Dataset |
Top | Institute | Publications | Dataset |
- Milotic T, Baltzinger C, Eichberg C, Eycott A, Heurich M, Müller J, Noriega J, Menendez R, Stadler J, Ádám R, Bargmann T, Bilger I, Buse J, Calatayud J, Ciubuc C, Boros G, Jay-Robert P, Kruus M, Merivee E, Miessen G, Must A, Ardali E, Preda E, Rahimi I, Rohwedder D, Slade E, Somay L, Tahmasebi P, Ziani S, Brosens D, Desmet P, Hoffmann M (2017): Dung Beetles of the Western Palaearctic. v1.3. Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO). Dataset/Samplingevent., more
Publications (4) |
Top | Institute | Publications | Dataset |
A1 Publications (2) [show] |
Bubnicki, J.W.; Norton, B.; Baskauf, S.J.; Bruce, T.; Cagnacci, F.; Casaer, J.; Churski, M.; Cromsigt, J.P.G.M.; Dal Farra, S.; Fiderer, C.; Forrester, T.D.; Hendry, H.; Heurich, M.; Hofmeester, T.R.; Jansen, P.A.; Kays, R.; Kuijper, D.P.J.; Liefting, Y.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Luskin, M.S.; Mann, C.; Milotic, T.; Newman, P.; Niedballa, J.; Oldoni, D.; Ossi, F.; Robertson, T.; Rovero, F.; Rowcliffe, M.; Seidenari, L.; Stachowicz, I.; Stowell, D.; Tobler, M.W.; Wieczorek, J.; Zimmermann, F.; Desmet, P. (2024). Camtrap DP: An open standard for the FAIR exchange and archiving of camera trap data. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 10(3): 283-295., more
Hummel, C.; Mellink, Y.A.M.; Bienfait, L.; Adamescu, M.C.; Cazacu, C.; Heurich, M.; Medina, F.M.; Morkune, R.; Švajda, J.; Hummel, H. (2021). A practical novel assessment tool for the socio-ecological condition of Protected Areas: The Protection Level Index (PLI). J. Nat. Conserv. 64: 126065., more
Peer reviewed publication [show] |
Hummel, H.; Kalle, V.; Bienfait, L.; Boyer, Y.; Heurich, M.; Svajda, J.; Adamescu, M.; Cazacu, C.; Medina, F.M.; Morkūnė, R.; Razinkovas-Baziukas, A.; Poursanidis, D.; Tasevska, O.; Al Malla, A.; Stritih, A.; Rossi, C.; Arenas-Castro, S.; Carvalho-Santos, C.; Smit, I.P.J.; Valentini, E.; Xuan, A.N.; Orenstein, D.; Provenzale, A.; De Wit, R.; Hummel, C. (2022). A bottom-up practitioner-derived set of Essential Variables for Protected Area management. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators 14: 100179., more
Other publication [show] |
- Milotic, T.; Baltzinger, C.; Eichberg, C.; Eycott, A.E.; Heurich, M.; Müller, J.; Noriega, J.A.; Menendez, R.; Stadler, J.; Ádám, R.; Bargmann, T.; Bilger, I.; Buse, J.; Calatayud, J.; Ciubuc, C.; Boros, G.; Hauso, M.; Jay-Robert, P.; Kruus, M.; Miessen, G.; Must, A.; Ardali, E.O.; Preda, E.; Rahimi, I.; Rohwedder, D.; Rose, R.; Slade, E.M.; Somay, L.; Tahmasebi, P.; Ziani, S.; Hoffmann, M. (2018). Dung beetle assemblages, dung removal and secondary seed dispersal: data from a large-scale, multi-site experiment in the Western Palaearctic. Frontiers of Biogeography 10(1-2)., more