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Medical University of Vienna; Department of Ecotoxicology, more
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Publications (32) |
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A1 Publications (19) [show] |
- Wittmann, K.J. (2024). The Mysidae (Crustacea, Mysida) of the ANDEEP I–III expeditions to the Antarctic deep sea with the description of twelve new species, establishment of four new genera and with world-wide keys to the species of Erythropinae and Mysidellinae. Eur. J. Taxon. 940: 1-180., more
- Wittmann, K.J.; Wirtz, P. (2024). An update on the genus Ischiomysis with a description of I. proincisa sp. nov. (Crustacea, Mysida) from a sublittoral marine cave in the Gulf of Guinea (tropical E-Atlantic). Zoosyst. Evol. 100(4): 1431-1442., more
- Wittmann, K.J. (2018). Six new freshwater species of Parvimysis, with notes on breeding biology, statolith composition, and a key to the Mysidae (Mysida) of Amazonia. Crustaceana 91(5): 537-576., more
- Wittmann, K.J.; Griffiths, C.L. (2018). A new species of Mysidopsis G.O. Sars, 1864 from the Atlantic coast of South Africa, with supplementary descriptions of two additional species and notes on colour and feeding apparatus (Mysida: Mysidae). J. Crust. Biol. 38(2): 215-234., more
- Meland, K.; Mees, J.; Porter, M.; Wittmann, K.J. (2015). Taxonomic review of the orders Mysida and Stygiomysida (Crustacea, Peracarida). PLoS One 10(4): 28 pp., more
- Wittmann, K.J.; Ariani, A.P. (2012). Diamysis cymodoceae sp. nov. from the Mediterranean, Marmora, and Black Sea basins, with notes on geographical distribution and ecology of the genus (Mysida, Mysidae). Crustaceana 85(3): 301-332., more
- Wittmann, K.J.; Ariani, A.P. (2011). An adjusted concept for a problematic taxon, Paramysis festae Colosi, 1921, with notes on morphology, biomineralogy, and biogeography of the genus Paramysis Czerniavsky, 1882 (Mysida, Mysidae). Crustaceana 84(7): 849-868., more
- Wittmann, K.J. (2009). Revalidation of Chlamydopleon aculeatum Ortmann, 1893, and its consequences for the taxonomy of Gastrosaccinae (Crustacea: Mysida: Mysidae) endemic to coastal waters of America. Zootaxa 2115(2115): 21-33, more
- Wittmann, K.J.; Ariani, A.P. (2009). Reappraisal and range extension of non-indigenous Mysidae (Crustacea, Mysida) in continental and coastal waters of eastern France. Biological Invasions 11(2): 401-407., more
- Audzijonyte, A.; Wittmann, K.J.; Väinölä, R. (2007). Tracing recent invasions of the Ponto-Caspian mysid shrimp Hemimysis anomala across Europe and to North America with mitochondrial DNA. Diversity Distrib. 14(2): 179-186., more
- Remerie, T.; Bulckaen, B.; Calderon, J.; Deprez, T.; Mees, J.; Vanfleteren, J.; Vanreusel, A.; Vierstraete, A.; Vincx, M.; Wittmann, K.J.; Wooldridge, T. (2004). Phylogenetic relationships within the Mysidae (Crustacea, Peracarida, Mysida) based on nuclear 18S ribosomal RNA sequences. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 32(3): 770-777, more
- Wittmann, K.J. (2004). Retromysis nura new genus and species (Mysidacea, Mysidae, Heteromysini) from a superficial marine cave in Minorca (Balearic Islands, Mediterranean Sea). Crustaceana 77(7): 769-783., more
- Wittmann, K.J.; Hernández, F.; Dürr, J. (2003). The epi- to bathypelagic mysidacea (peracarida) off the Selvagens, Canary, and Cape Verde Islands (NE Atlantic), with first description of the male of Longithoraxalicei H. Nouvel, 1942. Crustaceana 76(10): 1257-1280, more
- Wittmann, K.J. (2001). Centennial changes in the near-shore mysid fauna of the Gulf of Naples (Mediterranean Sea), with description of Heteromysis riedli sp n. (Crustacea, Mysidacea). Mar. Ecol. (Berl.) 22(1-2): 85-109., more
- Wittmann, K.J.; Ariani, A.P. (2001). The Transition from an Epigean to a Hypogean Mode of Life: Morphological and Bionomical Characteristics of Diamysis camassai sp. nov. (Mysidacea, Mysidae) from Brackish-Water Dolinas in Apulia, SE-Italy. Crustaceana 74(11): 1241-1265., more
- Wittmann, K.J.; Ariani, A.P. (2000). Interbreeding versus morphological and ecological differentiation in Mediterranean Diamysis (Crustacea, Mysidacea), with description of four new taxa. Hydrobiologia 441: 185-236., more
- Wittmann, K.J.; Ariani, A.P. (2000). Limnomysis benedeni: Mysidacé Ponto-Caspian nouveau pour les eaux douces de France (Crustacea, Mysidacea) = Limnomysis benedeni Czerniavsky: a Pontocaspian mysid new for the freshwaters of France (Crustacea, Mysidacea). Vie Milieu (1980) 50(2): 117-122, more
- Dauby, P.; Wittmann, K.J. (1986). Étude comparative de la fécondité de différentes espèces de Leptomysis (mysidacés) de Mediterranée occidentale. Cah. Biol. Mar. 27(3): 309, more
- Wittmann, K.J. (1984). Ecophysiology of marsupial development and reproduction in Mysidacea (Crustacea), in: Barnes, H.B. et al. Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Ann. Rev. 22. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, 22: pp. 393-428, more
Peer reviewed publications (7) [show] |
- Wittmann, K.J. (2024). Mysidae (Crustacea: Mysida) from sponges in sublittoral waters of Lizard Island (Indo-Pacific: Coral Sea), with description of Heteromysis kaufersteinae sp. nov., first record of H. domusmaris from nature, and range extension in Anchialina lobata. Crustac. Res. 53: 97-111., more
- Wittmann, K.J.; Abed-Navandi, D. (2019). A new species of Heteromysis (Mysida: Mysidae) from public coral reef aquaria in Vienna, Austria. Crustac. Res. 48: 81-97., more
- Wittmann, K.J.; Ariani, A.P. (2019). Amazonia versus Pontocaspis: a key to understanding the mineral composition of mysid statoliths (Crustacea: Mysida). Biogeographia 34(1): 1-15., more
- Wittmann, K.J. (2000). Heteromysis arianii sp.n., a new benthic mysid (Crustacea, Mysidacea) from coralloid habitats in the Gulf of Naples (Mediterranean Sea). Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien (B Bot. Zool.) 102B: 279-290, more
- Kelleher, B.; van der Velde, G.; Wittmann, K.J.; Faasse, M.A.; Bij de Vaate, A. (1999). Current status of the freshwater Mysidae in the Netherlands, with records of Limnomysis benedeni Czerniavsky, 1882, a Pontocaspian species in Dutch Rhine branches. Bull. Zool. Mus. Univ. Amsterdam 16(13): 89-96, more
- Schleuter, A.; Geissen, H.-P.; Wittmann, K.J. (1998). Hemimysis anomala G.O. Sars 1907 (Crustacea, Mysidacea), eine euryhaliene pontokaspische Schwebgarnale in Rhein und Neckar. Erstnachweis fur Deutschland. Lauterbornia 32: 67-71, more
- Wittmann, K.J.; Wirtz, P. (1998). A first inventory of the mysid fauna (Crustacea: Mysidacea) in coastal waters of the Madeira and Canary archipelagos. Bol. Mus. Munic. Funchal Sup. no. 5: 511-533, more
Book chapters (4) [show] |
- Remerie, T.; Bulckaen, B.; Calderon, J.; Deprez, T.; Mees, J.; Vanfleteren, J.; Vanreusel, A.; Vierstraete, A.; Vincx, M.; Wittmann, K.J.; Wooldridge, T. (2005). Phylogenetic relationships within the Mysidae (Crustacea, Peracarida, Mysida) based on nuclear 18S ribosomal RNA sequences, in: Remerie, T. Molecular diversity and population structure of two mysid taxa along European coasts = Moleculaire diversiteit en populatiestructuur van twee taxa aasgarnalen langsheen Europese kusten. pp. 25-38, more
- Wittmann, K.J.; Ariani, A.P. (1996). Some aspects of fluorite and vaterite precipitation in marine environments, in: Dworschak, P.C. et al. (Ed.) Influences of Organisms on their Environment, the Role of Episodic Events: Proceedings of the 29th European Marine Biology Symposium Vienna, 29 August-2 September 1994. Marine Ecology (Berlin), 17(1-3): pp. 213-219, more
- Wittmann, K.J. (1992). Cyclomorphosis in the temperate zone mysidacea: evidence and possible adaptive taxonomical significance, in: Köhn, J. et al. (Ed.) Taxonomy, biology and ecology of (Baltic) mysids (Mysidacea Crustacea): International Expert Conference, september 1991, Hiddensee, Germany. pp. 25-32, more
- Wittmann, K.J. (1977). Modification of association and swarming in North Adriatic Mysidacea in relation to habitat and interacting species, in: Keegan, B.F. et al. Biology of Benthic Organisms: 11th European Symposium on Marine Biology, Galway, October 1976. pp. 605-612, more
Other publications (2) [show] |
- Petrescu, I.; Wittmann, K.J. (2009). Catalogue of the Mysida type collection (Crustacea: Peracarida) from the "Grigore Antipa" National Museum of Natural History (Bucuresti). Trav. Mus. Hist. nat. "Grigore Antipa" 52: 53-72, more
- Wittmann, K.J.; Ariani, A.P. (1998). Diamysis bacescui n.sp., a new benthopelagic mysid (Crustacea: Peracarida) from Mediterranean seagrass meadows: description and comments on statolith composition. Trav. Mus. Hist. nat. "Grigore Antipa" XL: 35-49, more