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Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen; Vakgroep Dierwetenschappen en Aquatische Ecologie; Laboratorium voor Milieutoxicologie (GhEnToxLab), more
Function: PhD student
Project |
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- New Strategies for monitoring and risk assessment of Hazardous chemicals in the marine Environment with Passive Samplers, more
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- Moeris, S.; De Schamphelaere, K.; Laboratory of Environmental Toxicology and Aquatic Ecology (GhEnToxLab). Ugent: Belgium; (2020): Ecotoxicity testing of environmentally realistic contaminant mixtures using passive samplers., more
Publications (8) |
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A1 Publications (3) [show] |
- Moeris, S.; Vanryckeghem, F.; Demeestere, K.; De Schamphelaere, K.A.C. (2021). A margin of safety approach for the assessment of environmentally realistic chemical mixtures in the marine environment based on combined passive sampling and ecotoxicity testing. Sci. Total Environ. 765: 142748., more
- Moeris, S.; Vanryckeghem, F.; Demeestere, K.; De Schamphelaere, K.A.C. (2021). Neonicotinoid insecticides from a marine perspective: acute and chronic copepod testing and derivation of environmental quality standards. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 40(5): 1353-1367., more
- Moeris, S.; Vanryckeghem, F.; Demeestere, K.; Huysman, S.; Vanhaecke, L.; De Schamphelaere, K.A.C. (2019). Growth stimulation effects of environmentally realistic contaminant mixtures on a marine diatom. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 38(6): 1313-1322., more
Abstracts (4) [show] |
Moeris, S.; Vanryckeghem, F.; Demeestere, K.; De Schamphelaere, K. (2019). Severe effects of neonicotinoid insecticides on Nitocra spinipes under different exposure conditions, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day. Bredene, Belgium, 13 March 2019. VLIZ Special Publication, 83: pp. 125, more
Moeris, S.; Vanryckeghem, F.; Huysman, S.; Demeestere, K.; Vanhaecke, L.; Van Langenhove, H.; Janssen, C.R.; De Schamphelaere, K. (2018). Ecotoxicity testing of environmentally realistic contaminant mixtures using passive samplers: what can we learn from repeating toxicity tests over an extended period of time?, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day. Bredene, Belgium, 21 March 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 80: pp. 22, more
Moeris, S.; Vanryckeghem, F.; Huysman, S.; Demeestere, K.; Vanhaecke, L.; Van Langenhove, H.; Janssen, C.; De Schamphelaere, K. (2018). Using no observed effects to identify main contributing micropollutants in mixture toxicity assessment, in: SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting, 13-17 May 2018, Rome, Italy: Abstract Book. , more
Moeris, S.; Vanryckeghem, F.; Demeestere, K.; Van Langenhove, H.; Janssen, C.; Schamphelaere, K. (2017). Single substance and mixture toxicity of emerging polar micropollutants detected in the marine environment, in: SETAC Europe 27th Annual Meeting: Environmental quality through transdisciplinary collaboration, 7-11 May, 2017, Brussels, Belgium. pp. 284, more
Report [show] |
Parmentier, K.; Adamopoulou, A.; Roose, P.; Baetens, K.; Lacroix, G.; Moeris, S.; Hansul, S.; De Schamphelaere, K.; Vanryckeghem, F.; Demeestere, K.; Van Langenhove, H.; Vanhaecke, L.; Huysman, S.; Gaulier, C.; Guo, W.; Baeyens, W.; Gao, Y.; Smedes, F. (2020). New Strategies for monitoring and risk assessment of Hazardous chemicals in the marine Environment with Passive Samplers. Belgian Science Policy Office: Brussels. 136 pp., more