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University of Groningen; Onderzoeksgroep Mariene Biologie, more
Function: Head of lab
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Projects (4) |
Top | Institute | Publications | Projects |
- Causes and consequences of changing marine biodiversity a fish and fisheries perspective, more
- Effects of biodiversity on the functioning and stability of marine ecosystems: European scale comparisons, more
- Genetic Biodiversity, more
- Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning - EU Network of Excellence, more
Publications (30) |
Top | Institute | Publications | Projects |
A1 Publications (21) [show] |
Yu, L.; Khachaturyan, M.; Matschiner, M.; Healey, A.; Bauer, D.; Cameron, B.; Cusson, M.; Emmett Duffy, J.; Joel Fodrie, F.; Gill, D.; Grimwood, J.; Hori, M.; Hovel, K.; Hughes, A.R.; Jahnke, M.; Jenkins, J.; Keymanesh, K.; Kruschel, C.; Mamidi, S.; Menning, D.M.; Moksnes, P.-O.; Nakaoka, M.; Pennacchio, C.; Reiss, K.; Rossi, F.; Ruesink, J.L.; Schultz, S.T.; Talbot, S.; Unsworth, R.; Ward, D.H.; Dagan, T.; Schmutz, J.; Eisen, J.A.; Stachowicz, J.J.; Van de Peer, Y.; Olsen, J.L.; Reusch, T.B.H. (2023). Ocean current patterns drive the worldwide colonization of eelgrass (Zostera marina). Nature Plants 9(8): 1207-1220., more
Yu, L.; Khachaturyan, M.; Matschiner, M.; Healey, A.; Bauer, D.; Cameron, B.; Cusson, M.; Emmett Duffy, J.; Joel Fodrie, F.; Gill, D.; Grimwood, J.; Hori, M.; Hovel, K.; Hughes, A.R.; Jahnke, M.; Jenkins, J.; Keymanesh, K.; Kruschel, C.; Mamidi, S.; Menning, D.M.; Moksnes, P.-O.; Nakaoka, M.; Pennacchio, C.; Reiss, K.; Rossi, F.; Ruesink, J.L.; Schultz, S.T.; Talbot, S.; Unsworth, R.; Ward, D.H.; Dagan, T.; Schmutz, J.; Eisen, J.A.; Stachowicz, J.J.; Van de Peer, Y.; Olsen, J.L.; Reusch, T.B.H. (2023). Author correction: Ocean current patterns drive the worldwide colonization of eelgrass (Zostera marina). Nature Plants 9(8): 1370., more
Jueterbock, A.; Boström, C.; Coyer, J.A.; Olsen, J.L.; Kopp, M.; Dhanasiri, A.K.S.; Smolina, I.; Arnaud-Haond, S.; Van de Peer, Y.; Hoarau, G. (2020). The seagrass methylome is associated with variation in photosynthetic performance among clonal shoots. Front. Plant Sci. 11: 571646., more
Olsen, J.L.; Rouzé, P.; Verhelst, B.; Lin, Y.-C.; Bayer, T.; Collén, J.; Dattolo, E.; De Paoli, E.; Dittami, S.; Maumus, F.; Michel, G.; Kersting, A.; Lauritano, C.; Lohaus, R.; Töpel, M.; Tonon, T.; Vanneste, K.; Amirebrahimi, M.; Brakel, J.; Boström, C.; Chovatia, M.; Grimwood, J.; Jenkins, J.W.; Jueterbock, A.; Mraz, A.; Stam, W.T.; Tice, H.; Bornberg-Bauer, E.; Green, P.J.; Pearson, G.A.; Procaccini, G.; Duarte, C.M.; Schmutz, J.; Reusch, T.B.H.; Van de Peer, Y. (2016). The genome of the seagrass Zostera marina reveals angiosperm adaptation to the sea. Nature (Lond.) 530(7590): 331-335., more
- Jueterbock, A.; Kollias, S.; Smolina, I.; Fernandes, J.M.O.; Coyer, J.A.; Olsen, J.L.; Hoarau, G. (2014). Thermal stress resistance of the brown alga Fucus serratus along the North-Atlantic coast: acclimatization potential to climate change. Marine Genomics 13: 27-36., more
Jueterbock, A.; Tyberghein, L.; Verbruggen, H.; Coyer, J.A.; Olsen, J.L.; Hoarau, G. (2013). Climate change impact on seaweed meadow distribution in the North Atlantic rocky intertidal. Ecol. Evol. 3(5): 1356-1373., more
- Albaina, N.; Olsen, J.L.; Couceiro, L.; Ruiz, J.M.; Barreiro, R. (2012). Recent history of the European Nassarius nitidus (Gastropoda): phylogeographic evidence of glacial refugia and colonization pathways. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 159(8): 1871-1884., more
- Wahl, M.; Jormalainen, V.; Eriksson, B.K.; Coyer, J.A.; Molis, M.; Schubert, H.; Dethier, M.; Karez, R.; Kruse, I.; Lenz, M.; Pearson, G.; Rohde, S.; Wikström, S.A.; Olsen, J.L. (2011). Stress ecology in Fucus: abiotic, biotic and genetic interactions, in: Lesser, M. (Ed.) Adv. Mar. Biol. 59. Advances in Marine Biology, 59: pp. 37-105., more
- Zipperle, A.M.; Coyer, J.A.; Reise, K.; Gitz, E.; Stam, W.T.; Olsen, J.L. (2009). Clonal architecture in an intertidal bed of the dwarf eelgrass Zostera noltii in the Northern Wadden Sea: persistence through extreme physical perturbation and the importance of a seed bank. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 156(10): 2139-2148., more
- Volckaert, F.A.M.J.; Barbier, M.; Canário, A.V.M.; Olsen, J.L.; Wesnigk, J.; Clark, M.S.; Boyen, C. (2008). Empowering marine science through genomics. Marine Genomics 1(1): 33-35., more
Chevolot, M.; Wolfs, P.H.J.; Pálsson, J.; Rijnsdorp, A.D.; Stam, W.T.; Olsen, J.L. (2007). Population structure and historical demography of the thorny skate (Amblyraja radiata), Rajidae) in the North Atlantic. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 151(4): 1275-1286., more
- Chevolot, M.; Wolfs, P.H.J.; Pálsson, J.; Rijnsdorp, A.D.; Stam, W.T.; Olsen, J.L. (2007). Population structure and historical demography of the thorny skate (Amblyraja radiata, Rajidae) in the North Atlantic. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 151(4): 1275-1286., more
Chevolot, M.; Hoarau, G.; Rijnsdorp, A.D.; Stam, W.T.; Olsen, J.L. (2006). Phylogeography and population structure of thornback rays (Raja clavata L., Rajidae). Mol. Ecol. 15: 3693-3705., more
- Chevolot, M.; Ellis, J.R.; Hoarau, G.; Rijnsdorp, A.D.; Stam, W.T.; Olsen, J.L. (2006). Population structure of the thornback ray (Raja clavata L.) in British waters. J. Sea Res. 56(4): 305-316., more
- Hoarau, G.; Boon, E.; Jongma, D.N.; Ferber, S.; Palsson, J.; van der Veer, H.W.; Rijnsdorp, A.D.; Stam, W.T.; Olsen, J.L. (2005). Low effective population size and evidence for inbreeding in an overexploited flatfish, plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.). Proc. - Royal Soc., Biol. Sci. 272: 497-503., more
- Hoarau, G.; Piquet, A.M.-T.; van der Veer, H.W.; Rijnsdorp, A.D.; Stam, W.T.; Olsen, J.L. (2004). Population structure of plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) in northern Europe: a comparison of resolving power between microsatellites and mitochondrial DNA data. J. Sea Res. 51(3-4): 183-190., more
- Meusnier, I.; Valero, M.; Destombe, C.; Bonhomme, F.; Olsen, J.L.; Stam, W.T. (2004). Invasive algal species splits: successive deletion in the rDNA ITS1 suggest nascent speciation in the Caulerpa taxifolia complex. Eur. J. Phycol. 39(1): 83-92, more
- Olsen, J.L.; Stam, W.T.; Coyer, J.T.; Reusch, T.B.; Boström, C.; Clavert, E.; Christie, H.C.; Granger, S.; La Lumière, R.; Mmilchakova, N.; Oudot-Le Secq, M.-P.; Procaccini, G.; Sanjabi, B.; Serrão, E.; Veldsink, J.; Widdicombe, S.; Wyllie-Echeverria, S. (2004). North Atlantic phylogeography and large-scale population differentiation of the seagrass Zostera marina L. Mol. Ecol. 13(7): 1923-1941., more
- Coyer, J.A.; Peters, A.F.; Stam, W.T.; Olsen, J.L. (2003). Post-ice age recolonization and differentiation of Fucus serratus L. (Fucaceae: Phaeophyta) populations in Northern Europe. Mol. Ecol. 12: 1817-1829, more
Coyer, J.A.; Peters, A.F.; Hoarau, G.; Stam, W.T.; Olsen, J.L. (2002). Hybridization of the marine seaweeds, Fucus serratus and Fucus evanescens (Heterokontophyta: Phaeophyceae) in a 100-year-old zone of secondary contact. Proc. - Royal Soc., Biol. Sci. 269(1502): 1829-1834., more
- Hoarau, G.; Rijnsdorp, A.D.; van der Veer, H.W.; Stam, W.T.; Olsen, J.L. (2002). Population structure of plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) in northern Europe: microsatellites revealed large-scale spatial and temporal homogeneity. Mol. Ecol. 11(7): 1165-1176., more
Peer reviewed publication [show] |
- Coyer, J.A.; Diekmann, O.; Serrão, E.; Procaccini, G.; Milchakova, N.A.; Billingham, M.; Stam, W.T.; Olsen, J.L. (2004). Characterization of microsatellite loci in the dwarf eelgrass Zostera noltii (Zosteraceae) and cross-reactivity with Z. Japonica. Mol. Ecol. Notes 4(3): 497, more
Book chapters (3) [show] |
- Medlin, L.K.; Metfies, K.; John, U.; Olsen, J.L. (2007). Algal molecular systematics: a review of the past and prospects for the future, in: Brodie, J. et al. (Ed.) Unravelling the algae: the past, present, and future of algal systematics. The Systematics Association Special Volume Series, 75: pp. 341-353, more
- Olsen, J.L. (2003). Molecular genetics in benthic macrophyte diversity research, in: Heip, C.H.R. et al. Biodiversity of coastal marine ecosystems pattern and process: a Euroconference, Corinth, Greece 05-10 May 2001. pp. 16-17, more
- Olsen, J.L. (1999). Earth is a marine habitat and marine biodiversity matters, in: Barthel, K.-G. et al. (Ed.) Third European Marine Science and Technology Conference, Lisbon, 23-27 May 1998: Conference Proceedings. pp. 319-328, more
Reports (3) [show] |
Vincx, M.; Antia, A.; Deprez, T.; Fiksen, Ø.; Koski, M.; MacKenzie, B.; McGrane, P.; O’Carroll, C.; Olsen, J.L.; Menezes Pinheiro, L.; Ribera d’Alcalà, M.; Roullet, G. (2018). Training the 21st Century Marine Professional: A new vision for marine graduate education and training programmes in Europe. Marine Board Future Science Brief, 2. European Marine Board: Ostend. 47 pp., more
Querellou, J.; Børresen, T.; Boyen, C.; Dobson, A.; Höfle, M.G.; Ianora, A.; Jaspars, M.; Kijjoa, A.; Olafsen, J.; Rigos, G.; Wijffels, R.; Compère, C.; Magot, M.; Olsen, J.L.; Potin, Ph.; Volckaert, F. (2010). Marine biotechnology: a new vision and strategy for Europe. European Marine Board Position Paper, 15. European Science Foundation, Marine Board: Oostende. ISBN 978-2-918428-26-8. 91 pp., more
Volckaert, F.A.M.J.; Barbier, M.; Canário, A.V.M.; Clark, M.S.; Glóckner, F.O.; Olsen, J.L.; Wesnigk, J.; Boyen, C. (2008). The European flagship of marine sciences for a sustainable future. Marine Genomics Europe: Roscoff. 38 pp., more
Other publication [show] |
- Jueterbock, A.; Coyer, J.A.; Tyberghein, L.; Olsen, J.L.; Hoarau, G. (2011). Responses of the intertidal key species Fucus serratus to North Atlantic warming, in: 13th Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology. pp. 1, more
Thesis (co-)promotor [show] |