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Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Vakgroep Geologie; Renard Centre of Marine Geology (RCMG), more
Publications (5) |
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A1 Publications (5) [show] |
- Praet, N.; Van Daele, M.; Collart, T.; Moernaut, J.; Vandekerkhove, E.; Kempf, P.; Haeussler, P.J.; De Batist, M. (2020). Turbidite stratigraphy in proglacial lakes: deciphering trigger mechanisms using a statistical approach. Sedimentology 67(5): 2332-2359., more
- Vandekerkhove, E.; Van Daele, M.; Praet, N.; Cnudde, V.; Haeussler, P.J.; De Batist, M. (2020). Flood‐triggered versus earthquake‐triggered turbidites: a sedimentological study in clastic lake sediments (Eklutna Lake, Alaska). Sedimentology 67(1): 364-389., more
- Vandekerkhove, E.; Bertrand, S.; Lanna, E.C.; Reid, B.; Pantoja, S. (2020). Modern sedimentary processes at the heads of Martínez Channel and Steffen Fjord, Chilean Patagonia. Mar. Geol. 419: 106076., more
Thys, S.; Van Daele, M.; Praet, N.; Jensen, B.J.L.; Van Dyck, T.; Haeussler, P.; Vandekerkhove, E.; Cnudde, V.; De Batist, M. (2019). Dropstones in lacustrine sediments as a record of snow avalanches — A validation of the proxy by combining satellite imagery and varve chronology at Kenai lake (South-Central Alaska). Quaternary 2(1): 11., more
- Vandekerkhove, E.; Bertrand, S.; Reid, B.; Bartels, A.; Charlier, B. (2016). Sources of dissolved silica to the fjords of northern Patagonia (44-48°S): the importance of volcanic ash soil distribution and weathering. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms 41(4): 499-512., more