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Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar- and Marine Research (AWI), more
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Publications (10) |
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A1 Publications (5) [show] |
Pörtner, H.O.; Bock, C.; Knust, R.; Lannig, G.; Lucassen, M.; Mark, F.C.; Sartoris, F.J. (2008). Cod and climate in a latitudinal cline: physiological analyses of climate effects in marine fishes. Clim. Res. 37: 253-270., more
- Pörtner, H.O.; Knust, R. (2007). Climate change affects marine fishes through the oxygen limitation of thermal tolerance. Science (Wash.) 315(5808): 95-97, more
- Brenner, M.; Buck, B.H.; Cordes, S.; Dietrich, L.; Jacob, U.; Mintenbeck, K.; Schröder, A.; Brey, T.; Knust, R.; Arntz, W.E. (2001). The role of iceberg scours in niche separation within the Antarctic fish genus Trematomus. Polar Biol. 24(7): 502-507., more
- Plötz, J.; Bornemann, H.; Knust, R.; Schröder, A.; Bester, M. (2001). Foraging behaviour of Weddell seals, and its ecological implications. Polar Biol. 24(12): 901-909., more
- Portner, H.O.; Berdal, B.; Blust, R.; Brix, O.; Colosimo, A.; De Wachter, B.; Giuliani, A.; Johansen, T.; Fischer, T.; Knust, R.; Lannig, G.; Naevdal, G.; Nedenes, A.; Nyhammer, G.; Sartoris, F.J.; Serendero, I.; Sirabella, P.; Thorkildsen, S.; Zakhartsev, M. (2001). Climate induced temperature effects on growth performance, fecundity and recruitment in marine fish: developing a hypothesis for cause and effect relationships in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and common eelpout (Zoarces viviparus). Cont. Shelf Res. 21(18-19): 1975-1997., more
Book chapters (3) [show] |
- Brenner, M.; Buck, B.H.; Cordes, S.; Dietrich, L.; Jacob, U.; Mintenbeck, K.; Schröder, A.; Brey, T.; Knust, R.; Arntz, W.E. (2002). The role of iceberg scours in niche separation within the Antarctic fish genus Trematomus, in: Arntz, W.E. et al. (Ed.) Ecological studies in the Antarctic sea ice zone: results of EASIZ Midterm Symposium. pp. 215-220, more
- Plötz, J.; Bornemann, H.; Knust, R.; Schröder, A.; Bester, M. (2002). Foraging behaviour of Weddell seals, and its ecological implications, in: Arntz, W.E. et al. (Ed.) Ecological studies in the Antarctic sea ice zone: results of EASIZ Midterm Symposium. pp. 148-156, more
- Knust, R. (1990). Schwarzflecken-Krankheit der Nordseegarnele, in: Lozán, J.L. et al. Warnsignale aus der Nordsee: Wissenschaftliche Fakten. pp. 212-219, more
Reports (2) [show] |
Teschke, K.; Bornemann, H.; Bombosch, A.; Burkhardt, E.; Brtnik, P.; Dorschel, B.; Feindt-Herr, H.; Gerdes, D.; Gutt, J.; Hain, S.; Herata, H.; Jerosch, K.; Knust, R.; Kock, K.-H.; Pehlke, H.; Schlüter, M.; Schwarzbach, W.; Siegel, V.; Strass, V.; van Opzeeland, I.; Von Nordheim, H.; Brey, T. (2013). Progress report on the scientific data compilation and analyses in support of the development of a CCAMLR MPA in the Weddell Sea (Antarctica). Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources: [s.l.]. 29 pp., more
Kröncke, I.; Knust, R. (1992). Seasonal variation in macrofaunal abundance on the Dogger Bank in relationship to stomach content of dab (Limanda limanda). CM Documents - ICES, C.M. 1992(G:80). ICES: Copenhagen. 4 + tables + figures pp., more