Institutes (2) |
Top | Institutes | Publications | Project | Datasets |
- Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen; Data en informatiecentrum voor biodiversiteit en ecosystemen (BEDIC), more
Direct contact at institute:
Tel.: +32-0)2-627 43 18
- Belgian Science Policy; Belgian Biodiversity Platform (BBPF), more
Function: Science Officer
Direct contact at institute:
Tel.: +32-(0)2-627 43 18
| |
Previous institute |
Top | Institutes | Publications | Project | Datasets |
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; Departement Biologie; Afdeling Dierenecologie en -systematiek; Diversiteit en Systematiek van Dieren, more
Function: PhD student
Datasets (82) |
Top | Institutes | Publications | Project | Datasets |
- A. Atkinson, V. Siegel , E. Pakhomov, P. Rothery (2004): Long-term decline in krill stock and increase in salps within the Southern Ocean. Nature 432: 100-103, more
- A. Atkinson, V. Siegel , E. Pakhomov, P. Rothery (2004): Long-term decline in krill stock and increase in salps within the Southern Ocean. Nature 432: 100-103, more
- A. Atkinson, V. Siegel , E. Pakhomov, P. Rothery (2004): Long-term decline in krill stock and increase in salps within the Southern Ocean. Nature 432: 100-103, more
- A. Atkinson, V. Siegel , E. Pakhomov, P. Rothery (2004): Long-term decline in krill stock and increase in salps within the Southern Ocean. Nature 432: 100-103, more
- A. Atkinson, V. Siegel , E. Pakhomov, P. Rothery (2004): Long-term decline in krill stock and increase in salps within the Southern Ocean. Nature 432: 100-103, more
- A. Atkinson, V. Siegel , E. Pakhomov, P. Rothery (2004): Long-term decline in krill stock and increase in salps within the Southern Ocean. Nature 432: 100-103, more
- A. Atkinson, V. Siegel , E. Pakhomov, P. Rothery (2004): Long-term decline in krill stock and increase in salps within the Southern Ocean. Nature 432: 100-103, more
- A. Atkinson, V. Siegel , E. Pakhomov, P. Rothery (2004): Long-term decline in krill stock and increase in salps within the Southern Ocean. Nature 432: 100-103, more
- A. Atkinson, V. Siegel , E. Pakhomov, P. Rothery (2004): Long-term decline in krill stock and increase in salps within the Southern Ocean. Nature 432: 100-103, more
- Allcock L [date accessed]. Southern Ocean Octopoda. Contribution to SCAR-MarBIN, available online, more
- Bacterial diversity in Adélie penguin, Pygoscelis adeliae, guano: molecular and morpho-physiological approaches, Marek K. Zdanowski Piotr Weglenski Pawel Golik Joanna M. Sasin Piotr Borsuk Magdalena J. Zmuda Anna Stankovic, (2006) FEMS Microbiol Ecol 50 (3): 163-173., more
- Baker,A.J., Pereira,S.L., Haddrath,O.P. and Edge,K.A. Multiple gene evidence for expansion of extant penguins out of Antarctica due to global cooling. Proc. Biol. Sci. 273 (1582), 11-17 (2006), more
- Brandão, Simone Nunes. Southern Ocean Ostracoda (except Halocypridina) database., more
- British Antarctic Survey, BIOPEARL I expedition JR 144 on RRS James Clark Ross, more
- Burns, Jennifer M., Daniel P. Costa. The movements of 35 seals were monitored via satellite, Antarctic, 2001 and 2002, GLOBEC, more
- CAML bird and mammal census in the Southern Ocean. I.R.Sc.N.B. / I.P.F. supported by "Fond Léopold III", more
- Che-Castaldo C, Humphries G, Lynch H, Van de Putte A (2023). Antarctic Penguin Biogeography Project: Database of abundance and distribution for the Adélie, chinstrap, gentoo, emperor, macaroni, and king penguin south of 60 S. Version 2.3. SCAR - AntOBIS. Samplingevent dataset., more
- Danis B, Jangoux M, 2008. Sea stars from the Marion Dufresne MD03 expedition in Kerguelen islands. Contribution to the SCAR-Marine Biodiversity Information Network., more
- Danis B, Wilmes J, Jangoux M, 2008. Sea stars from the EPOS 3 expedition. Contribution to the SCAR-Marine Biodiversity Information Network., more
- Danis B, Wilmes J, Jangoux M, 2008. Sea stars from the Walter Herwig FFS expedition. Contribution to the SCAR-Marine Biodiversity Information Network., more
- Danis B, Wilmes J, Tablado A, 2008. Sea stars from the Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales (MACN) collection. Contribution to the SCAR-Marine Biodiversity Information Network., more
- De Broyer C, Lowry J.K , Jazdzewski K. and Robert H. (2007). Catalogue of the Gammaridean and Corophiidean Amphipoda (Crustacea) of the Southern Ocean with distribution and ecological data. In: De Broyer C. (Ed.), Census of Antarctic Marine Life, Synopsis of the Amphipoda of the Southern Ocean. Volume 1. Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique , Biologie, 77 (suppl. 1), 1-325., more
- De Broyer C., Lowry J.K., Jazdzewski K. & Robert H., 2007. Catalogue of the Gammaridean and Corophiidean Amphipoda (Crustacea) of the Southern Ocean with distribution and ecological data. In: De Broyer, C. (ed.) Census of Antarctic Marine Life. Synopsis of the Amphipoda of the Southern Ocean. /Bulletin de l’Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Biologie / 77(Suppl.1, part 1): 1-325., more
- Emig C, Geographic distribution of Brachiopod species in the Antarctic - Subantarctic region, [year accessed]. available from the SCAR-MarBIN website., more
- Fevolden S (1979) Investigations on krill (Euphausiacea) sampled during the Norwegian Antarctic Research Expedition 1976-77 . Sarsia 64: 189-198, more
- Fevolden, SE (1980) Krill off Bouvetöya and in the southern Weddell Sea with a description of larval stages of Euphausia crystallorophias. Sarsia 65: 149-162, more
- Friedlander A M, Goodell W, Salinas-de-León P, Ballesteros E, Berkenpas E, Capurro A P, Cárdenas C A, Hüne M, Lagger C, Landaeta M F, Muñoz A, Santos M, Turchik A, Werner R, Sala E (2020): Argentina–Chile National Geographic Pristine Seas Expedition To The Antarctic Peninsula - Deep Sea Cam Data. v1.2. SCAR - AntOBIS. Dataset/Occurrence., more
- Fritsen, C. Bacteria and chlorophyll-a water column observations (surface to ~150m), April-August 2001, Continental Margin Western Antarctic Peninsula, GLOBEC, more
- Gram, Melchiorsen and Bruhn, 2009, submitted, more
- Havermans et al (2010) Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 55 (2010) 202–209 lysianassoids, more
- Ingels J, Hauquier F, Raes M, Vanreusel A (2020): SCAR Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean - Antarctic free-living marine Nematodes - Data. v1.3. SCAR - AntOBIS. Dataset/Occurrence., more
- Jennings et al. PLoS ONE 5 (4), E9949 (2010), more
- Kathrin Krabbe1, Florian Leese1 , Christoph Mayer1, Ralph Tollrian1 and Christoph Held2. Polar Biology Volume 33, Number 3 / March, 2010. p281-292., more
- Koubbi P., Goffart A., Hecq J.H., Swadling K., Beans C., Wright S., 2007. Plankton and ichthyoplankton database of the Icota-Pelagant Programmes from Terre Adélie to the Mertz Glacier Tongue, East-Antarctica, in January 2004., more
- Lanna, Campos, Bassoi. 2008. South American Antarctic MarineBiodiversity Literature., more
- Lindsay D [date accessed]. Antarctic Jellyfish, a literature-based compilation. Accessed online through the SCAR-MarBIN portal, more
- Lindsay D., [Date accessed]. A compilation of Cnidaria records for the Southern Ocean. Contribution to SCAR-MarBIN., more
- Linse,K., Cope,T., Lorz,A.-N. and Sands,C. Is the Scotia Sea a center of Antarctic marine diversification? Evidence of cryptic speciation in the circum-Antarctic bivalve Lissarca notorcadensis (Arcoidea: Philobryidae) Polar Biology 30( 8): 1059-106, 2006, more
- Lörz and Held 2004 Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 31 (2004) 4–15, more
- MNA - Sezione di Genova - (, more
- Mackenzie M, O’Loughlin P M, Griffiths H, Van de Putte A P (2021): Sea cucumbers (Echinodemata, Holothuroidea) from the JR275 expedition to the Eastern Weddell Sea, Antarctica - Data. v1.2. SCAR - AntOBIS. Dataset/Occurrence., more
- Mahon,A.R., Arango,C.P. and Halanych,K.M. Genetic diversity of Nymphon (Arthropoda: Pycnogonida: Nymphonidae)along the Antarctic Peninsula with a focus on Nymphon australe Mar. Biol. 155, 315-323 (2008), more
- Mark C. Benfield and William M. Graham [date accessed]. In situ observations of Stygiomedusa gigantea in the Gulf of Mexico with a review of its global distribution and habitat., more
- Martin, P [date accessed]. Southern Ocean oligochaete occurrence data - a literature-based compilation. accessed through the SCAR-MarBIN webportal., more
- Matschiner,M., Hanel,R. and Salzburger,W. Gene flow by larval dispersal in the Antarctic notothenioid fish Gobionotothen gibberifrons Mol. Ecol. 18 (12), 2574-2587 (2009), more
- Maxwell J, Gan Y, Van de Putte A, Griffiths H (2023). Sea spiders (Arthropoda, Pycnogonida) from ten recent research expeditions to the Antarctic Peninsula, Scotia Arc and Weddell Sea - data. Version 1.9. SCAR - AntOBIS. Occurrence dataset., more
- Michel L (2019): Staying cool also has consequences: increased sea ice cover disrupts food web structure in East Antarctica-Data. v1.1. SCAR - AntOBIS. Dataset/Occurrence., more
- Moran,D.M., Anderson,O.R., Dennett,M.R., Caron,D.A. and Gast,R.J., more
- N.M. Voronina, Y.A. Rudyakov, B. Vilenkin, SOVIET ANTARCTIC EXPEDITIONS for Zooplankton. Contribution to the SCAR Marine Biodiversity Information Network (SCAR-MarBIN)., more
- NA, more
- NA, more
- Neilsen, Lavery & Lorz (2009) Synopsis of a new collection of sea spiders from the Ross Sea Antarctica , In press Polar Biology, more
- Petryashov V. Geographic distribution of Lophogastrida species in the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic regions., more
- Petryashov. V.V. 2007. Biogeographical division of Antarctic and Subantarctic by Mysid (Crustacea: Mysidacea) fauna. Russian Journal of Marine Biology 33(1): 1-16, more
- RAS: RAS (Eds.) (2025). Register of Antarctic Species. Accessed at on yyyy-mm-dd, more
- Ropert-Coudert Y, Van de Putte A P, Bornemann H, Charrassin J, Costa D P, Danis B, Hückstädt L A, Jonsen I D, Lea M, Reisinger R R, Thompson D, Torres L G, Trathan P N, Wotherspoon S, Ainley D G, Alderman R, Andrews-Goff V, Arthur B, Ballard G, Bengtson J, Bester M N, Boehme L, Bost C, Boveng P, Cleeland J, Constantine R, Crawford R J M, Dalla Rosa L, de Bruyn P N, Delord K, Descamps S, Double M, Emmerson L, Fedak M, Friedlander A, Gales N, Goebel M, Goetz K T, Guinet C, Goldsworthy S D, Harcourt R, Hinke J, Jerosch K, Kato A, Kerry K R, Kirkwood R, Kooyma G L, Kovacs K M, Lawton K, Lowther A D, Lydersen C, Lyver P O, Makhado A B, Márquez M E I, McDonald B, McMahon C, Muelbert M, Nachtsheim D, Nicholls K W, Nordøy E S, Olmastroni S, Phillips R A, Pistorius P, Plötz J, Pütz K, Ratcliffe N, Ryan P G, Santos M, Schytte Blix A, Southwell C, Staniland I, Takahashi A, Tarroux A, Trivelpiece W, Wakefield E, Weimerskirch H, Wienecke B, Xavier J C, Raymond B, Hindell M A (2020): The Retrospective Analysis of Antarctic Tracking (Standardised) Data from the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research. v1.3. SCAR - AntOBIS. Dataset/Metadata., more
- Sala, A.; Azzali, M.; Russo, A, 2000. Krill of the Ross Sea: distribution, abundance and demography of Euphausia superba and Euphausia crystallorophias during the Italian Antarctic Expedition (January-February 2000) Scientia Marina 66: 123-133, more
- Salvatore Stampanato, Etude taxonomique et zoogéographique des astérides des régions antarctiques et subantarctiques, Brussels, more
- Schüller, M. 2010. SO-Polylist - a summary of Southern Ocean polychaete records., more
- Sicinski J. 2008. Admiralty Bay Benthos Diversity Data Base (ABBED). Polychaeta., more
- Sicinski J., Bamber R. 2008. Admiralty Bay Benthos Diversity Data Base (ABBED). Pycnogonida., more
- Sicinski J., Blazewicz-Paszkowycz M. 2008. Admiralty Bay Benthos Diversity Data Base (ABBED). Cumacea., more
- Sicinski J., Blazewicz-Paszkowycz M. 2008. Admiralty Bay Benthos Diversity Data Base (ABBED). Tanaidacea., more
- Siegel, V. Krill occurence data from GAMLR (German Antarctic Marine Living Resources) Expedition, more
- Smirnov I, Vasiljeva A, Konina T. Collections data on ecology of bottom animal of the Southern ocean, more
- Southern Ocean Cumacea records by U. Muellenhardt-Siegel, more
- Thornhill et al . 2008. Mol. Ecol. 17 (23), 5104-5117, more
- Thornhill,D.J., Mahon,A.R., Norenburg,J.L. and Halanych,K.M. Molecular Ecology (2008) 17, 5104-5218, more
- W P Goodall-Copestake1, S Pérez-Espona2, M S Clark1, E J Murphy1, P J Seear1 and G A Tarling1(2010) Swarms of diversity at the gene cox1 in Antarctic krill. In press 2010, more
- Wilson, NG; Schrodl, M; Halanych, KM. MOLECULAR ECOLOGY Volume: 18 Issue: 5 Pages: 965-984 Published: 2009, more
- Wilson,N.G., Hunter,R.L., Lockhart,S.J. and Halanych,K.M. Multiple lineages and absence of panmixia in the 'circumpolar' crinoid Promachocrinus kerguelensis from the Atlantic sector of Antarctica Mar. Biol. 152 (4), 895-904 (2007), more
- Woods B, Trebilco R, Walters A, Hindell M, Duhamel G, Flores H, Moteki M, Pruvost P, Reiss C, Saunders R, Sutton C, Gan Y, Van de Putte A (2023). Myctobase, a circumpolar database of mesopelagic fishes for new insights into deep pelagic prey fields - data. Version 1.1. SCAR - AntOBIS. Samplingevent dataset., more
- Yan Ropert-Coudert, Anton P. Van de Putte, Horst Bornemann, Jean-Benoît Charrassin, Daniel P. Costa, Bruno Danis, Luis A. Hückstädt, Ian D. Jonsen, Mary-Anne Lea, Ryan R. Reisinger, David Thompson, Leigh G. Torres, Philip N. Trathan, Simon Wotherspoon, David G. Ainley, Rachael Alderman, Virginia Andrews-Goff, Ben Arthur, Grant Ballard, … Mark A. Hindell. (2020). Filtered Data from the Retrospective Analysis of Antarctic Tracking Data Project from the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research [Data set]. In Scientific Data (Vol. 7, Number 94)., more
- Zeidler W. & De Broyer C., 2009. Catalogue of the Hyperiidean Amphipoda (Crustacea) of the Southern Ocean with distribution and ecological data. Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique 79 (Suppl. 1): 1-104., more
- Antarctic Echinoids: an interactive database, more
- Antarctic Foraminiferans, more
- Antarctic Marine Species Sequence Data, more
- Krill abundance, vertical and horizontal distribution (MOCNESS system), April-June 2001-02, continental margin west of Antarctic Peninsula, GLOBEC, more
- Nemertina World Checklist, more
- PolE At Sea Observations of Birds and Marine Mammals during PS 81 (ANT-XXIX/4), more
- SCAR Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean - macroalgae - Data, more
- SOMBASE - Southern Ocean mollusc database: a tool for biogeographic analysis in diversity and evolution, more
Publications (94) |
Top | Institutes | Publications | Project | Datasets |
A1 Publications (49) [show] |
- Becker, S.L.; Boyd, C.; Handley, J.M.; Raymond, B.; Reisinger, R.; Ropert-Coudert, Y.; Apelgren, N.; Davies, T.E.; Lea, M.-A.; Santos, M.; Trathan, P.N.; Van de Putte, A.P.; Hückstädt, L.A.; Charrassin, J.-B.; Brooks, C.M. (2024). Scaling up ocean conservation through recognition of key biodiversity areas in the Southern Ocean from multispecies tracking data. Conserv. Biol. Early view: e14345., more
- Griffiths, H.J.; Cummings, V.; Van de Putte, A.; Whittle, R.J.; Waller, C.L. (2024). Antarctic benthic ecological change. Nat. Rev. Earth Environ. 5(9): 645-664., more
- Bonnet-Lebrun, A.-S.; Sweetlove, M.; Griffiths, H.J.; Sumner, M.; Provoost, P.; Raymond, B.; Ropert-Coudert, Y.; Van de Putte, A. (2023). Opportunities and limitations of large open biodiversity occurrence databases in the context of a Marine Ecosystem Assessment of the Southern Ocean. Front. Mar. Sci. 10: 1150603., more
- Meyer, R.; Appeltans, W.; Duncan, W.D.; Dimitrova, M.; Gan, Y.M.; Jeppesen, T.S.; Mungall, C.; Paul, D.L.; Provoost, P.; Robertson, T.; Schriml, L.; Suominen, S.; Walls, R.; Sweetlove, M.; Ung, V.; Van de Putte, A.; Wallis, E.; Wieczorek, J.; Buttigieg, P.L. (2023). Aligning standards communities for Omics Biodiversity Data: sustainable Darwin Core-MIxS interoperability. Biodiversity Data Journal 11: e112420., more
- Woods, B.L.; Van de Putte, A.P.; Hindell, M.A.; Raymond, B.; Saunders, R.A.; Walters, A.; Trebilco, R. (2023). Species distribution models describe spatial variability in mesopelagic fish abundance in the Southern Ocean. Front. Mar. Sci. 9: 981434., more
- Frédérich, B.; Heindler, F.M.; Christiansen, H.; Dettaï, A.; Van de Putte, A.; Volckaert, F.A.M.; Lepoint, G. (2022). Repeated morphological diversification in endemic Antarctic fishes of the genus Trematomus. Belg. J. Zool. 152: 55–73., more
- Gutt, J.; Arndt, S.; Barnes, D.K.A.; Bornemann, H.; Brey, T.; Eisen, O.; Flores, H.; Griffiths, H.; Haas, C.; Hain, S.; Hattermann, T.; Held, C.; Hoppema, M.; Isla, E.; Janout, M.; Le Bohec, C.; Link, H.; Mark, F.C.; Moreau, S.; Trimborn, S.; van Opzeeland, I.; Pörtner, H.-O.; Schaafsma, F.; Teschke, K.; Tippenhauer, S.; Van de Putte, A.P.; Wege, M.; Zitterbart, D.; Piepenburg, D. (2022). Reviews and syntheses: a framework to observe, understand and projectecosystem response to environmental change in the East Antarctic Southern Ocean. Biogeosciences 19(22): 5313-5342., more
- Maxwell, J.; Gan, Y.M.; Arango, C.; Doemel, J.S.; Allcock, A.L.; Van de Putte, A.P.; Griffiths, H. (2022). Sea spiders (Arthropoda, Pycnogonida) from ten recent research expeditions to the Antarctic Peninsula, Scotia Arc and Weddell Sea - data. Biodiversity Data Journal 10: e79353., more
- Moreau, C.; Le Bourg, B.; Balazy, P.; Danis, B.; Eleaume, M.; Jossart, Q.; Kuklinski, P.; Lepoint, G.; Saucède, T.; Van de Putte, A.; Michel, L.N. (2022). Trophic markers and biometric measurements in Southern Ocean sea stars (1985-2017). Ecology 103(3): e3611., more
- Reisinger, R.R.; Brooks, C.M.; Raymond, B.; Freer, J.J.; Cotté, C.; Xavier, J.C.; Trathan, P.N.; Bornemann, H.; Charrassin, J.-B.; Costa, D.P.; Danis, B.; Hückstädt, L.; Jonsen, I.D.; Lea, M.-A.; Torres, L.; Van de Putte, A.; Wotherspoon, S.; Friedlaender, A.S.; Ropert-Coudert, Y.; Hindell, M. (2022). Predator-derived bioregions in the Southern Ocean: characteristics, drivers and representation in marine protected areas. Biol. Conserv. 272: 109630., more
- Schaafsma, F.L.; David, C.L.; Kohlbach, D.; Ehrlich, J.; Castellani, G.; Lange, B.A.; Vortkamp, M.; Meijboom, A.; Fortuna-Wünsch, A.; Immerz, A.; Cantzler, H.; Klasmeier, A.; Zakharova, N.; Schmidt, K.; Van de Putte, A.; van Franeker, J.A.; Flores, H. (2022). Allometric relationships of ecologically important Antarctic and Arctic zooplankton and fish species. Polar Biol. 45(2): 203-224., more
- Woods, B.L.; Trebilco, R.; Walters, A.; Hindell, M.; Duhamel, G.; Flores, H.; Moteki, M.; Pruvost, P.; Reiss, C.; Saunders, R.A.; Sutton, C.; Gan, Y.-M.; Van de Putte, A. (2022). Myctobase, a circumpolar database of mesopelagic fishes for new insights into deep pelagic prey fields. Scientific Data 9: 404., more
- Brasier, M.J.; Barnes, D.; Bax, N.; Brandt, A.; Christianson, A.B.; Constable, A.J.; Downey, R.; Figuerola, B.; Griffiths, H.; Gutt, J.; Lockhart, S.; Morley, S.A.; Post, A.L.; Van de Putte, A.; Saeedi, H.; Stark, J.S.; Sumner, M.; Waller, C.L. (2021). Responses of Southern Ocean seafloor habitats and communities to global and local drivers of change. Front. Mar. Sci. 8: 622721., more
- Caccavo, J.A.; Christiansen, H.; Constable, A.J.; Ghigliotti, L.; Trebilco, R.; Brooks, C.M.; Cotte, C.; Desvignes, T.; Dornan, T.; Jones, C.D.; Koubbi, P.; Saunders, R.A.; Strobel, A.; Vacchi, M.; Van de Putte, A.P.; Walters, A.; Waluda, C.M.; Woods, B.L.; Xavier, J.C. (2021). Productivity and change in fish and squid in the Southern Ocean. Front. Ecol. Evol. 9: 624918., more
- Christiansen, H.; Heindler, F.M.; Hellemans, B.; Jossart, Q.; Pasotti, F.; Robert, H.; Verheye, M.; Danis, B.; Kochzius, M.; Leliaert, F.; Moreau, C.; Patel, T.; Van de Putte, A.P.; Vanreusel, A.; Volckaert, F.A.M.; Schön, I. (2021). Facilitating population genomics of non-model organisms through optimized experimental design for reduced representation sequencing. BMC Genom. 22(1): 625., more
- Ingels, Jeroen; Aronson, Richard B.; Smith, Craig R.; Baco, Amy; Bik, Holly M.; Blake, James A.; Brandt, Angelika; Cape, Mattias; Demaster, David; Dolan, Emily; Domack, Eugene; Fire, Spencer; Geisz, Heidi; Gigliotti, Michael; Griffiths, Huw; Halanych, Kenneth M.; Havermans, Charlotte; Huettmann, Falk; Ishman, Scott; Kranz, Sven A.; Leventer, Amy; Mahon, Andrew R.; McClintock, James; McCormick, Michael L.; Mitchell, B. Greg; Murray, Alison E.; Peck, Lloyd; Rogers, Alex; Shoplock, Barbara; Smith, Kathryn E.; Steffel, Brittan; Stukel, Michael R.; Sweetman, Andrew K.; Taylor, Michelle; Thurber, Andrew R.; Truffer, Martin; Putte, Anton; Vanreusel, Ann; Zamora‐Duran, Maria Angelica (2021). Antarctic ecosystem responses following ice‐shelf collapse and iceberg calving: Science review and future research. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 12(1): e682., more
- MacKenzie, M.; O'Loughlin, P.M.; Griffiths, H.; Van de Putte, A. (2021). Sea cucumbers (Echinodermata, Holothuroidea) from the JR275 expedition to the eastern Weddell Sea, Antarctica. ZooKeys 1054: 155-172., more
- Maes, S.M.; Christiansen, H.; Mark, F.C.; Lucassen, M.; Van de Putte, A.; Volckaert, F.A.M.; Flores, H. (2021). High gene flow in polar cod (Boreogadus saida) from West-Svalbard and the Eurasian Basin. J. Fish Biol. 99(1): 49-60., more
- Matsuoka, K.; Skoglund, A.; Roth, G.; de Pomereu, J.; Griffiths, H.; Headland, R.; Herried, B.; Katsumata, K.; Le Brocq, A.; Licht, K.; Morgan, F.; Neff, P.D.; Ritz, C.; Scheinert, M.; Tamura, T.; Van de Putte, A.; van den Broeke, M.; von Deschwanden, A.; Deschamps-Berger, C.; Van Liefferinge, B.; Tronstad, S.; Melvær, Y. (2021). Quantarctica, an integrated mapping environment for Antarctica, the Southern Ocean, and sub-Antarctic islands. Environ. Model. Softw. 140: 105015., more
- McCormack, S.A.; Melbourne-Thomas, J.; Trebilco, R.; Griffith, G.; Hill, S.L.; Hoover, C.; Johnston, N.M.; Marina, T.I.; Murphy, E.J.; Pakhomov, E.A.; Pinkerton, M.; Plagányi, E.; Saravia, L.A.; Subramaniam, R.C.; Van de Putte, A.P.; Constable, A.J. (2021). Southern Ocean food web modelling: progress, prognoses, and future priorities for research and policy makers. Front. Ecol. Evol. 9: 624763., more
- Van de Putte, A.P.; Griffiths, H.J.; Brooks, C.M.; Bricher, P.; Sweetlove, M.; Halfter, S.; Raymond, B. (2021). From data to marine ecosystem assessments of the Southern Ocean: achievements, challenges, and lessons for the future. Front. Mar. Sci. 8: 637063., more
- Danis, B.; Van de Putte, A.; Convey, P.; Griffiths, H.; Linse, K.; Murray, A.E. (2020). Editorial: Antarctic Biology: Scale Matters. Front. Ecol. Evol. 8: 91., more
- Hindell, Mark A.; Reisinger, Ryan R.; Ropert-Coudert, Yan; Hückstädt, Luis A.; Trathan, Philip N.; Bornemann, Horst; Charrassin, Jean-Benoît; Chown, Steven L.; Costa, Daniel P.; Danis, Bruno; Lea, Mary-Anne; Thompson, David; Torres, Leigh G.; Van de Putte, Anton P.; Alderman, Rachael; Andrews-Goff, Virginia; Arthur, Ben; Ballard, Grant; Bengtson, John; Bester, Marthán N.; Blix, Arnoldus Schytte; Boehme, Lars; Bost, Charles-André; Boveng, Peter; Cleeland, Jaimie; Constantine, Rochelle; Corney, Stuart; Crawford, Robert J. M.; Dalla Rosa, Luciano; de Bruyn, P. J. Nico; Delord, Karine; Descamps, Sébastien; Double, Mike; Emmerson, Louise; Fedak, Mike; Friedlaender, Ari; Gales, Nick; Goebel, Michael E.; Goetz, Kimberly T.; Guinet, Christophe; Goldsworthy, Simon D.; Harcourt, Rob; Hinke, Jefferson T.; Jerosch, Kerstin; Kato, Akiko; Kerry, Knowles R.; Kirkwood, Roger; Kooyman, Gerald L.; Kovacs, Kit M.; Lawton, Kieran; Lowther, Andrew D.; Lydersen, Christian; Lyver, Phil O’B.; Makhado, Azwianewi B.; Márquez, Maria E. I.; McDonald, Birgitte I.; McMahon, Clive R.; Muelbert, Monica; Nachtsheim, Dominik; Nicholls, Keith W.; Nordøy, Erling S.; Olmastroni, Silvia; Phillips, Richard A.; Pistorius, Pierre; Plötz, Joachim; Pütz, Klemens; Ratcliffe, Norman; Ryan, Peter G.; Santos, Mercedes; Southwell, Colin; Staniland, Iain; Takahashi, Akinori; Tarroux, Arnaud; Trivelpiece, Wayne; Wakefield, Ewan; Weimerskirch, Henri; Wienecke, Barbara; Xavier, José C.; Wotherspoon, Simon; Jonsen, Ian D.; Raymond, Ben (2020). Tracking of marine predators to protect Southern Ocean ecosystems. Nature (Lond.) 580(7801): 87-92., more
- Ropert-Coudert, Y.; Van de Putte, A.P.; Reisinger, R.R.; Bornemann, H.; Charrassin, J.-B.; Costa, D.P.; Danis, B.; Hückstädt, L.A.; Jonsen, I.D.; Lea, M.A.; Thompson, D.; Torres, L.G.; Trathan, P.N.; Wotherspoon, S.; Ainley, D.G.; Alderman, R.; Andrews-Goff, V.; Arthur, B.; Ballard, G.; Bengtson, J.; Bester, M.N.; Schytte Blix, A.; Boehme, L.; Bost, C.-A.; Boveng, P.; Cleeland, J.; Constantine, R.; Crawford, R.J.M.; Dalla Rosa, L.; de Bruyn, P.J.N.; Delord, K.; Déscamps, S.; Double, M.; Emmerson, L.; Fedak, M.; Friedlaender, A.; Gales, N.; Goebel, M.; Goetz, K.T.; Guinet, C.; Goldsworthy, S.; Harcourt, R.; Hinke, J.T.; Jerosch, K.; Kato, A.; Kerry, K.R.; Kirkwood, R.; Kooyman, G.L.; Kovacs, K.M.; Lawton, K.; Lowther, A.D.; Lydersen, C.; Lyver, P.O.; Makhado, A.B.; Marquez, M.E.I.; McDonald, B.I.; McMahon, C.R.; Muelbert, M.; Nachtsheim, D.; Nicholls, K.W.; Nordøy, E.S.; Olmastroni, S.; Phillips, R.A.; Pistorius, P.; Plötz, J.; Pütz, K.; Ratcliffe, N.; Ryan, P.G.; Santos, M.M.; Southwell, C.; Staniland, I.; Takahashi, A.; Tarroux, A.; Trivelpiece, W.; Wakefield, E.; Weimerskirch, H.; Wienecke, B.; Xavier, J.C.; Raymond, B.; Hindell, M.A. (2020). The retrospective analysis of Antarctic tracking data project. Scientific Data 7(1): 94., more
- Brasier, M.J.; Constable, A.; Melbourne-Thomas, J.; Trebilco, R.; Griffiths, H.; Van de Putte, A.; Sumner, M. (2019). Observations and models to support the first Marine Ecosystem Assessment for the Southern Ocean (MEASO). J. Mar. Syst. 197: 103182., more
- Tanhua, T.; Pouliquen, S.; Hausman, J.; O'Brien, K.; Bricher, P.; de Bruin, T.F.; Buck, J.H.; Burger, E.F.; Carval, T.; Casey, K.S.; Diggs, S.; Giorgetti, A.; Glaves, H.; Harscoat, V.; Kinkade, D.; Muelbert, J.; Novellino, A.; Pfeil, B.; Pulsifer, P.L.; Van de Putte, A.; Robinson, E.; Schaap, D.; Smirnov, A.; Smith, N.; Snowden, D.; Spears, T.; Stall, S.; Tacoma, T.; Thijssen, P.; Tronstad, S.; Vandenberghe, T.; Wengren, M.; Wyborn, L.; Zhao, Z. (2019). Ocean FAIR Data Services. Front. Mar. Sci. 6: 17., more
- Christiansen, H.; Dettaï, A.; Heindler, F.M.; Collins, M.A.; Duhamel, G.; Hautecoeur, M.; Steinke, D.; Volckaert, F.A.M.; Van de Putte, A. (2018). Corrigendum: diversity of mesopelagic fishes in the Southern Ocean – A phylogeographic perspective using DNA barcoding. Front. Ecol. Evol. 6: 162., more
- Christiansen, H.; Dettaï, A.; Heindler, F.M.; Collins, M.A.; Duhamel, G.; Hautecoeur, M.; Steinke, D.; Volckaert, F.A.M.; Van de Putte, A. (2018). Diversity of mesopelagic fishes in the Southern Ocean - A phylogeographic perspective using DNA barcoding. Front. Ecol. Evol. 6: 120., more
- de Bruin, T.F.; Proctor, R.; Smirnov, A.; Van de Putte, A.; Manley, W.; Billingsley, B.; Johansson, H.; Tacoma, M.; Pulsifer, P.L.; Tronstad, S.; Vandenberghe, T.; Bricher, P. (2018). Is single-window data search a myth or can it be made real? Developing federated search for polar oceanographic and terrestrial data, in: Giorgetti, A. et al. (Ed.) IMDIS 2018: International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems 5-7 November, 2018 - Barcelona, Spain: Book of Abstracts. Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata: an International Journal of Earth Sciences, 59: pp. 259, more
- Heindler, F.M.; Christiansen, H.; Frédérich, B.; Dettaï, A.; Lepoint, G.; Maes, G.E.; Van de Putte, A.P.; Volckaert, F.A.M. (2018). Historical DNA metabarcoding of the prey and microbiome of trematomid fishes using museum samples. Front. Ecol. Evol. 6: 151., more
- Schaafsma, F.L.; Cherel, Y.; Flores, H.; van Franeker, J.A.; Lea, M.-A.; Raymond, B.; Van de Putte, A.P. (2018). Review: the energetic value of zooplankton and nekton species of the Southern Ocean. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 165(8): 129., more
- De Pooter, D.; Appeltans, W.; Bailly, N.; Bristol, S.; Deneudt, K.; Eliezer, M.; Fujioka, E.; Giorgetti, A.; Goldstein, P.; Lewis, M.; Lipizer, M.; Mackay, K.; Marin, M.; Moncoiffe, G.; Nikolopoulou, S.; Provoost, P.; Rauch, S.; Roubicek, A.; Torres, C.; Van de Putte, A.; Vandepitte, L.; Vanhoorne, B.; Vinci, M.; Wambiji, N.; Watts, D.; Salas, E.K.; Hernandez, F. (2017). Toward a new data standard for combined marine biological and environmental datasets - expanding OBIS beyond species occurrences. Biodiversity Data Journal 5: e10989., more
- Constable, A.J.; Costa, D.P.; Schofield, O.; Newman, L.; Urban Jr., E.R.; Fulton, E.A.; Melbourne-Thomas, J.; Ballerini, T.; Boyd, P.W.; Brandt, A.; de la Mare, W.K.; Edwards, M.; Eleaume, M.; Emmerson, L.; Fennel, K.; Fielding, S.; Griffiths, H.; Gutt, J.; Hindell, M.A.; Hofmann, E.E.; Jennings, S.; La, H.S.; McCurdy, A.; Mitchell, B.G.; Moltmann, T.; Muelbert, M.; Murphy, E.; Press, A.J.; Raymond, B.; Reid, K.; Reiss, C.; Rice, J.; Salter, I.; Smith, D.C.; Song, S.; Southwell, C.; Swadling, K.M.; Van de Putte, A.; Zdenka, W. (2016). Developing priority variables ("ecosystem Essential Ocean Variables" - eEOVs) for observing dynamics and change in Southern Ocean ecosystems. J. Mar. Syst. 161: 26-41., more
- Proctor, R.; Bricher, P.; Beja, J.; Kozyr, A.; Van de Putte, A.; Cusick, J.; Diggs, S. (2016). Raising the bar on data recovery and discovery for the Southern Ocean Observing System, in: IMDIS 2016 International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems, 11-13 October 2016, Gdansk, Poland. Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata: an International Journal of Earth Sciences, 57(Suppl.): pp. 145, more
- Vandepitte, L.; De Pooter, D.; Deneudt, K.; Vanhoorne, B.; Provoost, P.; Appeltans, W.; Bailly, N.; Eliezer, M.; Fujioka, E.; Goldstein, P.; Giorgetti, A.; Lewis, M.N.; Lipizer, M.; Mackay, K.A.; Moncoiffe, G.; Nikolopoulou, S.; Rauch, S.; Roubicek, A.; Torres, C.; Van de Putte, A.; Vinci, M.; Wambiji, N.W.; Hernandez, F. (2016). Expanding the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) beyond species occurrences, by including associated environmental data - experiences from the OBIS-ENV-DATA project, in: IMDIS 2016 International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems, 11-13 October 2016, Gdansk, Poland. Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata: an International Journal of Earth Sciences, 57(Suppl.): pp. 155-157, more
- Kasparova, E.; Van de Putte, A.P.; Marshall, C.; Janko, K. (2015). Lifestyle and ice: the relationship between ecological specialization and response to Pleistocene climate change. PLoS One 10(11): e0138766., more
- Flores, H.; Hunt, B.P.V.; Kruse, S.; Pakhomov, E.A.; Siegel, V.; van Franeker, J.A.; Strass, V.; Van de Putte, A.P.; Meesters, E.H.W.G.; Bathmann, U. (2014). Seasonal changes in the vertical distribution and community structure of Antarctic macrozooplankton and micronekton. Deep-Sea Res., Part 1, Oceanogr. Res. Pap. 84: 127-141., more
- Gutt, J.; Barnes, D.K.A.; Lockhart, S.J.; Van de Putte, A. (2013). Antarctic macrobenthic communities: A compilation of circumpolar information. Nature Conservation 4(4): 1-13., more
- Collins, M.A.; Stowasser, G.; Fielding, S.; Shreeve, R.; Xavier, J.C.; Venables, H.J.; Enderlein, P.; Cherel, Y.; Van de Putte, A. (2012). Latitudinal and bathymetric patterns in the distribution and abundance of mesopelagic fish in the Scotia Sea. Deep-Sea Res., Part II, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 59-60: 189-198., more
- Flores, H.; Atkinson, A.; Kawaguchi, S.; Krafft, B.A.; Milinevsky, G.; Nicol, S.; Reiss, C.; Tarling, G.A.; Werner, R.; Bravo Rebolledo, E.; Cirelli, V.; Cuzin-Roudy, J.; Fielding, S.; Groeneveld, J.J.; Haraldsson, M.; Lombana, A.; Marschoff, E.; Meyer, B.; Pakhomov, E.A.; Rombolá, E.; Schmidt, K.; Siegel, V.; Teschke, M.; Tonkes, H.; Toullec, J.Y.; Trathan, P.N.; Tremblay, N.; Van de Putte, A.P.; Van Franeker, J.A.; Werner, T. (2012). Impact of climate change on Antarctic krill. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 458: 1-19., more
- Van de Putte, A.; Janko, K.; Kasparova, E.; Maes, G.E.; Rock, J.; Koubbi, P.; Volckaert, F.A.M.; Choleva, L.; Fraser, K.P.P.; Smykla, J.; Van Houdt, J.K.J.; Marshall, C. (2012). Comparative phylogeography of three trematomid fishes reveals contrasting genetic structure patterns in benthic and pelagic species. Marine Genomics 8: 23-34., more
- Van De Putte, A.P.; Van Houdt, J.K.J.; Maes, G.E.; Hellemans, B.; Collins, M.A.; Volckaert, F.A.M. (2012). High genetic diversity and connectivity in a common mesopelagic fish of the Southern Ocean: the myctophid Electrona antarctica. Deep-Sea Res., Part II, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 59-60: 199-207., more
- Flores, H.; van Franeker, J.A.; Cisewski, B.; Leach, H.; Van de Putte, A.P.; Meesters, E.(H.W.G.); Bathmann, U.; Wolff, W.J. (2011). Macrofauna under sea ice and in the open surface layer of the Lazarev Sea, Southern Ocean. Deep-Sea Res., Part 2, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 58(19-20): 1948-1961., more
- Van de Putte, A.P.; Jackson, G.D.; Pakhomov, E.; Flores, H.; Volckaert, F.A.M. (2010). Distribution of squid and fish in the pelagic zone of the Cosmonaut Sea and Prydz Bay region during the BROKE-West campaign. Deep-Sea Res., Part II, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 57(9-10): 956-967., more
- Van de Putte, A.P.; Van Houdt, J.K.J.; Maes, G.E.; Janko, K.; Koubbi, P.; Rock, J.; Volckaert, F.A.M. (2009). Species identification in the trematomid family using nuclear genetic markers. Polar Biol. 32(12): 1731-1741., more
- Flores, H.; Van De Putte, A.P.; Siegel, V.; Pakhomov, E.A.; van Franeker, J.A.; Meesters, H.W.G.; Volckaert, F.A.M. (2008). Distribution, abundance and ecological relevance of pelagic fishes in the Lazarev Sea, Southern Ocean. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 367: 271-282., more
- Maes, J.; Van de Putte, A.; Hecq, J.H.; Volckaert, F.A.M.J. (2006). State-dependent energy allocation in the pelagic Antarctic silverfish Pleuragramma antarcticum: trade-off between winter reserves and buoyancy. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 326: 269-282., more
- Van de Putte, A.; Flores, H.; Volckaert, F.; van Franeker, J.A. (2006). Energy content of Antarctic mesopelagic fishes: implications for the marine food web. Polar Biol. 29(12): 1045-1051., more
- Maes, J.; Limburg, K.E.; Van de Putte, A.; Ollevier, F.P. (2005). A spatially explicit, individual-based model to assess the role of estuarine nurseries in the early life history of North Sea herring, Clupea harengus. Fish. Oceanogr. 14(1): 17-31., more
Peer reviewed publications (7) [show] |
- Gan, Y.-M.; Sweetlove, M.; Van de Putte, A. (2019). The Antarctic Biodiversity Portal, an online ecosystem for linking, integrating and disseminating Antarctic biodiversity information. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 3: e37182., more
- Benson, A.; Appeltans, W.; Bajona, L.; Bosch, B.; Cowley, P.D.; De Pooter, D.; Desmet, P.; Harcourt, R.; Hoenner, X.; Pye, J.; Van de Putte, A.; Walsh, P.; Woodward, B. (2018). Outcomes of the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange Ocean Biogeographic Information System OBIS-Event-Data Workshop on Animal Tagging and Tracking. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 2: e25728., more
- De Pooter, D.; Appeltans, W.; Bailly, N.; Bristol, S.; Deneudt, K.; Eliezer, M.; Fujioka, E.; Giorgetti, A.; Goldstein, P.; Lewis, M.; Lipizer, M.; Mackay, K.; Marin, M.; Moncoiffe, G.; Nikolopoulou, S.; Provoost, P.; Rauch, S.; Roubicek, A.; Torres, C.; van de Putte, A.P.; Vandepitte, L.; Vanhoorne, B.; Vinci, M.; Wambiji, N.; Watts, D.; Klein, E.; Hernandez, F. (2017). Expanding the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) beyond species occurrences. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 1: e20196., more
- Provoost, P.; De Pooter, D.; Appeltans, W.; Bailly, N.; Bristol, S.; Deneudt, K.; Eliezer, M.; Fujioka, E.; Giorgetti, A.; Goldstein, P.; Lewis, M.; Lipizer, M.; Mackay, K.; Marin, M.; Moncoiffe, G.; Nikolopoulou, S.; Rauch, S.; Roubicek, A.; Torres, C.; Van de Putte, A.; Vandepitte, L.; Vanhoorne, B.; Vinci, M.; Wambiji, N.; Watts, D.; Klein, E.; Hernandez, F. (2017). Expanding the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) beyond species occurrences. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 1: e20515., more
- Danis, B.; Van de Putte, A.; Renaudier, S.; Griffiths, H. (2013). Connecting biodiversity data during the IPY: The path towards e-polar science, in: Verde, C. et al. Adaptation and Evolution in Marine Environments, Volume 2. The Impacts of Global Change on Biodiversity. From Pole to Pole, : pp. 21-32., more
- Volckaert, F.A.M.; Rock, J.; Van de Putte, A.P. (2012). Connectivity and molecular ecology of Antarctic fishes, in: di Prisco, G. et al. Adaptation and Evolution in Marine Environments, Volume 1. The Impacts of Global Change on Biodiversity. From Pole to Pole, : pp. 75-96., more
- Van Houdt, J.K.J.; Hellemans, B.; Van de Putte, A.; Koubbi, P.; Volckaert, F.A.M. (2006). Isolation and multiplex analysis of six polymorphic microsatellites in the Antarctic notothenioid fish, Trematomus newnesi. Mol. Ecol. Notes 6(1): 157-159., more
Books (2) [show] |
- Van de Putte, A. (Ed.) (2017). Book of Abstracts: XIIth SCAR Biology Symposium, Leuven, Belgium, 10-14 July 2017. Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR): Cambridge. 512 pp., more
- De Broyer, C.; Koubbi, P.; Griffiths, H.; Raymond, B.; d'Udekem d'Acoz, C.; Van de Putte, A.P.; Danis, B.; David, B.; Grant, S.; Gutt, J.; Held, C.; Hosie, G.W.; Huettmann, F.; Post, A.; Ropert-Coudert, Y. (Ed.) (2014). Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean. Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research: Cambridge. ISBN 978-0-948277-28-3. XII, 498 pp., more
Book chapters (9) [show] |
- Beja, J.; Vandepitte, L.; Benson, A.; Van de Putte, A.; Lear, D.; De Pooter, D.; Moncoiffé, G.; Nicholls, J.; Wambiji, N.W.; Miloslavich, P.; Gerovasileiou, V. (2022). Data services in ocean science with a focus on the biology, in: Manzella, G. et al. (2022). Ocean science data: Collection, management, networking and services. pp. 67-129, more
- Brandt, A.; Van de Putte, A.; Griffiths, H.J. (2014). Southern Ocean benthic deep-sea biodiversity and biogeography, in: De Broyer, C. et al. (Ed.) Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean. pp. 223-239, more
- Danis, B.; De Broyer, C.; Koubbi, P.; Van de Putte, A. (2014). Going dynamic: a vision for the Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean (BASO), in: De Broyer, C. et al. (Ed.) Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean. pp. 466-467, more
- Duhamel, G.; Hulley, P.-A.; Causse, R.; Koubbi, P.; Vacchi, M.; Pruvost, P.; Vigetta, S.; Irisson, J.O.; Mormède, S.; Belcheir, M.; Dettaï, A.; Detrich, H.W.; Gutt, J.; Jones, C.D.; Kock, K.-H.; López Abellán, L.J.; Van de Putte, A. (2014). Biogeographic patterns of fish, in: De Broyer, C. et al. (Ed.) Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean. pp. 328-362, more
- Griffiths, H.J.; Van de Putte, A.; Danis, B. (2014). Data distribution: Patterns and implications, in: De Broyer, C. et al. (Ed.) Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean. pp. 16-26, more
- Koubbi, P.; De Broyer, C.; Griffiths, H.J.; Raymond, B.; d'Udekem d'Acoz, C.; Van de Putte, A.; Danis, B.; David, B.; Grant, S.; Gutt, J.; Held, C.; Hosie, G.W.; Huettmann, F.; Post, A.; Ropert-Coudert, Y.; Stoddart, M.; Swadling, K.M.; Wadley, V. (2014). Conclusions: Present and future of Southern Ocean biogeography, in: De Broyer, C. et al. (Ed.) Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean. pp. 470-475, more
- Post, A.L.; Meijers, A.J.S.; Fraser, A.D.; Meiners, K.M.; Ayers, J.; Bindoff, N.L.; Griffiths, H.J.; Van de Putte, A.; O'Brien, P.E.; Swadling, K.M.; Raymond, B. (2014). Environmental setting, in: De Broyer, C. et al. (Ed.) Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean. pp. 46-64, more
- Van de Putte, A.; Griffiths, H.J.; Raymond, B.; Danis, B. (2014). Data and mapping, in: De Broyer, C. et al. (Ed.) Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean. pp. 14-15, more
- Sterken, M.; Van de Putte, A. (2010). Reconstructing past climates and environments, in: Kaiser, B. (Ed.) Polar science and global climate. An international resource for education and outreach. pp. 82-84, more
Theses (2) [show] |
- Van de Putte, A. (2008). Ecology and evolution of fishes in the Southern Ocean, with special focus on the myctophid Electrona antarctica. PhD Thesis. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Departement Biologie: Leuven. , more
- Van de Putte, A. (2002). Modellering van groei en predatie van haring, Clupea harengus L. in het Schelde-estuarium. MSc Thesis. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL): Leuven. 96 pp., more
Abstracts (19) [show] |
- Aerts, D.; Christiansen, H.; Van de Putte, A.; Volckaert, F.; Schön, I. (2022). Phylogeography and cryptic diversity of Charcotia amphipods in the Southern Ocean, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day, Online event 2 March 2022. VLIZ Special Publication, 88: pp. 27-28, more
- Schön, I.; Christiansen, H.; Danis, B.; De Ridder, C.; Dubois, P.; Dettai, A.; Dulière, V.; Frédérich, B.; Heindler, F.M.; Jossart, Q.; Kochzius, M.; Leliaert, F.; Lepoint, G.; Michel, L.; Pasotti, F.; Robert, H.; Van de Putte, A.; Vanreusel, A.; Volckaert, F.A.M. (2019). Refugia and ecosystem tolerance in the Southern Ocean – the RECTO project, in: 51st International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics. Polar Ocean facing changes. , more
- Sweetlove, M.; Gan, Y.M.; Murray, A.; Van de Putte, A. (2019). The microbial Antarctic Resource System: integrating discoverability and preservation of environmental annotated microbial -omics data, in: 51st International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics. Polar Ocean facing changes. , more
- Van de Putte, A.; Gan, Y.M.; Sweetlove, M. (2019). The Antarctic Biodiversity Portal, an online ecosystem for linking, Integrating and Disseminating Antarctic Biodiversity Information, in: 51st International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics. Polar Ocean facing changes. , more
- Van de Putte, A.P.; All editors; Wadley, V.; Stoddart, M.; Gan, Y.M.; Sweetlove, M. (2019). The Census of Antarctic Marine Life, and its legacy 10 years on, in: 51st International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics. Polar Ocean facing changes. , more
- Heindler, F.M.; Hellemans, B.; Christiansen, H.; Frédérich, B.; Dettaï, A.; Maes, G.E.; Van de Putte, A.; Volckaert, F.A.M. (2018). Ancient Marine Metabarcoding - A new approach of stomach and microbiome analysis for historical fish, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Bredene, Belgium, 21 March 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 80: pp. 131, more
- Van de Putte, A.P.; Gan, Y.M.; De Broyer, C.; Koubbi, P.; Griffiths, H.J.; Raymond, B.; d'Udekem d'Acoz, C.; Danis, B.; David, B.; Grant, S.M.; Gutt, J.; Held, C.; Hosie, G.W.; Huetmann, F.; Post, A.L.; Ropert-Coudert, Y.; Wadle, V.; Stoddart, M. (2018). The Census of Antarctic Marine Life, and its legacy 10 years on, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – 53rd European Marine Biology Symposium. Oostende, Belgium, 17-21 September 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 82: pp. 94, more
- Christiansen, H.; Heindler, F.M.; Griffiths, H.J.; Van de Putte, A.P.; Volckaert, F.A.M. (2017). DNA Barcoding of fishes collected off the South Orkney Islands, in: Van de Putte, A. (Ed.) Book of Abstracts: XIIth SCAR Biology Symposium, Leuven, Belgium, 10-14 July 2017. pp. 43, more
- Christiansen, H.; Van de Putte, A.; Volckaert, F.A.M. (2017). Connectivity the Southern Ocean: population genomics of icefish, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Brugge, Belgium, 3 March 2017. VLIZ Special Publication, 79: pp. 12, more
- Heindler, F.M.; Hellemans, B.; Christiansen, H.; Van de Putte, A.; Maes, G.E.; Volckaert, F.A.M. (2017). Historical DNA Barcoding of trematomid fishes using museum samples, in: Van de Putte, A. (Ed.) Book of Abstracts: XIIth SCAR Biology Symposium, Leuven, Belgium, 10-14 July 2017. pp. 108, more
- Heindler, F.M.; Christiansen, H.; Dettaï, A.; Collins, M.A.; Couloux, A.; Volckaert, F.A.M.; Van de Putte, A. (2017). DNA barcoding of small mesopelagic fish from the Southern Ocean, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Brugge, Belgium, 3 March 2017. VLIZ Special Publication, 79: pp. 42, more
- Maes, S.; Christiansen, H.; Mark, F.C.; Lucassen, M.; Van de Putte, A.P.; Volckaert, F.A.M.; Flores, H. (2017). Comparison of spatial genetic structure and its drivers in Arctic and Antarctic fishes, in: Van de Putte, A. (Ed.) Book of Abstracts: XIIth SCAR Biology Symposium, Leuven, Belgium, 10-14 July 2017. pp. 110, more
- Van de Putte, A.; De Broyer, C.; Danis, B.; RAMS editors; RAS editors; WoRMS Database Management team (2017). The Register for Antarctic Marine Species, and the Register of Antarctic Species: Going beyond the Sea, in: Van de Putte, A. (Ed.) Book of Abstracts: XIIth SCAR Biology Symposium, Leuven, Belgium, 10-14 July 2017. pp. 416, more
- Wilmotte, A.; Durieu, B.; Lara, Y.; Obbels, D.; Pessi, I.S.; Pinseel, E.; Sweetlove, M.; Tytgat, B.; Van De Putte, A.; Van De Vijver, B.; Verleyen, E.; Vyverman, W.; Willems, A. (2017). Diversity and biogeography of microorganisms in microbial mats of Antarctic lakes, in: Van de Putte, A. (Ed.) Book of Abstracts: XIIth SCAR Biology Symposium, Leuven, Belgium, 10-14 July 2017. pp. 199, more
- Van de Putte, A.P.; Youdjou, N.; Danis, B. (2014). online tools for Antarctic biodiversity data discovery and publication, in: Polar data activities in global data systems, 15–16 October 2013, Tokyo Japan: programme and abstracts. pp. 31-32, more
- Van de Putte, A.; Flores, H.; Risch, S.; Volckaert, F.A.M.J. (2007). Seasonality of the pelagic ichthyofauna in the Lazarev Sea, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 2 March 2007: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 39: pp. 59, more
- Van de Putte, A.; Beans, C.; Volckaert, F.; Hecq, J.-H. (2005). Status, role and control of Electrona antarctica in the Lazarev Sea, in: Mees, J. et al. VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 25 February 2005: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 20: pp. 60, more
- Van de Putte, A. (2004). Modellering van groei en predatie van haring (Clupea harengus) in het Schelde-estuarium, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 5 March 2004: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 17: pp. 7-13, more
- Van de Putte, A.; Maes, J.; Limburg, K.; Ollevier, F. (2004). The role of North Sea estuaries for young herring: a dynamic model for the life history of Clupea harengus, in: Mees, J. et al. VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 5 March 2004: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 17: pp. 70, more
Report [show] |
- Janssen, A.R.; Badhe, R.; Bransome, N.C.; Bricher, P.; Cavanagh, R.; de Bruin, T.; Elshout, P.; Grant, S.; Griffin, E.; Grilly, E.; Henley, S.F.; Hofmann, E.E.; Johnston, N.M.; Karentz, D.; Kent, R.; Lynnes, A.; Martin, T.; Miloslavich, P.; Murphy, E.; Nolan, J.E.; Sikes, E.; Sparrow, M.; Tacoma, M.; Williams, M.J.M.; Arata, J.A.; Bowman, J.; Corney, S.; Lau, S.C.Y.; Manno, C.; Mohan, R.; Nielsen, H.; van Leeuwe, M.A.; Waller, C.; Xavier, J.C.; Van de Putte, A.P. (2022). Southern Ocean Action Plan (2021-2030) in support of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. IOC/UNESCO: Paris. 69 pp., more
Other publications (4) [show] |
- Koureas, D.; Hardisty, A.; Vos, R.; Agosti, D.; Arvanitidis, C.; Bogatencov, P.; Buttigieg, P.L.; de Jong, Y.; Horvath, F.; Gkoutos, G.; Groom, Q.; Kliment, T.; Kõljalg, U.; Manakos, I.; Marcer, A.; Marhold, K.; Morse, D.; Mergen, P.; Penev, L.; Pettersson, L.; Svenning, J.-C.; Van de Putte, A.; Smith, V.S. (2016). Unifying European biodiversity informatics (BioUnify). Research Ideas and Outcomes 2: e7787., more
- Tavernier, I.; Obbels, D.; Van de Putte, A. (2013). APECS BeNeLux. United we stand, divided we fall. Sci. connect. (Ned. ed.) 41: 57-60, more
- Van de Putte, A.; Segers, H. (2013). De toegangspoort tot biodiversiteitsgegevens van het Zuidpoolgebied. Sci. connect. (Ned. ed.) 41: 16-19, more
- Volckaert, F.A.M.; Van de Putte, A. (2013). Pelagische vissen van de Zuidelijke Oceaan. Sci. connect. (Ned. ed.) 41: 24-27, more
Thesis (co-)promotor [show] |