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Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Vakgroep Biologie; Laboratorium voor Ecotoxicologie en Polaire Ecologie (ETOX), more
Projects (4) |
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- Het belang van verschillende lipideklassen in de accumulatie en eliminatie van PCB' s in mariene organismen. I, more
- Het belang van verschillende lipideklassen in de accumulatie en eliminatie van PCB' s in mariene organismen. II, more
- Het belang van verschillende lipideklassen in de accumulatie en eliminatie van PCB' s in mariene organismen. III, more
- Lipofilicity and normalization of organic micro- pollutants in organic systems, more
Dataset |
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- de la Cruz E.; Delbeke K.; Fundamental and Applied Marine Ecology Post Graduate Program (FAME); Laboratory of Ecotoxicology. VUB: Belgium; (2016): Organochlorine and total mercury in bivalve Anadara tuberculosa and other species from the Nicoya Gulf, Costa Rica in 1988., more
Publications (30) |
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A1 Publications (8) [show] |
Nys, C.; Van Sprang, P.A.; Lofts, S.; Baken, S.; Delbeke, K.; De Schamphelaere, K. (2024). Updated chronic copper bioavailability models for invertebrates and algae. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 43(2): 450-467., more
- Deruytter, D.; Vandegehuchte, M.B.; Garrevoet, J.; De Laender, F.; Vergucht, E.; Delbeke, K.; Blust, R.; De Schamphelaere, K.A.C.; Vincze, L.; Janssen, C.R. (2015). Salinity and dissolved organic carbon both affect copper toxicity in mussel larvae: copper speciation or competition cannot explain everything. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 34(6): 1330-1336., more
- Deruytter, D.; Garrevoet, J.; Vandegehuchte, M.B.; Vergucht, E.; De Samber, B.; Vekemans, B.; Appel, K.; Falkenberg, G.; Delbeke, K.; Blust, R.; De Schamphelaere, K.A.C.; Vincze, L.; Janssen, C.R. (2014). The combined effect of Dissolved Organic Carbon and salinity on the bioaccumulation of Copper in marine mussel larvae. Environ. Sci. Technol. 48(1): 698-705., more
- De Schamphelaere, K.A.C.; Vasconcelos, FM.; Heijerick, D.G.; Tack, F.M.G.; Delbeke, K.; Allen, H.E.; Janssen, C.R. (2003). Development and field validation of a predictive copper toxicity model for the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 22(10): 2454-2465., more
Belpaeme, K.; Delbeke, K.; Zhu, L.; Kirsch-Volders, M. (1996). PCBs do not induce DNA breakage in vitro in human lymphocytes. Mutagenesis 11(4): 383-389, more
Belpaeme, K.; Delbeke, K.; Zhu, L.; Kirsch-Volders, M. (1996). Cytogenetic studies of PCB77 on brown trout (Salmo trutta fario) using the micronucleus test and the alkaline comet assay. Mutagenesis 11(5): 485-492., more
- Delbeke, K.; Joiris, C.R.; Bossicart, M. (1990). Organochlorines in different fractions of sediments and in different planktonic compartments of the Belgian continental shelf and the Scheldt estuary. Environ. Pollut. 66: 325-349, more
Delbeke, K.; Joiris, Cl.; Decadt, G. (1984). Mercury contamination of the Belgian Avifauna 1970-1981. Environ. Pollut. 7: 205-221, more
Peer reviewed publication [show] |
- Delbeke, K.; Joiris, C.R. (1988). Accumulation mechanisms and geographical distribution of PCBs in the North Sea. Océanis (Paris) 14: 399-410, more
Book [show] |
- Delbeke, K.; Joiris, C. (1986). Biogeochemical regulation of stable pollutant transfer in open sea and coastal environments (heavy metals and organochlorine residues) Partim: organochlorine residues Final report: CEC ENV-766 C. VUB. Laboratory for ecotoxicology: Brussel. , more
Book chapters (6) [show] |
- Delbeke, K.; Lin, Z.; Teklemariam, T.; Sorgeloos, P.; Cooreman, K.; Roose, P. (1994). The importance of biochemical and ecological variables for the understanding of organic micropollutant levels in marine ecosystems, in: Vanderborght, O. et al. (Ed.) IGBP and 'Global Change' related research in Belgium II. pp. 144-145, more
- Delbeke, K.; Bossicart, M.; Joiris, C.; Bogaert, M.; Vanthomme, R. (1989). Distribution of organochlorine residues between different fractions of sediments and between different planktonic compartments in the Scheldt estuary and the Belgian coastal zone, in: Pichot, G. (Ed.) Progress in Belgian Oceanographic Research 1989: proceedings of the North Sea Symposium held in Ghent, 14 February 1989. pp. 393-412, more
- Delbeke, K.; Joiris, C.R. (1988). Accumulation mechanisms and geographical distribution of PCBs in the North Sea, in: Newman, P.J. et al. (Ed.) Environmental protection of the North Sea: International technical conference, London, 24-27 March 1987. pp. 771-779, more
Bouquegneau, J.-M.; Joiris, C.; Delbeke, K. (1985). Marine ecotoxicology: field and laboratory approaches, in: Van Grieken, R. et al. (Ed.) Progress in Belgian Oceanographic Research: Proceedings of a symposium held at the Palace of Academies Brussels, 3-5 March 1985. pp. 368-379, more
Delbeke, K.; Joiris, C. (1985). Ecotoxicology of organochlorine residues in marine ecosystems, in: Van Grieken, R. et al. (Ed.) Progress in Belgian Oceanographic Research: Proceedings of a symposium held at the Palace of Academies Brussels, 3-5 March 1985. pp. 358-367, more
Joiris, C.; Delbeke, K. (1985). Contamination by PCB's and Organochlorine Pesticides of Belgiann Birds of Prey, Their Eggs and Their Food, 1969-1982, in: Nurnberg, H.W. (Ed.) Pollutants and their ecotoxicological Significance. pp. 403-413, more
Abstract [show] |
Belpaeme, K.; Lin, Z.; Delbeke, K.; Kirsch-Volders, M. (1996). Using the micronucleus test and the single cell gel (comet) assay to study clastogenic effects of PCB77 in fish, in: Report of the joint meeting of the working group on marine sediments in relation to pollution and the working group on biological effects of contaminants, Ostend, Belgium, 29 February 1996. CM Documents - ICES, CM 1996(Env:3): pp. 27, more
Reports (7) [show] |
- Munga, J.; Delbeke, K.; Tsalwa, S.; Mwaguni, S.; Wijnant, J. (1999). Theoretical assessment of the pollution sources and loads of the creeks around Mombasa, in: Delbeke, K. (Ed.) (1991). Kenya - Belgium project in marine sciences "Higher Institute for Marine Sciences" VLIR - KMFRI Project and CEC Project "Dynamics and Assessment of Kenyan Mangrove Ecosystems" No. TS2-0240-C (GDF): Progress Report November 1990 -June 1991. pp. 88-97, more
Delbeke, K. (Ed.) (1991). Kenya - Belgium project in marine sciences "Higher Institute for Marine Sciences" VLIR - KMFRI Project and CEC Project "Dynamics and Assessment of Kenyan Mangrove Ecosystems" No. TS2-0240-C (GDF): Progress Report November 1990 -June 1991. Kenyan Belgian Cooperation in Marine Sciences: Brussel. 166 pp., more
- Delbeke, K.; Omolo, O.; Umani, M.; Anyango, O. (1991). Assessment of pollution impact on the mangrove oyster, Crassostrea cucullata, in: Delbeke, K. (Ed.) Kenya - Belgium project in marine sciences "Higher Institute for Marine Sciences" VLIR - KMFRI Project and CEC Project "Dynamics and Assessment of Kenyan Mangrove Ecosystems" No. TS2-0240-C (GDF): Progress Report November 1990 -June 1991. pp. 106-111, more
- Wijnant, J.; Delbeke, K.; Munga, J.; Mwangi, S.; Owili, M. (1991). Monitoring of pollution levels in the coastal and estuarine environment around Mombasa, in: Delbeke, K. (Ed.) Kenya - Belgium project in marine sciences "Higher Institute for Marine Sciences" VLIR - KMFRI Project and CEC Project "Dynamics and Assessment of Kenyan Mangrove Ecosystems" No. TS2-0240-C (GDF): Progress Report November 1990 -June 1991. pp. 98-105, more
Delbeke, K.; Bossicart, M.; Joiris, C.; Bogaert, M.; Vanthomme, R. (1989). Distribution of organochlorine residues between different fractions of sediments and between different planktonic compartments in the Scheldt estuary and the Belgian coastal zone. CM Documents - ICES, C.M. 1989(E:29). ICES: Copenhagen. [no pag.] pp., more
Delbeke, K.; Bossicart, M.; Joiris, C.; Bogaert, M.; Vanthomme, R. (1988). Huidige situatie van de verontreiniging van mariene en estuariene sedimenten door PCB's en lindaan. Beheerseenheid van het Mathematisch Model van de Noordzee en het Schelde-estuarium: Brussel. Vol. 1: tekst (45 p.); Vol. 2 (bijlagen) pp., more
Delbeke, K.; Bossicart, M.; Joiris, C.; Bogaert, M.; Vanthomme, R. (1988). Huidige situatie van de verontreiniging van de mariene en estuariene sedimenten door PCBs en lindaan. Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Brussel. 45 + annexes pp., more
Other publications (2) [show] |
- Schoeters, G.E.R.; Janssen, C.R.; Persoone, G.; Delbeke, K. (1996). Ecotoxicologische testen voor beoordeling van waterkwaliteit. Water 15(91): 280-282, more
- Joiris, C.R.; Bouquegneau, J.-M.; Delbeke, K.; Overloop, W. (1987). Contamination by stable pollutants (organochlorines and heavy metals) of a common dolphin Delphinus delphis found dying in Belgium. European Cetacean Society Newsletter 1: 30-31, more
Thesis (co-)promotor (4) [show] |