Publications (12) |
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Books (5) [show] |
Bernauw, K.; Buyl, P.; Dieryck, C.; Gorrebeeck, J.; Huybrechts, M.; Vanhooff, J.-P.; Van Hooydonk, E. (2012). Proeve van Belgisch scheepvaartwetboek (privaatrecht). Vervoerverzekering. Negende blauwboek over de herziening van het Belgisch scheepvaartrecht = Neuvième livre bleu concernant la révision du droit maritime Belge. Commissie Maritiem Recht: Antwerpen. 122 pp., more
- Van Hooydonk, E.; Delwaide, L.; De Wit, R.; Fransen, W.; Goemans, B.; Huybrechts, M. (2007). Groenboek nieuwe Belgische zeewet: Consultatiedocument ter voorbereiding van een nieuw Belgisch maritiem wetboek. Maklu: Antwerpen & Apeldoorn. ISBN 978-90-466-0118-1. 110 pp., more
- Huybrechts, M.; Meersman, H.; Van de Voorde, E.; Van Hooydonk, E.; Verbeke, A.; Winkelmans, W. (Ed.) (2002). Port competitiveness: An economic and legal analysis of the factors determining the competitiveness of seaports. De Boeck: Antwerpen. ISBN 90-455-0223-2. 155 pp., more
- Huybrechts, M.A.; Van Hooydonk, E.; Dieryck, C. (Ed.) (2000). Marine insurance at the turn of the Millennium: Volume 2. Intersentia: Antwerpen, Groningen, Oxford. ISBN 90-5095-129-5. 259 pp., more
- Huybrechts, M.A.; Van Hooydonk, E.; Dieryck, C. (Ed.) (1999). Marine insurance at the turn of the Millennium: Volume 1. Intersentia: Antwerpen, Groningen, Oxford. ISBN 90-5095-106-6. 432 pp., more
Book chapters (7) [show] |
- Huybrechts, M. (2010). Criminal liability of master and crew in oil pollution cases: a possible conflict between the law of the Sea Convention (UNCLOS), MARPOL and the European Directive 2005//35/EC, in: Faure, M.G. et al. (Ed.) Maritime pollution liability and policy. China, Europe and the U.S. pp. 215-230, more
- Huybrechts, M.A.; Van Damme, K. (2006). Protection of the marine environment under Belgian law, in: Faure, M.G. et al. Prevention and compensation of marine pollution damage: recent developments in Europe, China and the US. pp. 119-135, more
- Huybrechts, M.A. (2003). Marine insurance law: a San Andreas fault between the common law and the civil law, in: Van Hooydonk, E. (Ed.) English and Continental Maritime Law: after 115 years of maritime law unification: a search for difference between common law and civil law. Antwerp Maritime Law Seminars, : pp. 117-157, more
- Huybrechts, M.A. (2000). Preface, in: Huybrechts, M.A. et al. (Ed.) Marine insurance at the turn of the Millennium, Volume 2. pp. 7-11, more
- Huybrechts, M. (1999). A Belgian contribution to hull underwriting, in: Huybrechts, M.A. et al. (Ed.) Marine insurance at the turn of the Millennium, Volume 1. pp. 261-275, more
- Huybrechts, M.A. (1999). Preface, in: Huybrechts, M.A. et al. (Ed.) Marine insurance at the turn of the Millennium, Volume 1. pp. 9-12, more
- Huybrechts, M. (1996). The rehabilitated sea, in: Dialogue between scientists and users of the sea: Proceedings of a Symposium held on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the civil service oceanographic research vessel Belgica, Ostend, 17-19 October 1994. pp. 195-203, more