Publications (12) |
Top | Institute | Publications | Project | Dataset |
A1 Publications (3) [show] |
Palialexis, A.; Kousteni, V.; Boicenco, L.; Enserink, L.; Pagou, K.; Zweifel, U.L.; Somma, F.; Cheilari, A.; Connor, D. (2021). Monitoring biodiversity for the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive: lessons learnt from evaluating the official reports. Mar. Policy 128: 104473., more
- Costello, M.J.; Connor, D.W. (2019). Connectivity Is generally not important for marine reserve planning. Trends Ecol. Evol. 34(8): 686-688., more
- Galparsoro, I.; Connor, D.W.; Borja, A.; Aish, A.; Amorim, P.; Bajjouk, T.; Chambers, C.; Coggan, R.; Dirberg, G.; Ellwood, H.; Evans, D.; Goodin, K.L.; Grehan, A.; Haldin, J.; Howell, K.; Jenkins, C.; Michez, N.; Mo, G.L.; Buhl-Mortensen, P.; Pearce, B.; Populus, J.; Salomidi, M.; Sanchez, F.; Serrano, A.; Shumchenia, E.; Tempera, F.; Vasquez, M. (2012). Using EUNIS habitat classification for benthic mapping in European seas: present concerns and future needs. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 64(12): 2630-2638., more
Book [show] |
Davies, J.; Baxter, J.; Bradley, M.; Connor, D.; Khan, J.; Murray, E.; Sanderson, W.; Turnbull, C.; Vincent, M. (Ed.) (2001). Marine monitoring handbook. March 2001. Joint Nature Conservation Committee: UK. ISBN 1-86107-524-3. 405 pp., more
Book chapters (6) [show] |
Connor, D. (2011). Reconciling human activities with EU’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive [PPT Presentation], in: QUEST4D Symposium: Human footprint on the floor. Keys from the past. Doors to the future, 2nd September 2011, Brussels. pp. 1-3, more
Connor, D. (2011). Marine Strategy Framework Directive – an introduction to seafloor issues [PPT Presentation], in: QUEST4D Symposium: Human footprint on the floor. Keys from the past. Doors to the future, 2nd September 2011, Brussels. pp. 1-23, more
- Costello, M.J.; Picton, B.E.; Emblow, C.; Guiry, M.D.; Connor, D. (1998). Electronic dissemination of marine biodiversity information collated in databases, in: Bohle-Carbonell, M. (Ed.) Marine Science and Technology Programme experiences in project data management. pp. 73-84, more
- Connor, D. (1995). The development of a biotope classification in Great Britain and Ireland: principals and structure of the classification, in: Hiscock, K. (Ed.) Classification of benthic marine biotopes of the north-east Atlantic: Proceedings of a BioMar-Life workshop held in Cambridge, 16-18 November 1994. pp. 30-46, more
- Connor, D. (1995). Summary of conclusions from the workshop subgroups, in: Hiscock, K. (Ed.) Classification of benthic marine biotopes of the north-east Atlantic: Proceedings of a BioMar-Life workshop held in Cambridge, 16-18 November 1994. pp. 79-86, more
- Connor, D. (1995). The way forward: further development of the classification, in: Hiscock, K. (Ed.) Classification of benthic marine biotopes of the north-east Atlantic: Proceedings of a BioMar-Life workshop held in Cambridge, 16-18 November 1994. pp. 87-95, more
Abstracts (2) [show] |
Connor, D. (2010). Prospects for a seabed and habitat map of Europe, in: McDonough, N. et al. (Ed.) EurOCEAN 2010 - Grand challenges for marine research in the next decade, Oostende, Belgium, 12-13 October 2010: Book of Abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 47: pp. 15, more
- Davies, J.; Wilkinson, S.; Connor, D. (2004). Managing and distributing marine biodiversity data to meet the needs of marine conservation, in: Ocean Biodiversity Informatics, Hamburg, Germany: 29 November to 1 December 2004: book of abstracts. pp. 32-33, more