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Function: Research Associate
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Datasets (38) |
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- HDR/Navy. 2013. Jacksonville (JAX) Firing Exercise (FIREX) With Integrated Maritime Portable Acoustic Scoring and Simulator (IMPASS) Marine Species Monitoring, Aerial Monitoring Surveys, 29 April-01 May 2013: Trip Report, more
- HDR/Navy. 2012. Jacksonville (JAX) Maverick Missile Exercise (MAVEX) Marine Species Monitoring, Aerial Monitoring Surveys, 26-29 September 2012: Trip Report, more
- HDR/Navy. 2013. Virginia Capes (VACAPES) Missile Exercise (MISSELEX) Marine Species Monitoring, Aerial Monitoring Surveys, 13-14 March 2013: Trip Report. Unknown. Unknown, more
- HDR/Navy. 2010. Jacksonville (JAX) Gunnery Exercise (GUNEX) Marine Species Monitoring Aerial Monitoring Surveys 3-7 October 2010 Trip Report, more
- Kinzey, Douglas, Tim Gerrodette, Jay Barlow, Andrew E. Dizon, Wayne L. Perryman, Paula Olson and Alexandra Von Saunder. 1999. Marine mammal data collected during a survey in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean aboard the NOAA ships McArthur and David Starr Jordan and the UNOLS ship Endeavor July 31-December 9, 1998. NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC-283, more
- Kinzey, Douglas, Tim Gerrodette, Jay Barlow, Andrew E. Dizon, Wayne L. Perryman, Paula Olson and Alexandra Von Saunder. 1999. Marine mammal data collected during a survey in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean aboard the NOAA ships McArthur and David Starr Jordan and the UNOLS ship Endeavor July 31-December 9, 1998. NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC-283, more
- Kinzey, Douglas, Tim Gerrodette, Jay Barlow, Andrew E. Dizon, Wayne L. Perryman, Paula Olson and Alexandra Von Saunder. 1999. Marine mammal data collected during a survey in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean aboard the NOAA ships McArthur and David Starr Jordan and the UNOLS ship Endeavor July 31-December 9, 1998. NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC-283, more
- Kinzey, Douglas, Tim Gerrodette, Jay Barlow, Andrew E. Dizon, Wayne L. Perryman and Paula Olson. 2000. Marine mammal data collected during a survey in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean aboard the NOAA ships McArthur and David Starr Jordan, July 28 - December 9, 1999. NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC-293, more
- Kinzey, Douglas, Tim Gerrodette, Jay Barlow, Andrew E. Dizon, Wayne L. Perryman and Paula Olson. 2000. Marine mammal data collected during a survey in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean aboard the NOAA ships McArthur and David Starr Jordan, July 28 - December 9, 1999. NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC-293, more
- Kinzey, Douglas, Tim Gerrodette, Andrew E. Dizon, Wayne L. Perryman, Paula Olson and Shannon Rankin. 2001. Marine mammal data collected during a survey in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean aboard the NOAA ships McArthur and David Starr Jordan, July 28 - December 9, 2000. NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC-303, more
- Kinzey, Douglas, Tim Gerrodette, Andrew E. Dizon, Wayne L. Perryman, Paula Olson and Shannon Rankin. 2001. Marine mammal data collected during a survey in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean aboard the NOAA ships McArthur and David Starr Jordan, July 28 - December 9, 2000. NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC-303, more
- Appler, Jason, Jay Barlow and Shannon Rankin. 2004. Marine mammal data collected during the Oregon, California and Washington line-transect expedition (ORCAWALE) conducted aboard the NOAA ships McArthur and David Starr Jordan, July - December 2001. NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC-359, more
- Appler, Jason, Jay Barlow and Shannon Rankin. 2004. Marine mammal data collected during the Oregon, California and Washington line-transect expedition (ORCAWALE) conducted aboard the NOAA ships McArthur and David Starr Jordan, July - December 2001. NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC-359, more
- Jackson, Alan, Tim Gerrodette, Susan J. Chivers, Morgan Lynn, Paula Olson and Shannon Rankin. 2004. Marine mammal data collected during a survey in the eastern tropical Pacific aboard the NOAA ships McArthur II and David Starr Jordan, July 29 - December 10, 2003. NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC-366, more
- Jackson, Alan, Tim Gerrodette, Susan J. Chivers, Morgan Lynn, Paula Olson and Shannon Rankin. 2004. Marine mammal data collected during a survey in the eastern tropical Pacific aboard the NOAA ships McArthur II and David Starr Jordan, July 29 - December 10, 2003. NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC-366, more
- Forney, Karin A. 2007. Preliminary estimates of cetacean abundance along the U.S. west coast and within four National Marine Sanctuaries during 2005. NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC-406, more
- Forney, Karin A. 2007. Preliminary estimates of cetacean abundance along the U.S. west coast and within four National Marine Sanctuaries during 2005. NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC-406, more
- Jackson, A., T. Gerrodette, S. Chivers, M. Lynn, S. Rankin and S. Mesnick. 2008. Marine mammal data collected during a survey in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean aboard NOAA ships David Starr Jordan and McArthur II, July 28 - December 7, 2006. NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC-421, more
- Jackson, A., T. Gerrodette, S. Chivers, M. Lynn, S. Rankin and S. Mesnick. 2008. Marine mammal data collected during a survey in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean aboard NOAA ships David Starr Jordan and McArthur II, July 28 - December 7, 2006. NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC-421, more
- Archer, Frederick I., Annette E. Henry and Lisa T. Ballance. 2008. Stenella abundance research line transect and ecosystem (STAR-LITE) 2007 cruise report. NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC-433, more
- Chivers, S. J., W. L. Perryman, N. M. Kellar, J. V. Carretta, F. I. Archer, J. V. Redfern, A. E. Henry, M. S. Lynn, C. Hall, A. Jackson, G. Serra-Valente, T. J. Moore, C. Surrey-Marsden, and L. T. Ballance. 2010. Ecosystem survey of Delphinus species cruise report. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SWFSC-464. 54, more
- Barlow, Jay, Annette Henry, Jessica V. Redfern, Tina Yack, Alan Jackson, Candice Hall, Eric Archer and Lisa Ballance. 2010. Oregon, California and Washington line-transect and ecosystem (ORCAWALE) 2008 cruise report. NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC-465, more
- Henry, Annette, Barbara Taylor, Lorenzo Rojas-Bracho, Shannon Rankin, Armando Jaramillo-Legoretta, Tom Akamatsu, Jay Barlow, Tim Gerrodette, Candice Hall, Alan Jackson, Jessica Redfern, Rene Swift and Nick Tregenza. 2012. Cruise report for the Vaquita Expedition in 2008 conducted aboard NOAA Ship David Starr Jordan, R/V Koipai Yu-Xa, and the Vaquita Express. NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC-495, more
- Tyson, R.B., S.M. Nowacek and D.P. Nowacek. 2011. Community structure and abundance of bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in coastal waters of the northeast Gulf of Mexico. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 438:253-265, more
- Engelhaupt, A., M. Richlen, T.A. Jefferson, and D. Engelhaupt. 2014. Occurrence, Distribution, and Density of Marine Mammals Near Naval Station Norfolk & Virginia Beach, VA: Annual Progress Report. Prepared for U.S. Fleet Forces Command. Submitted to Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia, under Contract No. N62470-10-3011, Task Orders 031 and 043, issued to HDR Inc., Norfolk, Virginia. 22 July 2014more
- Engelhaupt, A., M. Richlen, T.A. Jefferson, and D. Engelhaupt. 2014. Occurrence, Distribution, and Density of Marine Mammals Near Naval Station Norfolk & Virginia Beach, VA: Annual Progress Report. Prepared for U.S. Fleet Forces Command. Submitted to Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia, under Contract No. N62470-10-3011, Task Orders 031 and 043, issued to HDR Inc., Norfolk, Virginia. 22 July 2014, more
- Barlow, Jay and Barbara L. Taylor. 2005. Estimates of sperm whale abundance in the northeastern temperate Pacific from a combined acoustic and visual survey. Marine Mammal Science. 21(3):429–445, more
- Bolaños-Jiménez, J., G. Castro-Pérez, O. Herrera-Trujillo, L. Oviedo, D. Palacios, M.F. Puerto, L. Sánchez- Criollo, L. Sifontes, M.G. Silva-Hernández and A. Villarroel-Marín. In press. The presence of long-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus sp.) off central-western Venezuela. Anartia, Maracaibo, Venezuela, more
- Bolaños-Jiménez, J., Mignucci-Giannoni, A., Blumenthal, J., Bogomolni, A., Casas, J.J., Henriquez, A., Iñiguez, M., Khan, J., Landrau-Giovannetti, N., Rinaldi, C., Rinaldi, R., Sutty, L., Ward, N. and Luksenburg, A. 2014. Distribution, feeding habits and morphology of killer whales Orcinus orca in the Caribbean Sea. Mammal Review. doi:10.1111/mam.12021, more
- Brittain, Rachel. 2014. Akazul sea turtle strandings at La Barrona, Guatemala 2013. Provided by Akazul and downloaded from OBIS-SEAMAP on (access date), more
- Fossati, Claudio. 2014. Acoustic detections of sperm whales from research cruises in the Med sea, 1994-2001. Provided by Claudio Fossati, University of Pavia and downloaded from OBIS-SEAMAP on (access date), more
- Latusek-Nabholz, Jennifer. 2014. Sightings for AN/AQS-20 Sonar Test Event - December 2013. Provided by HDR Environmental, Operations and Construction, Inc. and downloaded from OBIS-SEAMAP on (access date), more
- Machaku, Rose. 2014. University of Eldoret satellite tracked green sea turtles from Kenya 2012 under SWIOFP. Provided by University of Eldoret, Kenya and downloaded from OBIS-SEAMAP on (access date), more
- McLellan, William. 2014. AFTT Hatteras Aerial Survey -Left side- 2012-2013. Provided by University of North Carolina, Wilmington and downloaded from OBIS-SEAMAP on (access date), more
- McLellan, William. 2014. AFTT Hatteras Aerial Survey -Right side- 2012-2013. Provided by University of North Carolina, Wilmington and downloaded from OBIS-SEAMAP on (access date), more
- McLellan, William. 2014. AFTT JAX Aerial Survey -Left side- 2012-2013. Provided by University of North Carolina, Wilmington and downloaded from OBIS-SEAMAP on (access date), more
- McLellan, William. 2014. AFTT JAX Aerial Survey -Right side- 2012-2013. Provided by University of North Carolina, Wilmington and downloaded from OBIS-SEAMAP on (access date), more
- Spontak, Dana. 2013. NSN Monitoring for Pier 1 Upgrades 2011-2012. Provided by HDR Environmental, Operations and Construction, Inc. and downloaded from OBIS-SEAMAP on (access date), more