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Université de Liège; Laboratoire de Géomorphologie et Télédétection (Ulg/GEOMO), more
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- Contribution of SAR (RADARSAT) and AVNIR (ADEOS) images to the study of bathymetry and wave field in the Bay of Hai Phong (Vietnam), more
Publications (13) |
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A1 Publications (4) [show] |
- El Abdellaoui, J.E.; Petit, F.; Ghaleb, B.; Ozer, A. (2016). Sea-level fluctuation during MIS 5e and geomorphological context on the southern coast of the Strait of Gibraltar (Morocco). Géomorphologie 22(3): 287-301., more
- Konan, K.E.; Abe, J.; Aka, K.; Neumeier, U.; Nyssen, J.; Ozer, A. (2016). Impacts des houles exceptionnelles sur le littoral ivoirien du Golfe de Guinée. Géomorphologie 22(1): 105-120., more
- Toure, B.; Kouame, K.; Souleye, W.; Collet, C.; Affian, K.; Ozer, A.; Rudant, J.; Biemi, J. (2012). L’influence des actions anthropiques dans l’évolution historique d’un littoral sableux à forte dérive sédimentaire : la baie de Port-Bouët (Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire) = The influence of anthropic actions in the historical coastal evolution of a sandy coast with high sediment drift: the Bay of Port-Bouet (Abidjan, Ivory Coast). Géomorphologie 18(3): 369-382., more
- Tigny, V.; Ozer, A.; De Falco, G.; Baroli, M.; Djenidi, S. (2007). Relationship between the evolution of the shoreline and the Posidonia oceanica meadow limit in a Sardinian coastal zone. J. Coast. Res. 23(3): 787-793., more
Book chapters (7) [show] |
- Hens, L.; Dautrebande, S.; Ozer, A.; De Wulf, R. (2002). Establishment and application of a geographical information system, including spatial remote sensing applications, to support sustainable management of coastal zone in North Vietnam, in: Earth observation by satellite Telsat 4. pp. 285-295, more
- Ozer, A. (2002). Contribution of SAR (RADARSAT) and AVNIR (ADEOS) images to the study of bathymetry and wave field in the Bay of Hi Phong, in: Earth observation by satellite Telsat 4. pp. 297-304, more
- Lianwu, Y.; Zhenxing, D.; Cunshi, Z.; Longzhang, L.; Ozer, A. (1992). On the refinement technique in the HYDRO model, in: Ozer, J. (Ed.) Oil pollution: environmental risk assessment (OPERA), proceedings of the final workshop held in Dalian - China, 9-10 December 1991. pp. 117-128, more
- Lejeune, A.; Grilli, S.; Bay, D.; Ozer, A. (1988). Erosion causes of Calvi beach, in: Actes du colloque: recherches oceanographiques en mer Mediterranee (biologie, chimie, géologie, physique). pp. 235-246, more
- Ozer, A. (1988). Beach erosion, in: Cottenie, A.H. et al. Belgian research on Global Change IGBP: Proceedings of a Symposium held in Brussels on 22 April 1988. pp. 207-208, more
- Ozer, A.; Comhaire, A. (1988). Apports de la morphometrie des galets a la connaisance du transport littoral: exemples en Sardaigne, Ligurie et Corse, in: Actes du colloque: recherches oceanographiques en mer Mediterranee (biologie, chimie, géologie, physique). pp. 223-234, more
De Moor, G.; Ozer, A. (1985). Belgium, in: Bird, E.C.F. et al. The World's coastline. pp. 353-358, more
Other publications (2) [show] |
Belfiore, A.; Damblon, F.; Moncharmont, M.; Ozer, A.; Pescatore, T.; Streel, M.; Thorez, J. (1981). La sédimentation récente du Golfe de Tarente (Italie Méridoniale): aspects minéralogiques et micropaléontologiques. Bull. Soc. r. Sci. Liège 50: 373-383, more
Fierro, G.; Ozer, A.; Picazzo, M.; Ulzega, A. (1981). Les Bouches de Bonifacio: observations morphologiques. Bull. Soc. r. Sci. Liège 50: 426-432, more