Publications (28) |
Top | Institute | Publications | Project | Dataset |
A1 Publications (14) [show] |
- Cochrane, S.K.J.; Pearson, T.H.; Greenacre, M.; Costelloe, J.; Ellingsen, I.H.; Dahle, S.; Gulliksen, B. (2012). Benthic fauna and functional traits along a Polar Front transect in the Barents Sea – Advancing tools for ecosystem-scale assessments. J. Mar. Syst. 94: 204-217., more
- Somerfield, P.J.; Cochrane, S.J.; Dahle, S.; Pearson, T.H. (2006). Free-living nematodes and macrobenthos in a high-latitude glacial fjord. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 330: 284-296, more
Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Pearson, T.H.; Kendall, M.A. (2005). Benthic response to chronic natural physical disturbance by glacial sedimentation in an Arctic fiord. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 303: 31-41, more
Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Pearson, T.H. (2004). Soft-bottom macrobenthic faunal associations and factors affecting species distributions in an Arctic glacial fjord (Kongsfjord, Spitsbergen). Polar Biol. 27(3): 155-167, more
Hop, H.; Pearson, T.H.; Hegseth, E.N.; Kovacs, K.M.; Wiencke, C.; Kwasniewski, S.; Eiane, K.; Mehlum, F.; Gulliksen, B., Bjørn; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Lydersen, Ch.; Weslawski, J.M.; Cochrane, S.J.; Gabrielsen, G.W.; Leakey, R.J.G.; Lønne, O.J.; Zajaczkowski, M.; Falk-Petersen, S.; Kendall, M. ; Wänberg, S.-Å; Bischof, K.; Voronkov, A.Y.; Kovaltchouk, N.A.; Wiktor, J.; Poltermann, M.; di Prisco, G.; Papucci, C.; Gerland, S. (2002). The marine ecosystem of Kongsfjorden, Svalbard. Polar Biol. 21(1): 167-208, more
- Pearson, T.H. (2001). Functional group ecology in soft-sediment marine benthos: the role of bioturbation, in: Gibson, R.N. et al. Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Ann. Rev. 39. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, 39: pp. 233-267, more
- Jorgensen, L.; Pearson, T.H.; Anisimova, N.; Gulliksen, B.; Dahle, S.; Denisenko, S.; Matishov, G. (1999). Environmental influences on benthic fauna associations of the Kara Sea (Arctic Russia). Polar Biol. 22: 395-416, more
- Pearson, T.H.; Mannvik, H.-P. (1998). Long-term changes in the diversity and faunal structure of benthic communities in the northern North Sea: natural variability or induced instability? Hydrobiologia 375: 317-329., more
- Barnes, H.; Barnes, M.; Ansell, A.D.; Gibson, R.N.; Pearson, T.H. (1990). Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Ann. Rev. 28. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, 28. Aberdeen University Press: Aberdeen. ISBN 0-08-037981-8; e-ISBN 0-203-01480-4. 549 pp., more
- Barnes, H.B.; Barnes, M.; Ansell, A.D.; Gibson, R.N.; Pearson, T.H. (Ed.) (1989). Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Ann. Rev. 27. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, 27. Aberdeen University Press: Aberdeen. ISBN 0-08-0363970-0. 468 pp., more
- Barnes, H.; Barnes, M.; Ansell, A.D.; Gibson, R.N.; Pearson, T.H. (1988). Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Ann. Rev. 26. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, 26. Aberdeen University Press: Aberdeen. ISBN 0-08-036397-0; e-ISBN 0-203-02079-0. 615 pp., more
Gray, J.S.; Aschan, M.; Carr, M.R.; Clarke, K.R.; Green, R.H.; Pearson, T.H.; Rosenberg, R.; Warwick, R.M. (1988). Analysis of community attributes of the benthic macrofauna of Frierfjord/Langesundfjord and in a mesocosm experiment. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 46(1-3): 151-165, more
- Pearson, T.H.; Duncan, G.; Nuttall, J. (1986). Long term changes in the benthic communities of Loch Linnhe and Loch Eil (Scotland). Hydrobiologia 142: 113-119., more
- Pearson, T.H.; Rosenberg, R. (1978). Macrobenthic succession in relation to organic enrichment and pollution of the marine environment, in: Barnes, H.B. (Ed.) Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Ann. Rev. 16. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, 16: pp. 229-311, more
Peer reviewed publications (4) [show] |
- Bonsdorff, E.; Pearson, T.H. (1999). Variation in the sublittoral macrozoobenthos of the Baltic Sea along environmental gradients: a functional-group approach. Aust. J. Ecol. 24: 312-326, more
- Quintino, V.; Picado, A.M.; Rodrigues, A.M.; Mendonca, E.; Costa, M.H.; Costa, M.B.; Pearson, T.H.; Lindgaard-Jørgensen, P. (1995). Sediment chemistry - infaunal community structure in a southern European estuary related to solid-phase Microtox ® toxicity testing. Neth. J. Aquat. Ecol. 29(3-4): 427-436., more
Pearson, T.H.; Rosenberg, R. (1992). Energy flow through the SE Kattegat: a comparative examination of the eutrophication of a coastal marine ecosystem. Neth. J. Sea Res. 28(4): 317-334, more
- Pearson, T.H. (1980). Marine pollution effects of pulp and paper industry wastes. Helgol. Meeresunters. 33(1-4): 340-365., more
Book chapters (10) [show] |
- Pearson, T.H.; Black, K.D. (2001). The environmental impacts of marine fish cage culture, in: Black, K.D. Environmental impacts of aquaculture. pp. 1-31, more
- Pearson, T.H.; Mannvik, H.-P. (1998). Long-term changes in the diversity and faunal structure of benthic communities in the northern North Sea: natural variability or induced instability?, in: Baden, S. et al. Recruitment, colonization, and physical-chemical forcing in marine biological systems: Proceedings of the 32nd European Marine Biology Symposium, held in Lysekil, Sweden, 16-22 August 1997. Developments in Hydrobiology, 132: pp. 317-329., more
- Pearson, T.H. (1997). Improvements to long term benthic studies, in: Keegan, B.F. et al. (Ed.) Change in marine benthos: the case for long-term studies: Symposium Proceedings (Glenlo Abbey, Galway, Ireland; May 1994). Ecosystems Research Report, 16: pp. 91-98, more
- Bonsdorff, E.; Blomqvist, E.M.; Pearson, T.H. (1990). Zoobenthos, fish, and birds in a brackish archipelago area: trophic interactions in time and space, in: Barnes, M. et al. (Ed.) Trophic Relationships in the Marine Environment: Proceedings of the 24th European Marine Biology Symposium. pp. 389-403, more
- Pearson, T.H.; Duncan, G.; Nuttall, J. (1986). Long term changes in the benthic communities of Loch Linnhe and Loch Eil (Scotland), in: Heip, C.H.R. et al. (1987). Long-term changes in coastal benthic communities: Proceedings of a symposium, held in Brussels, Belgium, December 9-12, 1985. Developments in Hydrobiology, 38: pp. 113-119., more
- Pearson, T.H.; Blackstock, J. (1983). Selection of indicator species: a coordinated ecological and biochemical approach to the assessment of pollution, in: Cabioch, L. et al. (Ed.) Fluctuation and Succession in Marine Ecosystems: Proceedings of the 17th European Symposium on Marine Biology, Brest, France, 27 September-1 October 1982. Oceanologica Acta, Spec. vol.(1983): pp. 147-151, more
- Blackstock, J.; Pearson, T.H. (1981). Maximal enzyme activities in certain polychaetes in relation to their behaviour and ecology, in: Rheinheimer, G. et al. (Ed.) Lower Organisms and their Role in the Food Web: Proceedings of the 15th European Marine Biology Symposium, Kiel, Damp 2000, Federal Republic of Germany (September 29-October 3, 1980). Kieler Meeresforschungen. Sonderheft, 5: pp. 566-569, more
- Blackstock, J.; Pearson, T.H. (1979). Studies on Capitella capitata (poster), in: Naylor, E. et al. (Ed.) Cyclic Phenomena in Marine Plants and Animals: Proceedings of the 13th European Marine Biology Symposium, Isle of Man, 27 September-4 October 1978. pp. 470, more
- Pearson, T.H.; Stanley, S.O. (1977). The benthic ecology of some Shetland voes, in: Keegan, B.F. et al. (Ed.) Biology of Benthic Organisms: 11th European Symposium on Marine Biology, Galway, October 1976. pp. 503-512, more
- Pearson, T.H. (1971). Studies on the ecology of the macrobenthic fauna of Lochs Linnhe and Eil, west coast of Scotland: II. Analysis of the macrobenthic fauna by comparison of feeding groups, in: Soyer, J. (Ed.) Troisième Symposium Européen de Biologie Marine. I. Biologie des sédiments meubles, II. Biologie des eaux à salinité variable, Arcachon, 2-7 Sept. 1968. Vie et Milieu (1980), Suppl. 22(I-II): pp. 53-91, more