Publications (43) |
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A1 Publications (33) [show] |
Pirard, L.; Khudyakov, J.I.; Crocker, D.E.; Van Hassel, L.; Scholl, G.; Eppe, G.; Page, M.M.; Rees, J.F.; Smith, D.R.; Debier, C. (2023). Cortisol and epinephrine alter the adipose functions and the mobilization of PCBs in adipose tissue slices from elephant seal. Front. Mar. Sci. 10: 1290472., more
- Tinant, G.; Van Larebeke, M.; Lemaire, B.; Courteille, M.; Gardin, C.; Neefs, I.; Das, K.; Page, M.M.; Rees, J.F.; Larondelle, Y.; Debier, C. (2023). Dietary methylmercury and fatty acids affect the lipid metabolism of adipose tissue and liver in rainbow trout. Aquat. Toxicol. 263: 106673., more
Debier, C.; Pirard, L.; Verhaegen, M.; Rzucidlo, C.; Tinant, G.; Dewulf, C.; Larondelle, Y.; Smith, D.R.; Rees, J.-F.; Crocker, D.E. (2020). In vitro lipolysis and leptin production of elephant seal blubber using precision-cut adipose tissue slices. Frontiers in Physiology 11: 615784., more
- Ferain, A.; Bonnineau, C.; Neefs, I.; De Saeyer, N.; Lemaire, B.; Cornet, V.; Larondelle, Y.; De Schamphelaere, K.A.C.; Debier, C.; Rees, J.-F. (2018). Exploring the interactions between polyunsaturated fatty acids and cadmium in rainbow trout liver cells: a genetic and proteomic study. Aquat. Toxicol. 205: 100-113., more
- Lemaire, B.; Karchner, S.I.; Goldstone, J.V.; Lamb, D.C.; Drazen, J.C.; Rees, J.F.; Hahn, M.E.; Stegeman, J.J. (2018). Molecular adaptation to high pressure in cytochrome P450 1A and aryl hydrocarbon receptor systems of the deep-sea fish Coryphaenoides armatus. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Proteins and Proteomics 1866(1): 155-165., more
- Bonnineau, C.; Scaion, D.; Lemaire, B.; Belpaire, C.; Thomé, J.-P.; Thonon, M.; Leermaker, M.; Gao, Y.; Debier, C.; Silvestre, F.; Kestemont, P.; Rees, J.-F. (2016). Accumulation of neurotoxic organochlorines and trace elements in brain of female European eel (Anguilla anguilla). Environ. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 45: 346-355., more
- Lemaire, B.; Mignolet, E.; Debier, C.; Calderon, P.B.; Thomé, J.-P.; Rees, J.F. (2016). High hydrostatic pressure influences the in vitro response to xenobiotics in Dicentrarchus labrax liver. Aquat. Toxicol. 173: 43-52., more
Genard, B.; Marie, B.; Loumaye, E.; Knoops, B.; Legendre, P.; Zal, F.; Rees, J.-F. (2013). Living in a hot redox soup: antioxidant defences of the hydrothermal worm Alvinella pompejana. Aquat. Biol. 18(3): 217-228., more
- Vanden Berghe, M.; Weijs, L.; Habran, S.; Das, K.; Bugli, C.; Pillet, S.; Rees, J.F.; Pomeroy, P.; Covaci, A.; Debier, C. (2013). Effects of polychlorobiphenyls, polybromodiphenylethers, organochlorine pesticides and their metabolites on vitamin A status in lactating grey seals. Environ. Res. 120: 18-26., more
- Debier, C.; Crocker, D.E.; Houser, D.S.; Vanden Berghe, M.; Fowler, M.; Mignolet, E.; de Tillesse, T.; Rees, J.F.; Thomé, J.-P.; Larondelle, Y. (2012). Differential changes of fat-soluble vitamins and pollutants during lactation in northern elephant seal mother-pup pairs. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., Part A Mol. Integr. Physiol. 162(4): 323-330., more
- Lemaire, B.; Debier, C.; Calderon, P.B.; Thomé, J.-P.; Stegeman, J.; Mork, J.; Rees, J.F. (2012). Precision-cut liver slices to investigate responsiveness of deep-sea fish to contaminants at high pressure. Environ. Sci. Technol. 46(18): 10310-10316., more
- Vanden Berghe, M.; Weijs, L.; Habran, S.; Das, K.; Bugli, C.; Rees, J.-F.; Pomeroy, P.P.; Covaci, A.; Debier, C. (2012). Selective transfer of persistent organic pollutants and their metabolites in grey seals during lactation. Environ. Int. 46: 6-15., more
- Lemaire, B.; Beck, M.; Jaspart, M.; Debier, C.; Calderon, P.B.; Thomé, J.-P.; Rees, J.F. (2011). Precision-Cut Liver Slices of Salmo salar as a tool to investigate the oxidative impact of CYP1A-mediated PCB 126 and 3-methylcholanthrene metabolism. Toxicology in vitro 25(1): 335-342., more
- Loumaye, E.; Ferrer-Sueta, G.; Alvarez, B.; Rees, J.-F.; Clippe, A.; Knoops, B.; Radi, R.; Trujillo, M. (2011). Kinetic studies of peroxiredoxin 6 from Arenicola marina: rapid oxidation by hydrogen peroxide and peroxynitrite but lack of reduction by hydrogen sulfide. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 514(1-2): 1-7., more
Gagnière, N.; Jollivet, D.; Boutet, I.; Brélivet, Y.; Busso, D.; Da Silva, C.; Gaill, F.; Higuet, D.; Hourdez, S.; Knoops, B.; Lallier, F.; Leize-Wagner, E.; Mary, J.; Moras, D.; Perrodou, E.; Rees, J.-F.; Segurens, B.; Shillito, B.; Tanguy, A.; Thierry, J.-C.; Weissenbach, J.; Wincker, P.; Zal, F.; Poch, O.; Lecompte, O. (2010). Insights into metazoan evolution from Alvinella pompejana cDNAs. BMC Genom. 11: 634., more
Lemaire, B.; Priede, I.G.; Collins, M.A.; Bailey, D.M.; Schtickzelle, N.; Thomé, J.P.; Rees, J.F. (2010). Effects of organochlorines on cytochrome P450 activity and antioxidant enzymes in liver of roundnose grenadier Coryphaenoides rupestris. Aquat. Biol. 8(2): 161-168., more
- Mary, J.; Rogniaux, H.; Rees, J.F.; Zal, F. (2010). Response of Alvinella pompejana to variable oxygen stress: a proteomic approach. Proteomics (Weinh., Print) 10(12): 2250-2258., more
- Loumaye, E.; Andersen, A.C.; Clippe, A.; Degand, H.; Dubuisson, M.; Zal, F.; Morsomme, P.; Rees, J.F.; Knoops, B. (2008). Cloning and characterization of Arenicola marina peroxiredoxin 6, an annelid two-cysteine peroxiredoxin highly homologous to mammalian one-cysteine peroxiredoxins. Free Radic. Biol. Med. 45(4): 482-493., more
- Smeets, A.; Loumaye, E.; Clippe, A.; Rees, J.-F.; Knoops, B.; Declercq, J.-P. (2008). The crystal structure of the C45S mutant of annelid Arenicola marina peroxiredoxin 6 supports its assignment to the mechanistically typical 2-Cys subfamily without any formation of toroid-shaped decamers. Protein Sci. 17(4): 700-710., more
- Marie, B.; Genard, B.; Rees, J.-F.; Zal, F. (2006). Effect of ambient oxygen concentration on activities of enzymatic antioxidant defences and aerobic metabolism in the hydrothermal vent worm, Paralvinella grasslei. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 150(2): 273-284., more
- Marie, B.; Genard, B.; Rees, J.F.; Zal, F. (2006). Effect of ambient oxygen concentration on activities of enzymatic antioxidant defences and aerobic metabolism in the hydrothermal vent worm, Paralvinella grasslei. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 150(2): 273-284., more
- Rousselot, M.; Delpy, E.; La Rochelle, C.D.; Lagente, V.; Pirow, R.; Rees, J.F.; Hagege, A.; Le Guen, D.; Hourdez, S.; Zal, F. (2006). Arenicola marina extracellular hemoglobin: a new promising blood substitute. Biotechnol. J. 1(3): 333-345., more
- Bailey, D.M.; Genard, B.; Collins, M.A.; Rees, J.-F.; Unsworth, S.K.; Battle, E.J.V.; Bagley, P.M.; Jamieson, A.J.; Priede, I.G. (2005). High swimming and metabolic activity in the deep-sea eel Synaphobranchus kaupii revealed by integrated in situ and in vitro measurements. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 78(3): 335-346., more
Rueda-Jasso, R.; Conceição, L.E.C.; De Coen, W.M.; Rees, J.F.; Sorgeloos, P. (2005). Diet and weaning age affect the growth and condition of Dover sole (Solea solea L.). Cienc. Mar. 31(3): 477-489, more
- Rueda-Jasso, R.; Conceição, L.E.C.; Dias, J.; De Coen, W.M.; Gomes, E.; Rees, J.F.; Soares, F.; Dinis, M.T.; Sorgeloos, P. (2004). Effect of dietary non-protein energy levels on condition and oxidative status of Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) juveniles. Aquaculture 231(1-4): 417-433., more
- Shillito, B.; Le Bris, N.; Gaill, F.; Rees, J.F.; Zal, F. (2004). First access to live Alvinellas. High Pressure Research 24(1): 169-172., more
- Janssens, B.J.; Marchand-Brynaert, J.; Rees, J.F. (2002). Protection of peroxide-treated fish erythrocytes by coelenterazine and coelenteramine. Free Radical Research 36(9): 967-974., more
- Janssens, B.J.; Le Gall, R.; Rees, J.F. (2002). Peroxide-triggered erythrocytes haemolysis as a model for the study of oxidative damage in marine fishes. J. Fish Biol. 61(1): 71-84., more
- Janssens, B.J.; Childress, J.J.; Baguet, F.; Rees, J.F. (2000). Reduced enzymatic antioxidative defense in deep-sea fish. J. Exp. Biol. 203(24): 3717-3725, more
- Rees, J.F.; Curé, K.; Piyatiratitivorakul, S.; Sorgeloos, P.; Menasveta, P. (1994). Highly unsaturated fatty acid requirements of Penaeus monodon postlarvae: an experimental approach based on Artemia enrichment. Aquaculture 122: 193-207., more
- Rees, J.F.; Thompson, E.M.; Baguet, F.; Tsuji, F.I. (1990). Detection of coelenterazine and related luciferase activity in the tissues of the luminous fish, Vinciguerria-attenuata. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., Part A Physiol. 96(3): 425-430., more
- Rees, J.F.; Baguet, F. (1989). Metabolic control of luminescence in the luminous organs of the teleost Porichthys effects of the metabolic inhibitors iodoacetic acid and potassium cyanide. J. Exp. Biol. 143: 347-357, more
- Rees, J.F.; Baguet, F. (1988). Metabolic control of spontaneous glowing in isolated photophores of Porichthys. J. Exp. Biol. 135: 289-299, more
Peer reviewed publications (7) [show] |
- Rees, J.F.; Zal, F.; Thomé, J.P. (2007). Enfer et paradis: la toxicité de l'oxygène chez les organismes abyssaux = Heaven and Hell: Oxygen toxicity in abyssal organisms. Océanis (Paris) 30(3): 277-291, more
- Rees, J.F.; Kaouass, M.; Baguet, F. (1991). Purinergic receptors as a regulatory process of luminescence in Porichthys luminous organs. J. Exp. Zool. 258(2): 181-188, more
- Mallefet, J.; Rees, J.F.; Baguet, F. (1990). Effects of sodium-azide on the Porichthys isolated luminous organs. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., Part C Pharmacol. Toxicol. Endocrinol. 96(1): 105-109, more
- Rees, J.F.; Baguet, F. (1990). Nonspecific effects of propranolol on the photogenic cells of porichthys isolated photophores. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., Part C Pharmacol. Toxicol. Endocrinol. 95(2): 275-278, more
- Rees, J.F.; Petit, B.; Baguet, F. (1989). Adrenergic control of luminescence and cellular metabolism in porichthys isolated luminous organs. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., Part C Pharmacol. Toxicol. Endocrinol. 94(2): 521-525, more
- Rees, J.F.; Baguet, F. (1987). Iodoacetic acid-induced luminescence of Porichthys isolated luminous organ. Arch. Int. Physiol. Bio. 95(4): P76-P76, more
- Rees, J.F.; Baguet, F. (1987). Glucose metabolism and luminescence control of Porichthys photophores. Arch. Int. Physiol. Bio. 95(2): P6-P6, more
Book chapter [show] |
- Rees, J.F. (1997). Les luciférines d'organismes marins de profondeur: de nouveaux antioxydants très performants pour des applications thérapeutiques, in: Prijs Dr Edouard Delcroix: Honderdste verjaardag van het Belgisch Instituut voor Orthopedie 26 juni 1997. , more
Report [show] |
Belpaire, C.; Van Thuyne, G.; Breine, J.; Buysse, D.; Van Wichelen, J.; Coeck, J.; Ovidio, M.; Matondo, B.N.; De Meyer, J.; Bouilliart, M.; Adriaens, D.; Verhelst, P.; Rees, J.F.; Rollin, X.; Vlietinck, K. (2016). Report on the eel stock, fishery and other impacts, in Belgium 2016
. [S.n.]: [s.l.]. 44 pp., more
Other publication [show] |
- Rees, J.F.; Curé, K.; Piyatiratitivorakul, S.; Menasveta, P.; Sorgeloos, P. (1994). Osmotic stress resistance as a quality diagnostic for penaeid postlarvae, in: Chou, L.M. et al. (Ed.) The 3rd Asian Fisheries Forum. pp. 1025-1028, more