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Flanders Institute for Biotechnology; VIB-Ugent Center for Plant Systems Biology (PSB), more
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Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Vakgroep Plantenbiotechnologie en Bio-informatica, more
Publications (9) |
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A1 Publications (8) [show] |
- Bulankova, P.; Sekulić, M.; Jallet, D.; Nef, C.; Van Oosterhout, C.; Delmont, T.O.; Vercauteren, I.; Osuna-Cruz, C.M.; Vancaester, E.; Mock, T.; Sabbe, K.; Daboussi, F.; Bowler, C.; Vyverman, W.; Vandepoele, K.; De Veylder, L. (2021). Mitotic recombination between homologous chromosomes drives genomic diversity in diatoms. Curr. Biol. 31(15): 3221-3232., more
Blommaert, L.; Vancaester, E.; Huysman, M.J.J.; Osuna-Cruz, C.M.; D'hondt, S.; Lavaud, J.; Lepetit, B.; Winge, P.; Bones, A.M.; Vandepoele, K.; Vyverman, W.; Sabbe, K. (2020). Light regulation of LHCX genes in the benthic diatom Seminavis robusta. Front. Mar. Sci. 7: 192., more
Osuna-Cruz, C.M.; Bilcke, G.; Vancaester, E.; De Decker, S.; Bones, A.M.; Winge, P.; Poulsen, N.; Bulankova, P.; Verhelst, B.; Audoor, S.; Belisova, D.; Pargana, A.; Russo, M.; Stock, F.; Cirri, E.; Brembu, T.; Pohnert, G.; Piganeau, G.; Ferrante, M.I.; Mock, T.; Sterck, L.; Sabbe, K.; De Veylder, L.; Vyverman, W.; Vandepoele, K. (2020). The Seminavis robusta genome provides insights into the evolutionary adaptations of benthic diatoms. Nature Comm. 11(1): 3320., more
Osuna-Cruz, C.M.; Bilcke, G.; Vancaester, E.; De Decker, S.; Bones, A.M.; Winge, P.; Poulsen, N.; Bulankova, P.; Verhelst, B.; Audoor, S.; Belisova, D.; Pargana, A.; Russo, M.; Stock, F.; Cirri, E.; Brembu, T.; Pohnert, G.; Piganeau, G.; Ferrante, M.I.; Mock, T.; Sterck, L.; Sabbe, K.; De Veylder, L.; Vyverman, W.; Vandepoele, K. (2020). Author correction: The Seminavis robusta genome provides insights into the evolutionary adaptations of benthic diatoms. Nature Comm. 11: 5331., more
Stock, F.; Bilcke, G.; De Decker, S.; Osuna-Cruz, C.M.; Van den Berge, K.; Vancaester, E.; De Veylder, L.; Vandepoele, K.; Mangelinckx, S.; Vyverman, W. (2020). Distinctive growth and transcriptional changes of the diatom Seminavis robusta in response to quorum sensing related compounds. Front. Microbiol. 11: 1240., more
Vancaester, E.; Depuydt, T.; Osuna-Cruz, C.M.; Vandepoele, K. (2020). Comprehensive and functional analysis of horizontal gene transfer events in diatoms. Mol. Biol. Evol. 37(11): 3243-3257., more
Yau, S.; Krasovec, M.; Benites, L.F.; Rombauts, S.; Groussin, M.; Vancaester, E.; Aury, J.-M.; Derelle, E.; Desdevises, Y.; Escande, M.-L.; Grimsley, N.; Guy, J.; Moreau, H.; Sanchez-Brosseau, S.; Van de Peer, Y.; Vandepoele, K.; Gourbière, S.; Piganeau, G. (2020). Virus-host coexistence in phytoplankton through the genomic lens. Science Advances 6(14): eaay2587., more
- De Clerck, O.; Kao, S.-M.; Bogaert, K.A.; Blomme, J.; Foflonker, F.; Kwantes, M.; Vancaester, E.; Vanderstraeten, L.; Aydogdu, E.; Boesger, J.; Califano, G.; Charrier, B.; Clewes, R.; Del Cortona, A.; D’Hondt, S.; Fernandez-Pozo, N.; Gachon, C.M.; Hanikenne, M.; Lattermann, L.; Leliaert, F.; Liu, X.; Maggs, C.A.; Popper, Z.A.; Raven, J.A.; Van Bel, M.; Wilhelmsson, P.K.I.; Bhattacharya, D.; Coates, J.C.; Rensing, S.A.; Van Der Straeten, D.; Vardi, A.; Sterck, L.; Vandepoele, K.; Van de Peer, Y.; Wichard, T.; Bothwell, J.H. (2018). Insights into the evolution of multicellularity from the sea lettuce genome. Curr. Biol. 28(18): 2921-2933.e5., more
Abstract [show] |
Bulankova, P.; Moeys, S.; Bouillon, B.; Huysman, M.J.J.; Verhelst, B.; Vancaester, E.; Vandepoele, K.; Sabbe, K.; Vyverman, W.; De Veylder, L. (2016). Uncovering the sex determining locus in diatom Seminavis robusta, in: Pienitz, R. et al. (Ed.) IDS 2016: 24th International Diatom Symposium, Quebec, Canada, 21-26 August 2016: Program & Abstracts. pp. 158, more