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Université de Mons; Faculté des Sciences; Département de Biologie; Laboratoire de Biologie des Organismes Marins et Biomimétisme (BOMB), more
Publications (7) |
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A1 Publications (7) [show] |
- Caulier, G.; Lourtie, A.; Brasseur, L.; Mallefet, J.; Gerbaux, P.; Flammang, P.; Eeckhaut, I. (2022). Crinoid anthraquinones as kairomones allowing host selection for the symbiotic snapping shrimp Synalpheus stimpsonii. Chemoecology (Print. ed.) 32(3): 95-104., more
Brasseur, L.; Demeyer, M.; Decroo, C.; Caulier, G.; Flammang, P.; Gerbaux, P.; Eeckhaut, I. (2018). Identification and quantification of spinochromes in body compartments of Echinometra mathaei's coloured types. Royal Society Open Science 5(8): 15., more
- Brasseur, L.; Caulier, G.; Flammang, P.; Gerbaux, P.; Eeckhaut, I. (2018). Mapping of spinochromes in the body of three tropical shallow water sea urchins. Nat. Prod. Commun. 13(12): 1659-1665, more
Brasseur, L.; Caulier, G.; Lepoint, G.; Gerbaux, P.; Eeckhaut, I. (2018). Echinometra mathaei and its ectocommensal shrimps: the role of sea urchin spinochrome pigments in the symbiotic association. NPG Scientific Reports 8(1): 17540., more
Brasseur, L.; Hennebert, E.; Fievez, L.; Caulier, G.; Bureau, F.; Tafforeau, L.; Flammang, P.; Gerbaux, P.; Eeckhaut, I. (2017). The roles of spinochromes in four shallow water tropical sea urchins and their potential as bioactive pharmacological agents. Mar. Drugs 15(6): 179., more
- Brasseur, L.; Parmentier, E.; Caulier, G.; Vanderplanck, M.; Michez, D.; Flammang, P.; Gerbaux, P.; Lognay, G.; Eeckhaut, I. (2016). Mechanisms involved in pearlfish resistance to holothuroid toxins. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 163(6): 129., more
Eeckhaut, I.; Caulier, G.; Brasseur, L.; Flammang, P.; Gerbaux, P.; Parmentier, E. (2015). Effects of holothuroid ichtyotoxic saponins on the gills of free-living fishes and symbiotic pearlfishes. Biol. Bull. 228(3): 253-265, more