Previous institutes (3) |
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- Bluebridge NV, more
Function: CEO Bluebridge
Period: From Feb 2020 till - European Marine Board (EMB), more
Function: Science Officer
- Greenbridge NV, more
Function: Liaison Officer Blue Growth
Publications (4) |
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A1 Publication [show] |
- Wouters, N; Dakos, V; Edwards, M; Serafim, P; Valayer, P.J.; Cabral, N; Wouters, N. (2015). Evidencing a regime shift in the North Sea using early-warning signals as indicators of critical transitions. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 152: 65-72., more
Reports (3) [show] |
Larkin, K.; Wouters, N.; Caetano, A.-T.; McDonough, N. (Ed.) (2015). EurOcean 2014. Connecting Science, Policy and People. Conference report and Rome Declaration 7-9 October 2014, Rome, Italy. Publications Office of the European Union: Luxemburg. ISBN 978-92-79-36670-3. 76 pp., more
Larkin, K.; McDonough, N.; Wouters, N.; Abele, D.; Baker, J. (2014). Report on stakeholder views and expectations for an effective MSFd Science-Policy interface platform. STAGES - Science and Technology Advancing Governance of Good Environmental Status. Centro Tecnológico del Mar (CETMAR): Vigo. 68 pp., more
Larkin, K.; Wouters, N.; McDonough, N.; Fernandez, M.; Diez, R.; Carvalho, T.; Garriga, M.; Costa, C.; Hoepffner, N.; Le Moigne, M.; LeComte, J.-P.; Wawrzynski, W.; Kellerman, A.; Murphy, D.; Ni Cheallachain, C.; Bergh, Ø.; Nedreaas, K. (2014). Proposal and Recommendations for a Science-Policy interface (SPi) to support MSFD implementation. STAGES - Science and Technology Advancing Governance of Good Environmental Status. Centro Tecnológico del Mar (CETMAR): Vigo. 44 pp., more