Publications (7) |
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Book [show] |
Elias, E.; Roelvink, F.; Pearson, S.; Huisman, B. (2021). Investigation of sediment pathways in the Put Van Hansweert: morphological effects of dumping in a deep pit of the Western Scheldt. Deltares: Delft. 43 pp., more
Abstracts (2) [show] |
Hallin, C.; Huisman, B.; Krijnen, I.; de Vries, S. (2022). Simulation of medium to long-term dune evoloution with interacting marine and aeolian sediment transport processes, in: Strypsteen, G. et al. Book of abstracts: building coastal resilience 2022, Brugge, Belgium, 12-13 April 2022. VLIZ Special Publication, 89: pp. 17-19, more
Stronkhorst, J.; Mulder, J.P.M.; De Ronde, J.; Huisman, B.; Sprengers, C. (2012). Large-scale sand nourishment strategy of the Dutch coast; A systems approach, in: Belpaeme, K. et al. (Ed.) Book of Abstracts. International Conference Littoral 2012: Coasts of Tomorrow. Kursaal, Oostende, 27-29 November 2012. VLIZ Special Publication, 61: pp. 101-102, more
Reports (4) [show] |
Antolinez, J.; Huisman, B.; Huismans, Y. (2021). Mesoscale morphology of the Inloop van Ossenisse: Influence of pilot disposals in relation to autonomous trends. versie 1.0. Deltares: Delft. 39 pp., more
Huismans, Y.; van der Vegt, H.; Huisman, B.; Colina Alonso, A. (2021). Westerschelde: storten in diepe putten - Technische rapportage: mesoschaal morfologische ontwikkelingen rond de Put van Hansweert. 1.0. Deltares: Delft. 99 pp., more
Van der Wegen, M.; Schrijvershof, R.; Broekema, Y.; Kranenburg, W.; Huisman, B. (2021). Hydrodynamics in the pits of Borssele and Hansweert: Data-analysis and Delft3D-FM modeling. versie 1.0. Deltares: Delft. 37 pp., more
Huisman, B.; Schroevers, R.; van der Wal, M. (2010). Erosie van het slik van Bath. Onderzoek naar de drijvende kracht achter erosie. Deltares: [s.l.]. ii, 45 + bijlagen pp., more