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National Natural History Museum Paris (MNHN), more
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Datasets (2) |
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- De Smet B.; Fournier J.; De Troch M.; Vinx M.; Vanaverbeke J.; Marine Biology Research Group - Ugent, Belgium; (2015): Stable isotope values of primary producers and macrofauna in the presence and absence of Lanice conchilega for the bay of the Mont Saint Michel and Boulogne (France) during spring and autumn., more
- De Smet B.; Godet L.; Fournier J.; Desroy N.; Jaffré M.; Vinx M.; Rabaut M.; Marine Biology Research Group - Ugent, Belgium; (2013): Picture catalogue of morphotypes found in faecal samples of wading birds in the Lanice conchilega reef of the Bay of the Mont Saint-Michel (France), more