Publications (5) |
Top | Institutes | Publications | Project |
Book chapters (2) [show] |
- MacCracken, M.; Escobar-Briones, E.; Gilbert, D.; Korotaev, G.; Naqvi, W.; Perillo, G.M.E.; Rixen, T.; Stanev, E.; Sundby, B.; Thomas, H.; Unger, D.; Urban Jr., E.R. (2008). Vulnerability of semi-enclosed marine systems to environmental disturbances, in: Urban Jr., E.R. et al. (Ed.) Watersheds, bays, and bounded seas: The science and management of semi-enclosed marine systems. Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE) Series, 70: pp. 9-29, more
- Sarkisyan, A.S.; Demyshev, S.G.; Korotaev, G.K.; Moiseenko, V.A. (1985). Numerical experiments on a four-dimensional analysis of polymode and "sections" programmes oceanographic data, in: Nihoul, J.C.J. (Ed.) Coupled ocean-atmosphere models: papers presented at the 16th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics. Elsevier Oceanography Series, 40: pp. 659-673, more
Abstracts (2) [show] |
- Cordoneanu, E.; Dorofeev, V.; Fomin, V.; Korchev, G.; Kordzadze, A.; Korotaev, G.; Korotenko, K.; Kubryakov, A.; Oguz, T.; Resnyansky, Yu.; Trukhcheve, D.; Slabakov, H. (2007). Development of the Black Sea Nowcasting/Forecasting System (part of ARENA), in: Cieslikiewicz, W. et al. (Ed.) Proceedings of the EurOCEAN 2004: European Conference on Marine Science & Ocean Technology: Celebrating European marine science; building the European research area; communicating marine science, Galway, Ireland, 10-13 May 2004. pp. 356, more
- Cordoneanu, E.; Dorofeev, V.; Fomin, V.; Korchev, G.; Kordzadze, A.; Korotaev, G.; Korotenko, K.; Kubryakov, A.; Oguz, T.; Resnyansky, Yu.; Trukhcheve, D.; Slabakov, H. (2004). Development of the Black Sea Nowcasting/Forecasting System (part of ARENA), in: European Conference on Marine Science and Ocean Technology. Celebrating European marine science: building the European research area: communicating marine science, 10th - 13th May 2004, Galway, Ireland: abstract book. pp. 188, more
Report [show] |
Bilashvili, K.; Cordoneanu, E.; Korotaev, G.; Kubryakov, A.; Postnov, A.; Salihoglu, I.; Slabakov, H.; Aarup, T. (2003). Black Sea GOOS strategic action and implementation plan, March 2003. GOOS Report, 133. IOC Information Documents, 1176. ii, 63 + annexes pp., more