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Universiteit Antwerpen; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Departement Biologie; Onderzoeksgroep Polaire Ecologie, Limnologie, Geomorfologie, more
Projects (2) |
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- Arctic and Antarctic Rotifera (Invertebrata), more
- Diversity, distribution and seasonal evolution of Rotifera (Invertebrata) along the Belgian coast, more
Publications (37) |
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A1 Publications (23) [show] |
Leasi, F.; De Smet, W.H. (2020). Thalassic rotifers from the United States: descriptions of two new species and notes on the effect of salinity and ecosystem on biodiversity. Diversity 12(1): 28., more
- De Smet, W.H. (2015). Rotifera from the Mediterranean Sea, with description of ten new species. Zootaxa 4028(2): 151-196. , more
- Leasi, F.; Tang, C.Q.; De Smet, W.H.O.; Fontaneto, D. (2013). Cryptic diversity with wide salinity tolerance in the putative euryhaline Testudinella clypeata (Rotifera, Monogononta). Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 168(1): 17-28., more
Curini-Galletti, M.; Artois, T.; Delogu, V.; De Smet, W.H.; Fontaneto, D.; Jondelius, U.; Leasi, F.; Martínez, A.; Meyer-Wachsmuth, I.; Nilsson, K.S.; Tongiorgi, P.; Worsaae, K.; Todaro, M.A. (2012). Patterns of diversity in soft-bodied meiofauna: dispersal ability and body size matter. PLoS One 7(3): e33801., more
Segers, H.; De Smet, W.H.; Fischer, C.; Fontaneto, D.; Michaloudi, E.; Wallace, R.L.; Jersabek, C.D. (2012). Towards a list of available names in Zoology, partim Phylum Rotifera. Zootaxa 3179: 61-68, more
- Wei, N.; De Smet, W.H.; Xu, R. (2011). Two new brackish-water species of Testudinella (Rotifera: Testudinellidae) from Qi’ao Island in the Pearl River estuary, China, with a key to marine and brackish-water Testudinella. Zootaxa 3051(3051): 41-56, more
Wei, N.; De Smet, W.H.; Xu, R.L. (2010). A new species of Testudinella (Rotifera: Testudinellidae) From Qi’ao Island, Pearl River estuary, China. Acta zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. (1994) 56(4): 307-315, more
- De Smet, W.H. (2009). A review of the marine and brackish-water species of Testudinella (Rotifera: Monogononta, Testudinellidae), with the description of two new species. Zootaxa 2092(2092): 1-20, more
- Segers, H.; De Smet, W.H. (2008). Diversity and endemism in Rotifera: a review, and Keratella Bory de St Vincent. Biodivers. Conserv. 17(2): 303-316., more
- De Smet, W.H.O. (2007). Description of two new species of Myersinella (Rotifera: Monogononta: Dicranophoridae) from the Mediterranean. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 87(5): 1105-1110., more
- De Smet, W.H.; Chernyshev, A.V. (2006). Two new species of Dicranophoridae (Rotifera: Monogononta) from Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 86(4): 657-663., more
- De Smet, W.H.O. (2006). Some Marine Rotifera from Reunion Island, with a description of a new species of Lindia Harring and Myers, 1924 and one of Synchaeta Ehrenberg, 1832. Zool. Stud. 45(1): 81-92, more
- Fontaneto, D.; De Smet, W.H.O.; Ricci, C. (2006). Rotifers in saltwater environments, re-evaluation of an inconspicuous taxon. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 86(4): 623-656., more
- De Smet, W.H. (2005). Study of the trophi of Testudinella Bory de St. Vincent and Pompholyx Gosse (Rotifera: Testudinellidae) by scanning electron microscopy. Hydrobiologia 546(1): 203-211., more
- De Smet, W.H.O. (2005). Redescription of Lindia gravitata with comments on L. tecusa (Rotifera: Monogononta: Lindiidae). J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 85(6): 1467-1473., more
- De Smet, W.H.O. (2003). Paradicranophorus sinus sp. nov. (Dicranophoridae, Monogononta) a new rotifer from Belgium, with remarks on some other species of the genus Paradicranophorus Wisziewski, 1929 and description of Donneria gen. nov. Belg. J. Zool. 133(2): 181-188, more
- De Smet, W.H.O. (2002). Marine Rotifera from the Crozet and Kerguelen Islands (Subantarctica), with the description of a new Encentrum (Monogononta: Dicranophoridae). Int. Rev. Hydrobiol. 87(4): 411-422.<411::AID-IROH411>3.0.CO;2-6, more
- Friedrich, C.; De Smet, W.H.O. (2000). The rotifer fauna of Arctic sea ice from the Barents Sea, Laptev Sea and Greenland Sea. Hydrobiologia 432(1-3): 73-89., more
- De Smet, W.H.O. (1996). Description of Proales litoralis sp. nov. (Rotifers, Monogononta: Proalidae) from the marine littoral. Hydrobiologia 335(3): 203-208, more
- Segers, H.; De Smet, W.H.O.; Bonte, D. (1996). Description of Lepadella deridderae deridderae n. sp., n. subsp. and L. deridderae alaskae n. sp., n. subsp. (Rotifera: Monogononta, Colurellidae). Belg. J. Zool. 126(2): 117-122, more
- De Smet, W.H.O. (1995). Description of Encentrum dieteri sp. nov. (Rotifera, Dicranophoridae) from the high Arctic, with redescription of E. bidentatum (Lie-Pettersen, 1906) and E. murrayi Bryce, 1922. Belg. J. Zool. 125(2): 349-361, more
- De Smet, W.H.O. (1994). Proales christinae (Rotifera, Proalidae): a new species from the littoral of the North Sea. Belg. J. Zool. 124(1): 21-25, more
- De Smet, W.H.O.; Van Rompu, E.A. (1994). Rotifera and Tardigrada from some cryoconite holes on a Spitsbergen (Svalbard) glacier. Belg. J. Zool. 124(1): 27-37, more
Peer reviewed publications (6) [show] |
Fontaneto, D.; De Smet, W.H.; Melone, G. (2008). Identification key to the genera of marine rotifers worldwide. Meiofauna Mar. 16: 75-99, more
- De Smet, W.H.O. (2000). Three new species of the genus Encentrum (Rotifera,Monogononta, Dicranophoridae). Sarsia 85: 77-86, more
De Smet, W.; Van Rompu, E. (1989). Area effects and clines for shell polymorphism in Cepaea nemoralis (L.) (Mollusca, Pulmonata: Helicidae) along the Belgian coastal dunes. Ann. Soc. R. Zool. Bel. 119(2): 227-228, more
- De Smet, W.H.O.; Van Rompu, E.A. (1989). Thrush predation shell polymorphism in Cepaea nemoralis (L.) (Helicidae) along the Belgian coastal dunes. Ann. Soc. R. Zool. Bel. 119(2): 213-214, more
- De Smet, W.H.O.; Van Rompu, E.A.M. (1987). Contribution to the thermal relations of the pulmonates Cochlicella acuta and C. ventricosa. Haliotis 16: 577, more
- De Smet, W.H.O.; Van Rompu, E.A. (1985). Een scalariform exemplaar bij Cepaea nemoralis (L.) (Gastropoda, Helicidae). Natuurwet. Tijdschr. 66: 124-130, more
Book chapter [show] |
De Smet, W.H.O.; Van Rompu, E.A. (1989). Survey of the distribution and shell polymorphism of Cochlicella acuta (Müller, 1774) and Theba pisana (Müller, 1774) (Pulmonata, Helicidae) along the Belgian coastal dune area, in: Wouters, K. et al. (Ed.) Invertebraten van België = Invertébrés de Belgique: Verhandelingen van het Symposium "Invertebraten van België" = Comptes rendus du Symposium "Invertébrés de Belgique" = Proceedings of the Symposium "Invertebrates of Belgium". Brussel, 25-26 november 1988. pp. 119-124, more
Abstracts (2) [show] |
Leasi, F.; Miller, A.; De Smet, W.H.O. (2019). Effect of salinity and habitat on rotifer communities from the United States and description of two new species, in: Adão, H. et al. (Ed.) Book of Abstracts: SeventIMCO - Seventeenth International Meiofauna Conference, University of Évora, Portugal, 7-12 July, 2019. University of Évora, Special Publication, : pp. 105, more
De Smet, W.H.; Van Rompu, E.A. (1988). Overzicht van de verspreiding en het polymorfisme van Cepaea nemoralis (L.), Cochlicella acuta (Müll.) en Theba pisana (Müll.) (Pulmonata: Helicidae) in de Belgische kustduinen, in: Wouters, K. et al. (Ed.) Symposium Invertebraten van België, samenvattingen, 25-26 nov. 1988. pp. 29, more
Other publications (5) [show] |
- Van Rompu, E.A.; De Smet, W.H.O. (1996). Additions to the tardigrade fauna of Belgium. Biol. Jb. Dodonaea 63: 76-91, more
De Smet, W.H.O.; Van Rompu, E.A. (1984). Shell size and thickness in adult Cepaea nemoralis (L.) (Gastropoda) from the Belgian coastal dunes. Biol. Jb. Dodonaea 52: 26-34, more
De Smet, W.H.O. (1983). Notes on the distribution and the shell polymorphism of Cochlicella acuta (Müller) (Gastropoda, Helicidae) in Belgium. Biol. Jb. Dodonaea 51: 23-35, more
De Smet, W.H.O.; Van Rompu, E.A. (1983). Differential heat death of Cepaea nemoralis (L.) (Gastropoda) on the Belgian coastal dunes. Biol. Jb. Dodonaea 51: 243-253, more
De Smet, W.H.O. (1982). Shell colour and banding polymorphism in Cepaea nemoralis (L.) (Gastropoda), from the Belgian coastal dune region. Biol. Jb. Dodonaea 50: 182-201, 1 folded table, more