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Thesaurus term: Harbours and waterways
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Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen; Vakgroep Civiele Techniek; Afdeling Maritieme Techniek, more
Institutional address:
Technologiepark 60
9052 Zwijnaarde
Tel.: +32-(0)9-264 55 59
E-mail: ![](https://www.vliz.be/email.php?id=7a683db5f0d8dc1405ad70b77247bf7d)
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Publications (16) |
Top | Institute | Publications |
A1 Publications (5) [show] |
- Chen, C.; Delefortrie, G.; Mansuy, M.; Lataire, E. (2024). Path following controller for autonomous ships: simulation, experiment, and application in shallow water. J. Mar. Sci. Technol. 29: 181-199. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00773-023-00980-3, more
- Mansuy, M.; Candries, M.; Eloot, K.; Page, S.; Adams, R.; Thorel, X.; Decroix, G. (2023). Optimized turning basin design for inland waterways. J. Waterway Port Coast. Ocean Eng. 149(4). https://dx.doi.org/10.1061/JWPED5.WWENG-1978, more
- Chen, C.; Verwilligen, J.; Mansuy, M.; Eloot, K.; Lataire, E.; Delefortrie, G. (2021). Tracking controller for ship manoeuvring in a shallow or confined fairway: design, comparison and application. Appl. Ocean Res. 115: 102823. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apor.2021.102823, more
- Tello Ruiz, M.Á.; Mansuy, M.; Delefortrie, G.; Vantorre, M. (2019). Modelling the manoeuvring behaviour of an ULCS in coastal waves. Ocean Eng. 172: 213-233. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2018.11.046, more
- Verwilligen, J.; Eloot, K.; Mansuy, M.; Vantorre, M. (2019). Full-scale measurements of vertical motions on ultra large container vessels in Scheldt estuary. Ocean Eng. 188: 106264. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2019.106264, more
Peer reviewed publications (2) [show] |
Book chapters (8) [show] |
- Chen, C.; Tello Ruiz, M.; Delefortrie, G.; Mansuy, M.; Mei, T.; Vantorre, M. (2019). Ship manoeuvring model parameter identification using intelligent machine learning method and the beetle antennae search algorithm, in: ASME 2019 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering - Volume 7B: Ocean Engineering. pp. [1-9]. https://dx.doi.org/10.1115/OMAE2019-95565, more
Schwarz-Röhr, B.; Härting, A.; Mansuy, M.; Vantorre, M.; Verwilligen, J.; Ntamba Ntamba, B.; Zhang, C. (2019). Verification of RAOs in sea trials, in: Candries, M. et al. 5th MASHCON International Conference on Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water with non-exclusive focus on manoeuvring in waves, wind and current, 19 - 23 May 2019, Ostend, Belgium: conference proceedings. pp. 382-387, more
- Tello Ruiz, M.; Mansuy, M.; Donatini, L.; Villagómez, J.; Delefortrie, G.; Lataire, E.; Vantorre, M. (2019). Wave effects on the turning ability of an ultra large container ship in shallow water, in: ASME 2019 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering - Volume 7A: Ocean Engineering, June 9–14, 2019 Glasgow, Scotland, UK. pp. [1-10]. https://dx.doi.org/10.1115/OMAE2019-96346, more
- Verwilligen, J.; Eloot, K.; Mansuy, M.; Vantorre, M. (2019). Full-scale measurements of vertical motions on ultra large container vessels in Scheldt estuary, in: Candries, M. et al. 5th MASHCON International Conference on Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water with non-exclusive focus on manoeuvring in waves, wind and current, 19 - 23 May 2019, Ostend, Belgium: conference proceedings. pp. 424-439, more
- Tello Ruiz, M.; Mansuy, M.; Delefortrie, G.; Vantorre, M. (2018). Manoeuvring study of a container ship in shallow water waves, in: ASME 2018 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering - Volume 11B: Honoring Symposium for Professor Carlos Guedes Soares on Marine Technology and Ocean Engineering. pp. [1-10]. https://dx.doi.org/10.1115/OMAE2018-78294, more
- Verwilligen, J.; Mansuy, M.; Vantorre, M.; Eloot, K. (2018). Full-scale measurements to assess squat and vertical motions in exposed shallow water, in: Proceedings of the 34th PIANC World Congress 2018 in Panama City, Panama. pp. [1-20], more
- Verwilligen, J.; Mansuy, M.; Vantorre, M.; Eloot, K. (2018). Full-scale measurements to assess squat and vertical motions in exposed shallow water, in: 34th PIANC World Congress 2018 in Panama City, Panama: abstracts. pp. 461-462, more
- Mansuy, M.; Tello Ruiz, M.Á.; Delefortrie, G.; Vantorre, M. (2017). Post processing techniques study for seakeeping tests in shallow water, in: The 5th International Conference on Advanced Model Measurement Technology for the Maritime Industry (AMT’17), 11th – 13th October 2017, Glasgow, UK: Conference Programme and Proceedings. pp. 460-473, more
Report [show] |
- Verwilligen, J.; Mansuy, M.; Eloot, K.; Lataire, E. (2024). Nautische toegankelijkheid Kanaal Gent-Terneuzen voor scheepsbreedte tot 38.5 m: Eindrapport – Impactstudie bodemprofiel en Full Mission Bridge simulaties. Versie 4.0. WL Rapporten, 23_116_1. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. 129 + 49 p. bijl pp. https://dx.doi.org/10.48607/258, more