Publications (46) |
Top | Institute | Publications | Dataset |
A1 Publications (34) [show] |
- Edwards, J.E.; Buijse, A.D.; Winter, H.V.; Bijleveld, A.I. (2025). Seasonal coastal residency and large-scale migration of two grey mullet species in temperate European waters. Movement Ecology 13(1): 2., more
- Colina Alonso, A.; Van Maren, D.S.; Oost, A.P.; Esselink, P.; Lepper, R.; Kösters, F.; Bartholdy, J.; Bijleveld, A.I.; Wang, Z.B. (2024). A mud budget of the Wadden Sea and its implications for sediment management. Commun. Earth Environ. 5(1): 153., more
- de la Barra, P.; Aarts, G.M; Bijleveld, A. (2024). The effects of gas extraction under intertidal mudflats on sediment and macrozoobenthic communities. J. Appl. Ecol. 61(2): 390-405., more
- Edwards, J.E.; Buijse, A.D.; Winter, H.V.; Van Leeuwen, A.; Bijleveld, A.I. (2024). A multi-scale tracking approach for conserving large migratory fish in an open coastal environment. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 301: 108737., more
- Edwards, J.E.; Buijse, A.D.; Winter, H.V.; Bijleveld, A.I. (2024). Gone with the wind: environmental variation influences detection efficiency in a coastal acoustic telemetry array. Animal Biotelemetry 12(1): 21., more
- Ersoy, S.; Beardsworth, C.E; Duran, E.; van der Meer, M.T.J.; Piersma, T.; Groothuis, T.G.G.; Bijleveld, A. (2024). Pathway for personality development: juvenile red knots vary more in diet and exploratory behaviour than adults. Anim. Behav. 208: 31-40., more
- Gobbens, E.; Beardsworth, C.E; Dekinga, A.; ten Horn, J.; Toledo, S.; Nathan, R.; Bijleveld, A. (2024). Environmental factors influencing red knot (Calidris canutus islandica) departure times of relocation flights within the non‐breeding period. Ecol. Evol. 14(3)., more
- Nauta, J.; Meijer, K.J.; de Groot, L.W.; Reijers, V.C.; Bouma, T.; van der Wal, D.; Olff, H.; Holthuijsen, S.; Bijleveld, A.; van der Veer, H.; Franken, O.; Govers, L.L. (2024). Mutual facilitation between foundation species Mytilus edulis and Lanice conchilega promotes habitat heterogeneity on tidal flats. Front. Mar. Sci. 11: 1354009., more
- Roncoroni, A.; Ersoy, S.; Bijleveld, A.I. (2024). Slow-exploring captive red knots were quicker to find food in a social setting than fast explorers. Biol. Lett. 20(7): 20240139., more
- Folmer, E.O.; Bijleveld, A.; Holthuijsen, S.; van der Meer, J.; Piersma, T.; van der Veer, H. (2023). Space–time analyses of sediment composition reveals synchronized dynamics at all intertidal flats in the Dutch Wadden Sea. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 285: 108308., more
- Kwakernaak, C.; Hoeijmakers, D.J.J.; Zwarts, M.P.A.; Bijleveld, A.I.; Holthuijsen, S.; de Jong, D.J.; Govers, L.L. (2023). Ragworms (Hediste diversicolor) limit eelgrass (Zostera marina) seedling settlement: Implications for seed-based restoration. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 560: 151853., more
- Madhuanand, L.; Philippart, C.J.M.; Wang, J.; Nijland, W.; de Jong, S.M.; Bijleveld, A.I.; Addink, E.A. (2023). Enhancing the predictive performance of remote sensing for ecological variables of tidal flats using encoded features from a deep learning model. Giscience & Remote Sensing 60(1)., more
- Nuijten, R.J.M.; Katzner, T.E.; Allen, A.M.; Bijleveld, A.I.; Boorsma, T.; Börger, L.; Cagnacci, F.; Hart, T.; Henley, M.A.; Herren, R.M.; Kok, E.M.A.; Maree, B.; Nebe, B.; Shohami, D.; Vogel, S.M.; Walker, P.; Heitkönig, I.M.A.; Milner-Gulland, E.J. (2023). Priorities for translating goodwill between movement ecologists and conservation practitioners into effective collaboration. Conservation Science and Practice 5(1): e12870., more
- Peng, H.-B.; Choi, C.-Y.; Ma, Z.; Bijleveld, A.I.; Melville, D.S.; Piersma, T. (2023). Individuals of a group-living shorebird show smaller home range overlap when food availability is low. Movement Ecology 11(1)., more
- Singer, A.; Bijleveld, A.I.; Hahner, F.; Holthuijsen, S.; Hubert, K.; Kerimoglu, O.; Kleine Schaars, L.; Kröncke, I.; Lettmann, K.A.; Rittweg, T.; Scheiffarth, G.; van der Veer, H.W.; Wurpts, A. (2023). Long-term response of coastal macrofauna communities to de-eutrophication and sea level rise mediated habitat changes (1980s versus 2018). Front. Mar. Sci. 9: 963325., more
- Beardsworth, C.E; Gobbens, E.; van Maarseveen, F.; Denissen, B.; Dekinga, A.; Nathan, R.; Toledo, S.; Bijleveld, A.I. (2022). Validating ATLAS: A regional‐scale high‐throughput tracking system. Methods Ecol. Evol. 13(9): 1990-2004., more
- Bijleveld, A.I.; van Maarseveen, F.; Denissen, B.; Dekinga, A.; Penning, E.; Ersoy, S.; Gupte, P.R.; de Monte, L.; ten Horn, J.; Bom, R.A.; Toledo, S.; Nathan, R.; Beardsworth, C.E. (2022). WATLAS: high-throughput and real-time tracking of many small birds in the Dutch Wadden Sea. Animal Biotelemetry 10: 36., more
- Colina Alonso, A.; van Maren, D.S.; Herman, P.M.J.; van Weerdenburg, R.J.A.; Huismans, Y.; Holthuijsen, S.J.; Govers, L.L.; Bijleveld, A.I.; Wang, Z. (2022). The existence and origin of multiple equilibria in sand‐mud sediment beds. Geophys. Res. Lett. 49(22): e2022GL101141., more
- Ersoy, S.; Beardsworth, C.E.; Dekinga, A.; van der Meer, M.T.J.; Piersma, T.; Groothuis, T.G.G.; Bijleveld, A.I. (2022). Exploration speed in captivity predicts foraging tactics and diet in free‐living red knots. J. Anim. Ecol. 91(2): 356-366., more
- Gupte, P.R.; Beardsworth, C.E.; Spiegel, O.; Lourie, E.; Toledo, S.; Nathan, R.; Bijleveld, A.I. (2022). A guide to pre‐processing high‐throughput animal tracking data. J. Anim. Ecol. 91(2): 287-307., more
- Klunder, L.; van Bleijswijk, J.D.L.; Kleine Schaars, L.; van der Veer, H.W.; Luttikhuizen, P.C.; Bijleveld, A. (2022). Quantification of marine benthic communities with metabarcoding. Mol. Ecol. Resour. 22(3): 1043-1054., more
- Nathan, Ran; Monk, Christopher T.; Arlinghaus, Robert; Adam, Timo; Alós, Josep; Assaf, Michael; Baktoft, Henrik; Beardsworth, Christine E.; Bertram, Michael G.; Bijleveld, Allert I.; Brodin, Tomas; Brooks, Jill L.; Campos-Candela, Andrea; Cooke, Steven J.; Gjelland, Karl Ø.; Gupte, Pratik R.; Harel, Roi; Hellström, Gustav; Jeltsch, Florian; Killen, Shaun S.; Klefoth, Thomas; Langrock, Roland; Lennox, Robert J.; Lourie, Emmanuel; Madden, Joah R.; Orchan, Yotam; Pauwels, Ine S.; Říha, Milan; Roeleke, Manuel; Schlägel, Ulrike E.; Shohami, David; Signer, Johannes; Toledo, Sivan; Vilk, Ohad; Westrelin, Samuel; Whiteside, Mark A.; Jarić, Ivan (2022). Big-data approaches lead to an increased understanding of the ecology of animal movement. Science (Wash.) 375(6582): 1-14., more
- Bakker, W.J.; Ens, B.J.; Dokter, A.M.; van der Kolk, H.-J.; Rappoldt, K.; van de Pol, M.; Troost, K.; van der Veer, H.W.; Bijleveld, A.I.; van der Meer, J.; Oosterbeek, K.; Jongejans, E.; Allen, A.M. (2021). Connecting foraging and roosting areas reveals how food stocks explain shorebird numbers. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 259: 107458., more
- Börger, L.; Bijleveld, A.; Fayet, A.L.; Machovsky-Capuska; Patrick, S.C.; Street; Vander Wal (2020). Biologging special feature. J. Anim. Ecol. 89(1): 6-15., more
- Williams, H.J.; Taylor, L.A.; Benhamou, S.; Bijleveld, A.I.; Clay, T.A.; de Grissac, S.; Demšar, U.; English, H.M.; Franconi, N.; Gómez-Laich, A.; Griffiths, R.C.; Kay, W.P.; Morales, J.M.; Potts, J.R.; Rogerson, K.F.; Rutz, C.; Spelt, A.; Trevail, A.M.; Wilson, R.P.; Börger, L. (2020). Optimizing the use of biologgers for movement ecology research. J. Anim. Ecol. 89(1): 186-206., more
- Bijleveld, A.I.; Compton, T.J.; Klunder, L.; Holthuijsen, S.; ten Horn, J.; Koolhaas, A.; Dekinga, A.; Van der Meer, J.; van der Veer, H.W. (2018). Presence-absence of marine macrozoobenthos does not generally predict abundance and biomass. NPG Scientific Reports 8(1): 12., more
- Oudman, T.; Piersma, T.; Ahmedou Salem, M.V.; Feis, M.E.; Dekinga, A.; Holthuijsen, S.; ten Horn, J.; van Gils, J.A.; Bijleveld, A.I. (2018). Resource landscapes explain contrasting patterns of aggregation and site fidelity by red knots at two wintering sites. Movement Ecology 6(24)., more
- Bulla, M.; Oudman, T.; Bijleveld, A.I.; Piersma, T.; Kyriacou, C.P. (2017). Marine biorhythms : bridging chronobiology and ecology. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. (B Biol. Sci.) 372(1734): 20160253., more
- Bijleveld, A.I.; MacCurdy, R.B.; Chan, Y.-C; Penning, E.; Gabrielson, R.M.; Cluderay, J.; Spaulding, E.L.; Dekinga, A.; Holthuijsen, S.; Ten Horn, J.; Brugge, M.; van Gils, J.A.; Winkler, D.W.; Piersma, T. (2016). Understanding spatial distributions: negative density-dependence in prey causes predators to trade-off prey quantity with quality. Proc. - Royal Soc., Biol. Sci. 283: 1828., more
- Bijleveld, A.I.; van Gils, J.A.; Jouta, J.; Piersma, T. (2015). Benefits of foraging in small groups: An experimental study on public information use in red knots Calidris canutus. Behav. Process. 117: 74-81., more
- Bijleveld, A.I.; Twietmeyer, S.; Piechocki, J.; van Gils, J.A.; Piersma, T. (2015). Natural selection by pulsed predation: survival of the thickest. Ecology 96(7): 1943-1956., more
- Bijleveld, A.I.; Massourakis, G.; van der Marel, A.; Dekinga, A.; Spaans, B.; van Gils, J.A.; Piersma, T. (2014). Personality drives physiological adjustments and is not related to survival. Proc. - Royal Soc., Biol. Sci. 281: 20133135., more
- Bijleveld, A.I.; Folmer, E.O.; Piersma, T. (2012). Experimental evidence for cryptic interference among socially foraging shorebirds. Behav. Ecol. 23(4): 806-814., more
- Bijleveld, A.I.; van Gils, J.A.; van der Meer, J.; Dekinga, A.; Kraan, C.; van der Veer, H.W.; Piersma, T. (2012). Designing a benthic monitoring programme with multiple conflicting objectives. Methods Ecol. Evol. 3(3): 526-536., more
Peer reviewed publications (5) [show] |
- Foekema, E.; van der Molen, J.; Asjes, A.; Bijleveld, A.; Brasseur, S.; Camphuysen, K. (C.J.); Van Franeker, J.A.; Holthuijsen, S.; Kentie, R.; Kühn, S.; Leopold, M.; Kleine Schaars, L.; Lok, T.; Niemann, H.; Schop, J. (2021). Ecologische effecten van het incident met de MSC Zoe op het Nederlandse Waddengebied, met focus op microplastics. NIOZ-rapport, 2021(03). NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research: Texel. 98 pp., more
- Kleefstra, R.; Bijleveld, A.I.; van Dijk, A.-J.; van Els, P.; Folmer, E.; van Turnhout, C.; van Winden, E. (2021). Overwinterende en doortrekkende Wulpen in Nederland: trends in aantallen en verspreiding sinds de jaren zeventig. Limosa (Amst.) 94: 44-57, more
- Lameris, T.K.; Hoekendijk, J.; Aarts, G.; Aarts, A.; Allen, A.M.; Bienfait, L.; Bijleveld, A.I.; Bongers, M.F.; Brasseur, S.; Chan, Y.-C.; de Ferrante, F.; de Gelder, J.; Derksen, H.; Dijkgraaf, L.; Dijkhuis, L.R.; Dijkstra, S.; Elbertsen, G.; Ernsten, R.; Foxen, T.; Gaarenstroom, J.; Gelhausen, A.; van Gils, J.A.; Grosscurt, S.; Grundlehner, A.; Hertlein, M.L.; van Heumen, A.J.P.; Heurman, M.; Huffeldt, N.P.; Hutter, W.H.; Kamstra, Y.J.J.; Keij, F.; van Kempen, S.; Keurntjes, G.; Knap, H.; Loonstra, A.H.J.; Nolet, B.A.; Nuijten, R.J.M.; Mattijssen, D.; Oosterhoff, H.; Paarlberg, N.; Parekh, M.; Pattyn, J.; Polak, C.; Quist, Y.; Ras, S.; Reneerkens, J.; Ruth, S.; van der Schaar, E.; Schroen, G.; Spikman, F.; van Velzen, J.; Voorn, E.; Vos, J.; Wang, D.; Westdijk, W.; Wind, M.; Zhemchuzhnikov, M.K.; van Langevelde, F. (2021). Migratory vertebrates shift migration timing and distributions in a warming Arctic. Animal Migration 8(1): 110-131., more
- Piersma, T.; MacCurdy, R.B.; Gabrielson,, R.M.; Dekinga, A.; Cluderay, J.; Spaulding, E.L.; Oudman, T.; van Gils, J.; Winkler, D.; Bijleveld, A. (2014). Fijnmazige positiebepaling van individuen in groepen : de principes en drie
toepassingen van TOA-tracking. Limosa (Amst.) 87: 156-176, more
- Bijleveld, A.I. (2009). Maximum power for monitoring programmes : optimizing sampling designs for multiple objectives. NIOZ-rapport, 2009(3). NIOZ: Texel. 41 pp., more
Book chapters (2) [show] |
- MacCurdy, R.B.; Bijleveld, A.I.; Gabrielson, R.M.; Cortopassi, K.A. (2019). Automated wildlife radio tracking, in: Zekavat, R. et al. (Ed.) Handbook of position location: Theory, practice, and advances, 2nd Edition. pp. 1219-1261., more
- Bijleveld, A.I.; Folmer, E. (2016). Wat verklaart de grootschalige ecologische ontwikkelingen in de Waddenzee? : Implicaties voor monitoring, onderzoek en beleid, in: Visies op de Wadden : Zes essays ten behoeve van de Beleidsverkenning ToekomstigeRol en Ambitie van het Rijk voor het Waddengebied. , more
Thesis [show] |
Reports (2) [show] |
- Herman, P.; van der Lelij, A.C.; Ieno, E.N.; Leopold, M.; Schekkerman, H.; Troost, K.; Craeymeersch, J.; Bijleveld, A.; van de Bogaart, L. (2021). Statistical analysis of effects of MSC Zoe incident on populations of protected species in Wadden Sea and North Sea. 11206109-000-ZKS-0004. Versie 1.0. Deltares: [s.l.]. 165 pp., more
- Bijleveld, A.; van der Heide, T.; Speelman, H.; Philippart, K.; Vellinga, P. (2017). Audit Bodemdalingscommissie Ameland 1986-2016. in het bijzonder de periode 2011-2016. Waddenacademie: Leeuwarden. 17 pp., more
Other publication [show] |
- Toledo, S.; Mendel, S.; Levi, A.; Vortman, Y.; Ullmann, W.; Scherer, L.-R.; Pufelski, J.; van Maarseveen, F.; Denissen, B.; Bijleveld, A.; Orchan, Y.; Bartan, Y.; Margalit, S.; Talmon, I.; Nathan, R. (2022). Vildehaye: A family of versatile, widely-applicable, and field-proven lightweight wildlife tracking and sensing Tags, in: International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN). pp. 1-14., more
Thesis (co-)promotor [show] |