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Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Vakgroep Biologie; Laboratorium voor Protistologie en Aquatische Ecologie (PAE), more
Publications (8) |
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A1 Publications (7) [show] |
- De Decker, S.; Vanormelingen, P.; Pinseel, E.; Sefbom, J.; Audoor, S.; Sabbe, K.; Vyverman, W. (2018). Incomplete reproductive isolation between genetically distinct sympatric clades of the pennate model diatom Seminavis robusta. Protist 169(4): 569-583., more
Stock, W.; Pinseel, E.; De Decker, S.; Sefbom, J.; Blommaert, L.; Chepurnova, O.; Sabbe, K.; Vyverman, W. (2018). Expanding the toolbox for cryopreservation of marine and freshwater diatoms. NPG Scientific Reports 8: 4279., more
- Sundqvist, L.; Godhe, A.; Jonsson, P.R.; Sefbom, J. (2018). The anchoring effect-long-term dormancy and genetic population structure. ISME J. 12(12): 2929-2941., more
- De Decker, S.; Vanormelingen, P.; Sefbom, J.; Lembke, C.; Van den Berghe, K.; Vandepoele, K.; Sabbe, K.; De Veylder, L.; Pohnert, G.; Clement, L.; Vyverman, W. (2017). Identifying drivers of sympatric speciation in the marine benthic diatom Seminavis robusta using metabolic analysis and whole-genome resequencing. Phycologia 56(4): 41-42, more
- Sefbom, J.; De Decker, S.; Vyverman, W. (2017). Linking phenotype with genotype in the benthic diatom Seminavis robusta. Phycologia 56(4): 169-169, more
- Sildever, S.; Sefbom, J.; Lips, I.; Godhe, A. (2016). Competitive advantage and higher fitness in native populations of genetically structured planktonic diatoms. Environ. Microbiol. 18(12): 4403-4411., more
Sefbom, J.; Sassenhagen, I.; Rengefors, K.; Godhe, A. (2015). Priority effects in a planktonic bloom-forming marine diatom. Biol. Lett. 11(5): 20150184., more
Abstract [show] |
Pinseel, E.; Stock, W.; De Decker, S.; Blommaert, L.; Sefbom, J.; Chepurnova, O.; Vyverman, W. (2016). Cryopreservation of diatoms: tips & tricks, in: Pienitz, R. et al. (Ed.) IDS 2016: 24th International Diatom Symposium, Quebec, Canada, 21-26 August 2016: Program & Abstracts. pp. 216, more