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Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Faculteit Wetenschappen & Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen; Vakgroep Biologie; Ecology and Biodiversity; Onderzoeksgroep Mariene Biologie, more
Publications (14) |
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A1 Publications (10) [show] |
- Rumisha, C. (2024). Transcending borders: remarkable genetic homogeneity among barred mudskipper (Periophthalmus argentilineatus) populations in the southwestern Indian Ocean. Afr. J. Ecol. 62(2): e13259., more
- Rumisha, C.; Bugota, J.; Mtonga, J. (2023). Evidence of extensive genetic connectivity and recent demographic expansion of the queen mackerel Scomberomorus plurilineatus in Tanzanian coastal waters. Mar. Biodiv. 53(1): 9., more
- Rumisha, C.; Kochzius, M. (2023). Genetic evidence for a single stock of giant tiger prawns Penaeus monodon in demarcated prawn fishing zones of Tanzania. Fish. Manage. Ecol. 30(1): 36-43., more
- Rumisha, C.; Mdegela, R.H.; Gwakisa, P.S.; Kochzius, M. (2018). Genetic diversity and gene flow among the giant mud crabs (Scylla serrata) in anthropogenic-polluted mangroves of mainland Tanzania: implications for conservation. Fish. Res. 205: 96-104., more
- Rumisha, C.; Leermakers, M.; Elskens, M.; Mdegela, R.H.; Gwakisa, P.; Kochzius, M. (2017). Genetic diversity of the giant tiger prawn Penaeus monodon in relation to trace metal pollution at the Tanzanian coast. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 114(2): 759-767., more
Rumisha, C.; Huyghe, F.; Rapanoel, D.; Mascaux, N.; Kochzius, M. (2017). Genetic diversity and connectivity in the East African giant mud crab Scylla serrata: implications for fisheries management. PLoS One 12(10): e0186817., more
- Rumisha, C.; Leermakers, M.; Mdegela, R.H.; Kochzius, M.; Elskens, M. (2017). Bioaccumulation and public health implications of trace metals in edible tissues of the crustaceans Scylla serrata and Penaeus monodon from the Tanzanian coast. Environ. Monit. Assess. 189(10): 529., more
- Rumisha, C.; Mdegela, R.H.; Kochzius, M.; Leermakers, M.; Elskens, M. (2016). Trace metals in the giant tiger prawn Penaeus monodon and mangrove sediments of the Tanzania coast: is there a risk to marine fauna and public health? Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 132: 77-86., more
- Rumisha, C.; Shukuru, H; Lyimo, J; Maganira, D; Nehemia, A. (2015). Benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in mangroves and open intertidal areas on the Dar es Salaam coast, Tanzania. Afr. J. Aquat. Sci. 40(2): 143-151., more
- Rumisha, C.; Elskens, M.; Leermakers, M.; Kochzius, M. (2012). Trace metal pollution and its influence on the community structure of soft bottom molluscs in intertidal areas of the Dar es Salaam coast, Tanzania. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 64(3): 521-531., more
Abstracts (3) [show] |
Rumisha, C.; Leermakers, M.; Elskens, M.; Mdegela, R.H.; Gwakisa, P.; Kochzius, M.K (2016). Genetic diversity of the tiger prawn Penaeus monodon in relation to metal pollution at the Tanzanian coast, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Brugge, Belgium, 12 February 2016. VLIZ Special Publication, 75: pp. 95-96, more
Rumisha, C.; Mdegela, R.H.; Kochzius, M.; Elskens, M.; Leermakers, M. (2015). Trace metals in tissues of the tiger prawn Penaeus monodon and mangrove sediments of the Tanzania coast: is there a risk to marine fauna and public health?, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Scientists’ Day. Brugge, Belgium, 20 February 2015. VLIZ Special Publication, 71: pp. 113, more
Rumisha, C.; Kochzius, M.; Elskens, M.; Leermakers, M. (2011). Influence of trace metals pollution on the community structure of soft bottom macrofauna in intertidal areas of the Dar es Salaam coast, Tanzania, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 25 February 2011: book of abstracts. pp. 75, more
Thesis supervisor [show] |
- Mtonga, C.J. (2020). Phylogenetic relationships and biogeographic diversification of shallow water octopuses. MSc Thesis. University of Antwerp/Ghent University/Free University of Brussels (VUB): Antwerp/Ghent/Brussels. 34 pp., more