh-salt water distribution in the central Belgian coastal plain: an update. Geol. Belg. 11(3): 163-172, more
- Vandenbohede, A.; Lebbe, L.; Adams, R.; Cosyns, E.; Durinck, P.; Zwaenepoel, A. (2010). Hydrogeological study for improved nature restoration in dune ecosystems–Kleyne Vlakte case study, Belgium. J. Environ. Manage. 91(11): 2385-2395., more
- Vandenbohede, A.; Lebbe, L. (2010). Recharge assessment by means of vertical temperature profiles: analysis of possible influences. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(5): 792-804., more
- Vandenbohede, A.; Van Houtte, E.; Lebbe, L. (2009). Water quality changes in the dunes of the western Belgian coastal plain due to artificial recharge of tertiary treated wastewater. Appl. Geochem. 24(3): 370-382., more
- Kloppmann, W.; Van Houtte, E.; Picot, G.; Vandenbohede, A.; Lebbe, L.; Guerrot, C.; Millot, R.; Gaus, I.; Wintgens, T. (2008). Monitoring reverse osmosis treated wastewater recharge into a coastal aquifer by environmental isotopes (B, Li, O, H). Environ. Sci. Technol. 42(23): 8759-8765., more
- Vandenbohede, A.; Luyten, K.; Lebbe, L. (2008). Effects of global change on heterogeneous coastal aquifers: A case study in Belgium. J. Coast. Res. 24(2B): 160-170., more
- Vandenbohede, A.; Van Houtte, E.; Lebbe, L. (2008). Study of the feasibility of an aquifer storage and recovery system in a deep aquifer in Belgium. Hydrol. Sci. J. 53(4): 844-856., more
- Vandenbohede, A.; Van Houtte, E.; Lebbe, L. (2008). Groundwater flow in the vicinity of two artificial recharge ponds in the Belgian coastal dunes. Hydrogeol. J. 16(8): 1669-1681., more
- Vandenbohede, A.; Lebbe, L.; Gysens, S.; Delecluyse, K.; DeWolf, P. (2008). Salt water infiltration in two artificial sea inlets in the Belgian dune area. J. Hydrol. (Amst.) 360(1-4): 77-86., more
- Vandenbohede, A.; Lebbe, L. (2006). Occurrence of salt water above fresh water in dynamic equilibrium in a coastal groundwater flow system near De Panne, Belgium. Hydrogeol. J. 14(4): 462-472., more
- Vandenbohede, A.; Lebbe, L. (2003). Combined interpretation of pumping and tracer tests: theoretical considerations and illustration with a field test. J. Hydrol. (Amst.) 277(1-2): 134-149., more
- Vandenbohede, A.; Lebbe, L. (2002). Numerical modelling and hydrochemical characterisation of a fresh-water lens in the Belgian coastal plain. Hydrogeol. J. 10(5): 576-586, more
Peer reviewed publications (2) [show] |
- Vandenbohede, A.; Van Houtte, E.; Lebbe, L. (2009). Sustainable groundwater extraction in coastal areas: a Belgian example. Environ. Geol. 57(4): 735-747., more
- Vandenbohede, A.; Lebbe, L. (2002). 3D density dependent numerical model of a tracer test performed in the Belgian coastal plain, in: Degryse, P. et al. (Ed.) Contributions to the geology of Belgium and Northwest Europe: Proceedings of the first Geologica Belgica International Meeting, Leuven, 11-15 September 2002. pp. 223-226, more
Book chapters (14) [show] |
- Lebbe, L.; Oude Essink, G.; Janssen, G.; Courtens, C.; Vandenbohede, A. (2012). Deelopdracht 1: Gegevensverzameling, analyse en opstellen van conceptueel model, in: SCALDWIN: Analyse grensoverschrijdende verzilting grondwater in het poldergebied van de provincies Oost-Vlaanderen, West-Vlaanderen en Zeeland: Eindrapport – Bundeling van de verslagen van de vier deelopdrachten van fase 2. pp. 1.1-1.66, more
- Lebbe, L.; Claus, J.; Oude Essink, G.; Janssen, G.; Vandenbohede, A. (2012). Deelopdracht 2: Opbouw van het dichtheidsafhankelijk grondwaterstromingsmodel,simulatie van de historische ontwikkeling van het gebied, gevoeligheidsanalyse en calibratie, in: SCALDWIN: Analyse grensoverschrijdende verzilting grondwater in het poldergebied van de provincies Oost-Vlaanderen, West-Vlaanderen en Zeeland: Eindrapport – Bundeling van de verslagen van de vier deelopdrachten van fase 2. pp. 2.1-2.71, more
- Auken, E.; Bosch, A.; Courtens, C.; Elderhorst, W.; Euwe, M.; Gunnink, J.; Hinsby, K.; Jansen, J.; Johnsen, R.; Kok, A.; Lebbe, L.; de Louw, P.; Noorlandt, R.; Oude Essink, G.; Pedersen, J.; Rasmussen, P.; Scheer, W.; Siemon, B.; Sonnenborg, T.; Sulzbacher, H.; Ullmann, A.; Vandenbohede, A.; Wiederhold, H. (2010). CLIWAT: a transnational project about climate change and coastal groundwater in the North Sea Region, in: Proceedings of SWIM 21: 21st salt water intrusion meeting. June 21-26, 2010. Azores, Portugal. pp. 89-92, more
- Courtens, C.; Berteloot, M.; Lebbe, L.; Vandenbohede, A. (2010). Fresh-salt water distribution in the Zwin estuary before and after the planned expansion, in: Proceedings of SWIM 21: 21st salt water intrusion meeting. June 21-26, 2010. Azores, Portugal. pp. 321-324, more
- de Louw, P.G.B.; Vandenbohede, A.; Oude Essink, G.; Doornenbal, P. (2010). Tracing preferential saline seepage and assessing its flow velocities using temperature measurements, in: Proceedings of SWIM 21: 21st salt water intrusion meeting. June 21-26, 2010. Azores, Portugal. pp. 65-68, more
- Vandenbohede, A.; Lebbe, L. (2010). Impact of climate change on the phreatic aquifer of the western Belgian coastal plain, in: Proceedings of SWIM 21: 21st salt water intrusion meeting. June 21-26, 2010. Azores, Portugal. pp. 297-300, more
- Lebbe, L.; Lermytte, J.; Vandevelde, D.; Vandenbohede, A.; D’hont, D.; Thomas, P. (2008). Salt water intrusion modeling in the Flemish coastal plain based on a hydrogeological database, in: Proceedings of the SWIM 20: 20th Salt Water Intrusion Meeting. June 23-27, 2008. Naples, Florida, USA. pp. 286-289, more
- Lebbe, L.; Jonckheere, S.; Vandenbohede, A. (2008). Modeling of historical evolution of salt water distribution in the phreatic aquifer in and around the silted up Zwin estuary mouth (Flanders, Belgium), in: Proceedings of the SWIM 20: 20th Salt Water Intrusion Meeting. June 23-27, 2008. Naples, Florida, USA. pp. 141-144, more
- Vandenbohede, A.; Lebbe, L. (2006). Identification of chemical reactions and their reaction rate coefficients with push-pull tests, in: Bierkens, M.F.P. et al. (Ed.) Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling: From Uncertainty to Decision Making. Proceedings of ModelCARE'2005, The Hague, The Netherlands, June 2005). IAHS-AISH publication, 304: pp. 46-51, more
- Louwyck, A.; Vandenbohede, A.; Lebbe, L. (2005). The role of hydrogeological research in the realization of a combined pumping and deep infiltration system at the excavation ‘Duinenabdij’, in: Herrier, J.-L. et al. (Ed.) Proceedings 'Dunes and Estuaries 2005': International Conference on nature restoration practices in European coastal habitats, Koksijde, Belgium 19-23 September 2005. VLIZ Special Publication, 19: pp. 317-326, more
- Vandenbohede, A.; Linster, T.; Lebbe, L. (2005). Modelling of density dependent groundwater flow in the south-western Belgian coastal plain, in: Araguás, L. et al. (Ed.) Groundwater and saline intrusion: selected papers from the 18th Salt Water Intrusion Meeting: 18 SWIM, Cartagena (Spain), 31 May to 3 June 2004. Publicaciones del Instituto Geologico y Minero de España. Hidrogeologia y Aguas Subterraneas, 15: pp. 207-214, more
- Vandenbohede, A.; Lebbe, L. (2005). Density dependent groundwater flow model of the shore and dune area of the Westhoek nature reserve (Belgium), in: Araguás, L. et al. (Ed.) Groundwater and saline intrusion: selected papers from the 18th Salt Water Intrusion Meeting: 18 SWIM, Cartagena (Spain), 31 May to 3 June 2004. Publicaciones del Instituto Geologico y Minero de España. Hidrogeologia y Aguas Subterraneas, 15: pp. 197-205, more
- Vandenbohede, A.; Lebbe, L. (2003). Simultaneous interpretation of drawdown and concentration data during tracer tests: sensitivity analyses, in: Kovar, K. et al. (Ed.) Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling: A Few Steps Closer to Reality. Proceedings of ModelCARE'2002, Prague, Czech Republic, 17-20 June 2002. IAHS-AISH publication, 277: pp. 425-430, more
- Vandenbohede, A.; Lebbe, L. (2002). Performance and interpretation of a tracer test in the Belgian coastal plain, in: Boekelman, R.H. et al. (Ed.) Proceedings SWIM17 Delft 2002: Proceedings of the 17th Salt Water Intrusion Meeting, Delft 6-10 May 2002. pp. 275-282, more
Thesis [show] |
- Vandenbohede, A. (1998). Hydrogeologische studie van de veenafzettingen in de Nieuwe Polder van Blankenberge. MSc Thesis. Universiteit Gent, Faculteit Wetenschappen, Vakgroep Geologie en Bodemkunde, Onderzoekseenheid Toegepaste Geologie en Hydrogeologie: Gent. 137 pp., more
Abstract [show] |
- Vandenbohede, A. (2012). Groundwater quality distribution in the Belgian coastal plain: a story of Holocene transgression and human intervention, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts - VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day. Brugge, Belgium, 24 February 2012. VLIZ Special Publication, 55: pp. 99, more
Reports (5) [show] |
- de Louw, P.; van Baaren, E.; Kaandorp, V.; Galvis Rodriguez, S.; Dupon, E.; Huits, D.; Van Camp, M.; Walraevens, K.; Vandenbohede, A. (2019). TOPSOIL - GO-FRESH Vlaanderen: Potenties om de zoetwaterbeschikbaarheid te verbeteren. Deltares: Utrecht. 100 pp., more
- Delsman, J.; van Baaren, E.; Vermaas, T.; Karaoulis, M.; Bootsma, H.; de Louw, P.G.B.; Pauw, P.; Oude Essink, G.; Dabekaussen, W.; Van Camp, M.; Walraevens, K.; Vandenbohede, A.; Teilmann, R.; Thofte, S. (2019). TOPSOIL Airborne EM kartering van zoet en zout grondwater in Vlaanderen (FRESHEM Vlaanderen: Deelopdrachten 1 tot en met 3. Deltares: [s.l.]. 111 + bijlagen pp., more
- Lebbe, L.; Vandenbohede, A.; Courtens, C.; Cosyns, E. (2009). Grondwaterstudie in kader van uitbreiding van het Zwin. Universiteit Gent, Vakgroep Geologie en Bodemkunde, Cel Grondwatermodellering: Gent. 50 pp., more
- Zwaenepoel, A.; Cosyns, E.; Lambrechts, J.; Ampe, C.; Termote, J.; Waeyaert, P.; Vandenbohede, A.; Lebbe, L.; van Ranst, E.; Langohr, R. (2008). Gebiedsvisie voor de fossiele duinen van Adinkerke, inclusief beheerplan voor het Vlaams Natuurreservaat De Duinen en Bossen van De Panne, deelgebied Carbour en deelgebied Garzebekeveld. Deel 1. Inventaris; Delen 2-3-4. Doelstelling, knelpunten en beheer; Kaartenbundel. Aeolus/Agentschap voor Natuur en Bos/Universiteit Gent/WVI: Brugge. 3 vols. pp., more
- Zwaenepoel, A.; Cosyns, E.; Lambrechts, J.; Ampe, C.; Langohr, R.; Vandenbohede, A.; Lebbe, L. (2007). Integrale gebiedsvisie en beheerplan voor het Vlaams Natuurreservaat "De Zwinduinen en -polders" te Knokke - Heist, met aandacht voor het recreatief medegebruik: Eindrapport. Aeolus/Agentschap voor Natuur en Bos/Cel Kust/Universiteit Gent/West-Vlaamse Intercommunale (WVI): Brugge. 355, bijlagen, kaarten [4 volumes] pp., more
Other publications (3) [show] |
- Vandenbohede, A. (2012). Zoet en zout grondwater in het kustgebied, een verhaal van zeespiegelstijging en menselijke tussenkomst, in: De Grote Rede 34. De Grote Rede: Nieuws over onze Kust en Zee, 34: pp. 17-22, more
- Vandenbohede, A.; Lebbe, L. (2008). Zoet-zout verdeling onder het strand: niet zo evident als het lijkt. Stromingen: Vakblad voor Hydrologen 14(2): 17-26, more
- Vandenbohede, A.; Lebbe, L. (2000). Water quality distribution in the eastern coastal plain of Belgium: influence of intercalated peat beds, in: Sadurski, A. (Ed.) Hydrogeology of the Coastal Aquifers: Proceedings of the 16th Salt Water Intrusion Meeting, Miedzyzdroje-Wolin Island (Poland) 12-15 June 2000. pp. 133-140, more
Thesis (co-)promotor (3) [show] |