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Université de Liège; Faculté des Sciences Appliquées; Urban and Environmental Engineering; Architecture Navale, Génie Maritime, Navigation Intérieure et Maritime, Analyse des Systèmes de Transport (ANAST), more
Publications (17) |
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A1 Publications (14) [show] |
- Fahrnholz, F.; Caprace, D. (2022). A machine learning approach to improve sailboat resistance prediction. Ocean Eng. 257: 111642., more
- Ferreira, R.S.; de Lima, J.V.P.; Caprace, J.-D. (2022). Comparative analysis of machine learning prediction models of container ships propulsion power. Ocean Eng. 255: 111439., more
- Marques, C.H.; Caprace, J.-D. (2020). Exploring various sizes of liquefied gas carriers by an optimisation approach to early-stage project. Appl. Ocean Res. 97: 102079., more
Marques, C.H.; Caprace, J.-D.; Belchior, C.R.P.; Martini, A. (2019). An approach for predicting the specific fuel consumption of dual-fuel two-stroke marine engines. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 7(2): 20., more
- Marques, C.H.; Belchior, C.R.P.; Caprace, J.-D. (2019). An early-stage approach to optimise a marine energy system for liquefied natural gas carriers: Part A - Developed approach. Ocean Eng. 181: 161-172., more
- Marques, C.H.; Belchior, C.R.P.; Caprace, J.-D. (2019). Marine propeller parametric optimisation and matching to electric motor. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 41(3): 119., more
- Marques, C.H.; Belchior, C.R.P.; Caprace, J.-D. (2019). An early-stage approach to optimise a marine energy system for liquefied natural gas carriers: Part B - Application. Ocean Eng. 174: 96-107., more
- Muhabie, Y.T.; Rigo, P.; Cepeda, M.; D'Agosto, M.D.A.; Caprace, J.-D. (2018). A discrete-event simulation approach to evaluate the effect of stochastic parameters on offshore wind farms assembly strategies. Ocean Eng. 149: 279-290., more
- Caprace, J.-D.; Petcu, C.; Velarde, M.G.; Rigo, P. (2013). Optimization of shipyard space allocation and scheduling using a heuristic algorithm. J. Mar. Sci. Technol. 18(3): 404-417., more
- Caprace, J.-D.; Rigo, P. (2012). Towards a short time “feature-based costing” for ship design. J. Mar. Sci. Technol. 17(2): 216-230., more
- Caprace, J.-D.; Rigo, P. (2012). A real-time assessment of the ship design complexity. Comput. Aided Des. 44(3): 203-208., more
Caprace, J.D.; Rigo, P. (2011). Ship complexity assessment at the concept design stage. Journal of Marine Science and Technology 16(1): 68-75., more
- Caprace, J.-D.; Bair, F.; Rigo, P. (2010). Scantling multi-objective optimisation of a LNG carrier. Mar. Struct. 23(3): 288-302., more
- Turan, O.; Olcer, A.; Lazakis, I.; Rigo, P.; Caprace, J. (2009). Maintenance/repair and production-oriented life cycle cost/earning model for ship structural optimisation during conceptual design stage. Ships Offshore Struct. 4(2): 107-125., more
Book chapters (2) [show] |
- Rigo, P.; Caprace, J.-D. (2011). Optimization of ship structures, in: Soares, C.G. et al. (Ed.) Marine technology and engineering, vol. 2. pp. 925-944, more
- Losseau, N.; Caprace, J.-D.; Rigo, P.; Aracil, F.F. (2009). A data mining analysis to evaluate the additional workloads caused by welding distortions, in: Soares, C.G. et al. Analysis and Design of Marine Structures. , more
Other publication [show] |
Caprace, J.-D.; Bair, F.; Rigo, P. (2010). Least weight and least cost optimisation of a passenger vessel. Sci.J. Ser. Math. Modelling Civ. Eng. (Tech. Univ. Civ. Eng. Buchar., Print) 2: 17-26, more