Projects (3) |
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- A thermal approach for the study of gas hydrate formation and dissociation near submarine
gas seeps, more
- In de tijd variërende activiteit van hydraatvorming en gasuitstoot in seeps: een kwantitatieve evaluatie met behulp van thermische metingen en modellering., more
- Ontwikkeling en toepassing van een nieuwe generatie thermische sonde voor het onderzoek in hydraathoudende "seeps", more
Publications (60) |
Top | Publications | Projects |
A1 Publications (23) [show] |
- Mestdagh, T.; Poort, J.; De Batist, M. (2017). The sensitivity of gas hydrate reservoirs to climate change: perspectives from a new combined model for permafrost-related and marine settings. Earth-Sci. Rev. 169: 104-131., more
- Hachikubo, A.; Khlystov, O.; Krylov, A.; Sakagami, H.; Minami, H.; Nunokawa, Y.; Yamashita, S.; Takahashi, N.; Shoji, H.; Nishio, S.; Kida, M.; Ebinuma, T.; Kalmychkov, G.; Poort, J. (2010). Molecular and isotopic characteristics of gas hydrate-bound hydrocarbons in southern and central Lake Baikal. Geo-Mar. Lett. 30(3-4): 321-329., more
- Krylov, A. A. ; Khlystov, O. M.; Hachikubo, A.; Minami, H.; Nunokawa, Y.; Shoji, H.; Zemskaya, T. I. ; Naudts, L.; Pogodaeva, T. V. ; Kida, M.; Kalmychkov, G. V. ; Poort, J. (2010). Isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon in subsurface sediments of gas hydrate-bearing mud volcanoes, Lake Baikal: implications for methane and carbonate origin. Geo-Mar. Lett. 30(3-4): 427-437., more
Naudts, L.; Greinert, J.; Poort, J.; Belza, J.; Vangampelaere, E.; Boone, D.; Linke, P.; Henriet, J.-P.; De Batist, M. (2010). Active venting sites on the gas-hydrate-bearing Hikurangi Margin, off New Zealand: Diffusive- versus bubble-released methane. Mar. Geol. 272(1-4): 233-250., more
- Schwalenberg, K.; Haeckel, M.; Poort, J.; Jegen, M. (2010). Evaluation of gas hydrate deposits in an active seep area using marine controlled source electromagnetics: Results from Opouawe Bank, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand. Mar. Geol. 272(1-4): 79-88., more
- Hachikubo, A.; Khlystov, O.; Manakov, A.; Kida, M.; Krylov, A.; Sakagami, H.; Minami, H.; Takahashi, N.; Shoji, H.; Kalmychkov, G.; Poort, J. (2009). Model of formation of double structure gas hydrates in Lake Baikal based on isotopic data. Geophys. Res. Lett. 36(L18504): 5., more
- Kida, M.; Hachikubo, A.; Sakagami, H.; Minami, H.; Krylov, A.; Yamashita, S.; Takahashi, N.; Shoji, H.; Khlystov, O.; Poort, J.; Narita, H. (2009). Natural gas hydrates with locally different cage occupancies and hydration numbers in Lake Baikal. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 10(Q05003): 8 PP., more
- Krylov, A.; Khlystov, O.; Zemskaya, T.; Minami, H.; Hachikubo, A.; Nunokawa, Y.; Kida, M.; Shoji, H.; Naudts, L.; Poort, J.; Pogodaeva, T. (2008). First discovery and formation process of authigenic siderite from gas hydrate–bearing mud volcanoes in fresh water: Lake Baikal, eastern Siberia. Geophys. Res. Lett. 35(5): 6 pp., more
Krylov, A. A.; Khlystov, O.M.; Zemskaya, T. I.; Minami, H.; Hachikubo, A.; Shoji, H.; Kida, M.; Pogodaeva, T. P.; Naudts, L.; Poort, J. (2008). Crystallization of authigenic carbonates in mud volcanoes at Lake Baikal. Geochem. Int. 46(10): 985-995., more
- Kutas, R. I.; Poort, J. (2008). Regional and local geothermal conditions in the northern Black Sea. Int. J. Earth Sci. 97(2): 353-363., more
- Poort, J.; Kutas, R. I.; Klerkx, J.; Beaubien, S.E.; Lombardi, S.; Dimitrov, L.; Vassilev, A.; Naudts, L. (2007). Strong heat flow variability in an active shallow gas environment, Dnepr palaeo-delta, Black Sea. Geo-Mar. Lett. 27(2-4): 185-195., more
- Kida, M.; Khlystov, O.; Zemskaya, T.; Takahashi, N.; Minami, H.; Sakagami, H.; Krylov, A.; Hachikubo, A.; Yamashita, S.; Shoji, H.; Poort, J.; Naudts, L. (2006). Coexistence of structure I and II gas hydrates in Lake Baikal suggesting gas sources from microbial and thermogenic origin. Geophys. Res. Lett. 33(L24603): 4 PP., more
Naudts, L. ; Greinert , J.; Artemov, Y.; Staelens, P. ; Poort, J.; Van Rensbergen, P. ; De Batist, M. (2006). Geological and morphological setting of 2778 methane seeps in the Dnepr paleo-delta, northwestern Black Sea. Mar. Geol. 227(3-4): 177-199., more
- Popescu, I.; De Batist, M.; Lericolais, G.; Nouze, H.; Poort, J.; Panin, N.; Versteeg, W.; Gillet, H. (2006). Multiple bottom-simulating reflections in the Black Sea: Potential proxies of past climate conditions. Mar. Geol. 227(3-4): 163-176., more
- Takeya, S.; Kida, M.; Minami, H.; Sakagami, H.; Hachikubo, A.; Takahashi, N.; Shoji, H.; Soloviev, V.; Wallmann, K.; Biebow, N.; Obzhirov, A.; Salomatin, A.; Poort, J. (2006). Structure and thermal expansion of natural gas clathrate hydrates. Chem. Eng. Sci. 61(8): 2670-2674., more
- Depreiter, D.; Poort, J.; Van Rensbergen, P.; Henriet, J.P. (2005). Geophysical evidence of gas hydrates in shallow submarine mud volcanoes on the Moroccan margin. J. Geophys. Res. 110(10103): 1-9., more
- Poort, J.; Vassilev, A.; Dimitrov, L. (2005). Did postglacial catastrophic flooding trigger massive changes in the Black Sea gas hydrate reservoir? Terra nova (Print) 17(2): 135-140., more
- Poort, J.; Klerkx, J. (2004). Absence of a regional surface thermal high in the Baikal rift; new insights from detailed contouring of heat flow anomalies. Tectonophysics 383(3-4): 217-241., more
- Matveeva, T.; Soloviev, V.; Wallmann, K.; Obzhirov, A.; Biebow, N.; Poort, J.; Salomatin, A.; Shoji, H. (2003). Geochemistry of gas hydrate accumulation offshore NE Sakhalin Island (the Sea of Okhotsk): results from the KOMEX-2002 cruise. Geo-Mar. Lett. 23(3-4): 278-288., more
- Vanneste, M.; Poort, J.; De Batist, M.; Klerkx, J. (2003). Atypical heat-flow near gas hydrate irregularities and cold seeps in the Baikal Rift Zone. Mar. Pet. Geol. 19(10): 1257-1274., more
- De Batist, M.; Klerkx, J.; Van Rensbergen, P.; Vanneste, M.; Poort, J.; Golmshtok, A. Y.; Kremlev, A. A.; Khlystov, O.; Krinitsky, P. (2002). Active hydrate destabilization in Lake Baikal, Siberia? Terra nova (Print) 14(6): 436-442., more
- Poort, J.; Polyansky, O. (2002). Heat transport by groundwater flow during the Baikal rift evolution. Tectonophysics 351(1-2): 75-89., more
- Van Rensbergen, P.; De Batist, M.; Klerkx, J. ; Hus, R.; Poort, J.; Vanneste, M.; Granin, N.; Khlystov, O.; Krinitsky, P. (2002). Sublacustrine mud volcanoes and methane seeps caused by dissociation of gas hydrates in Lake Baikal. Geology (Boulder Colo.) 30(7): 631-634.<0631:SMVAMS>2.0.CO;2, more
Peer reviewed publications (12) [show] |
Naudts, L.; Greinert, J.; Poort, J.; Belza, J.; Vangampelaere, E.; Boone, D.; Linke, P.; Henriet, J.-P.; De Batist, M. (2008). Submeter mapping of methane seeps by ROV observations and measurements at the Hikurangi Margin, New Zeeland. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 10(2107), more
Naudts, L.; Granin, N.; Khlystov, O.; Chensky, A.G.; Poort, J.; De Batist, M. (2008). What is controlling shallow active methane seeps in Lake Baikal? Posolsky Bank case-study. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 10(EGU2008-A-02119), more
Delvaux, D.; De Grave, Y.; Poort, J.; Buslov, M.; Abrakhmatov, K. (2007). Flexural deformation and basin-mountain coupling in the northern Kyrgyz Tien Shan: transition from the Issyk-Kul basin to the Kumtor plateau. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 9(10557), more
Poort, J.; Khlystov, O.; Shoji, H.; Nishio, S.; Kida, M.; Granin, N.; Naudts, L.; De Batist, M. (2007). Baikal mud volcanoes: thermal features of dynamic gas hydrate systems. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 9: 09541, more
- Henriet, J.P.; Hamoumi, N.; Ivanov, M.; Pinheiro, L.; Suzyumov, A.; Swennen, R.; Blinova, V.; Bouimetarhan, I.; De Boever, E.; Depreiter, D.; Foubert, A.; Kozlova, E.; Maignien, L.; Poort, J.; Van Rensbergen, P.; Van Rooij, D. (2006). The mud volcano province on the Atlantic Moroccan margin: Towards a natural laboratory for joint European-Maghreb research, in: CIESM Fluid seepages - mud volcanism in the Mediterranean and adjacent domains, Bologna, 19-22 October 2005. CIESM Workshop Monographs, 29: pp. 21-26, more
Naudts, L.; De Batist, M. ; Granin, N.; Khlystov, O.; Van Rensbergen, P.; Poort, J.; Criel, W.; Klerkx, J.; SONIC Team, SONIC (2005). Distribution of lacustrine gas seeps and mud volcanoes in Lake Baikal, Siberia. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 7: 06636, more
Poort, J.; Matveeva, T.; Soloviev, V.; Biebow, N. (2003). Thermal signatures and gas hydrates in the seeps of the sea of Okhotsk; results from KOMEX 2002 Cruise. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 5(11531), more
De Batist, M.; Klerkx, J.; Vanneste, M.; Poort, J.; Van Rensbergen, P.; Golmshtok, A.; Kremlev, A.; Khlystov, O. (2001). Active destabilisation of gas hydrate accumulations in Lake Baikal by tectonically induced fluid-flow. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 3(769), more
Delvaux, D.; Hus, R.; Poort, J. (2001). Primorsky rift shoulder uplift and migration of Lake Baikal outlet: effects of rifting on surface processes. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 3(550), more
- Kaulio, V.; Poort, J.; Klerkx, J.; Morozov, S.; De Batist, M. (2001). Thermal conductivity data and the presence of gas hydrates in near-bottom sediments of Lake Baikal. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 3(773), more
Poort, J.; Vanneste, M.; De Batist, M. ; Klerkx, J. (2001). Measured and BSR-derived heat flow in an area of gas venting in Lake Baikal. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 3(778), more
- Delvaux, D.; Fronhoffs, A.; Hus, R.; Poort, J. (2000). Normal fault splays, relay ramps and transfer zones in the central part of the Baikal Rift basin: insight from digital topography and bathymetry. Bull. Cent. Rech. Elf Explor. Prod. 22(2): 341-358, more
Book chapters (7) [show] |
- Khlystov, O.; De Batist, M.; Shoji, H.; Nishio, S.; Naudts, L.; Poort, J. (2011). Gas hydrates of Lake Baikal, in: Shoji, H. et al. Gas hydrate studies in Okhotsk Sea and Lake Baikal. pp. 66-71, more
Naudts, L.; Khlystov, O.; Granin, N.; Chensky, A.G.; Poort, J.; De Batist, M. (2010). Stratigraphic and structural controls on the location of active methane seeps on Posolsky Bank, Lake Baikal, in: Naudts, L. Manifestations and geological characteristics of bubble-releasing methane seeps in the Black Sea, in the SW Pacific Ocean and in Lake Baikal. pp. 145-162, more
Naudts, L.; Greinert, J.; Poort, J.; Belza, J.; Vangampelaere, E.; Boone, D.; Linke, P.; Henriet, J.-P.; De Batist, M. (2010). Active venting sites on the gas-hydrate-bearing Hikurangi Margin, off New Zealand: Diffusive- versus bubble-released methane, in: Naudts, L. Manifestations and geological characteristics of bubble-releasing methane seeps in the Black Sea, in the SW Pacific Ocean and in Lake Baikal. pp. 117-143, more
Naudts, L.; Greinert, J.; Artemov, Y.; Staelens, P.; Poort, J.; Van Rensbergen, P.; De Batist, M. (2010). Geological and morphological setting of 2778 methane seeps in the Dnepr paleo-delta, northwestern Black Sea, in: Naudts, L. Manifestations and geological characteristics of bubble-releasing methane seeps in the Black Sea, in the SW Pacific Ocean and in Lake Baikal. pp. 65-91, more
- Mazurenko, L.L.; Matveeva, T.V.; Prasolov, E.M.; Shoji, H.; Obzhirov, A.I.; Jin, Y.K.; Poort, J.; Logvina, E.A.; Minami, H.; Sakagami, H.; Hachikubo, A.; Salomatin, A.S.; Salyuk, A.N.; Prilepskiy, E.B.; CHAOS 2003 Scientific Team (2009). Gas hydrate forming fluids on the NE Sakhalin slope, Sea of Okhotsk, in: Long, D. et al. (Ed.) Sediment-hosted gas hydrates: new insights on natural and synthetic systems. Geological Society Special Publication, 319: pp. 51-72, more
- Klerkx, J.; De Batist, M. ; Poort, J.; Hus, R.; Van Rensbergen, P.; Khlystov, O.; Granin, N. (2006). Tectonically controlled methane escape in Lake Baikal, in: Lombardi, S. et al. Advances in the geological storage of carbon dioxide – international approaches to reduce anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Nato Science Series: 4. Earth and Environmental Sciences, 65: pp. 203-219, more
- Van Rensbergen, P.; Poort, J.; Kipfer, R.; De Batist, M.; Vanneste, M.; Klerkx, J.; Granin, N.; Khlystov, O.; Krinitsky, P. (2003). Near-surface sediment mobilization and methane venting in relation to hydrate destabilization in Southern Lake Baikal, Siberia, in: Van Rensbergen, P. et al. Subsurface sediment mobilization. Geological Society Special Publication, 216: pp. 207-221, more
Abstracts (3) [show] |
Roose, F.; Poort, J.; De Batist, M. (2007). Gas hydrate systems respond slowly to seafloor warming, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 2 March 2007: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 39: pp. 54, more
- Depreiter, D.; Poort, J.; Van Rensbergen, P.; Henriet, J.-P. (2005). Geophysical evidence of gas hydrate presence in shallow mud volcanoes (El Arraiche mud volcanoe field, Morrocan margin), in: Hamoumi, N. et al. (Ed.) Geosphere-Biosphere coupling processes: the TTR interdisciplinary approach towards studies of the European and North African margins, International conference and Post-Cruise meeting of the Training-Through-Research programme, Marrakech, Morocco, 2-5 February 2005. IOC Workshop Report, 197: pp. 19-20, more
- Van Rensbergen, P.; Naudts, L.; Greinert, J.; Artemov, Y.; Poort, J.; Popescu, I.; De Batist, M. (2004). The role of gas hydrates and gas seeps in shaping the NW Black Sea margin, in: 32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, Italy, August 20-28, 2004. Abstract Volume. pp. Abstract 282-12, 1249, more
Report [show] |
- Schwalenberg, K.; Haeckel, M.; Pecher, I.A.; Toulmin, S. J.; Hamdan, L. J.; Netzeband, G.; Wood, W.; Poort, J.; Jegen, M. D.; Coffin, R. B. (2009). Assessing submarine gas hydrate at active seeps on the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand, using controlled source electromagnetic data with constraints from seismic, geochemistry, and heatflow data. Eos, Trans. (Wash. D.C.) 90(52): OS43C-03, more
Other publications (13) [show] |
- Naudts, L.; Greinert, J.; Poort, J.; Belza, J.; Vangampelaere, E.; Boone, D.; Linke, P.; Henriet, J.-P.; De Batist, M. (2008). Submeter mapping of methane seeps by ROV observations and measurements at the Hikurangi Margin, New Zeeland. Eos, Trans. (Wash. D.C.) AGU Fall Meet. Suppl. 89(53): F1690, more
- De Batist, M.; Klerkx, J.; Naudts, L.; Poort, J.; Khlystov, O.; Golmshtok, A. Y. ; Kremlev, A. N. ; Duchkov, A. D.; Granin, N. (2007). A reassessment of gas hydrate occurrences in Lake Baikal. Eos, Trans. (Wash. D.C.) 88(52): OS23A-1053, more
- Naudts, L.; Poort, J.; Boone, D.; Linke, P.; Greinert , J.; De Batist, M.; Henriet, J.-P. (2007). Active venting sites on the gas-hydrate-bearing Hikurangi Margin, off New Zealand: ROV measurements and observations. Eos, Trans. (Wash. D.C.) AGU Fall Meet. Suppl. 88(52): F515, more
- Bialas, J. M.; De Batist, M. ; Naudts, L.; Poort, J. ; Talukder, A.R.; Klaeschen, D. (2006). Fluid migration observed from seismic evidence in different hydrate provinces - Nicaragua vs. Black Sea. Eos, Trans. (Wash. D.C.) 87(48), more
- Depreiter, D.; Van Rensbergen, P.; Poort, J.; De Boever, E.; Swennen, R.; Henriet, J. (2005). Integrated geophysical and petrological characterization of mud volcanoes at the Morrocan Atlantic margin: Linking morphology to fluid flow. Eos, Trans. (Wash. D.C.) AGU Fall Meet. Suppl. 86(52): abstract T13B-0456, more
- Kutas, R.; Poort, J.; Klerkx, J.; Kravchuk, O.; Bevzyuk, M. (2005). Geothermal conditions in zones of gas escape and mud volcanism in northern Black Sea. Geofiz. ž. = Geophys. J. 27(1): 128-135, more
- Shoji, H.; Minami, H.; Hachikubo, A.; Sakagami, H.; Hyakutake, K.; Soloviev, V.; Matveeva, T.; Mazurenko, L.; Kaulio, V.; Gladysch, V.; Logvina, E.; Obzhirov, A.; Baranov, B.; Khlystov, O.; Biebow, N.; Poort, J.; Keun Jin, Y.; Kim, Y. (2005). Hydrate-bearing structures in the Sea of Okhotsk. Eos, Trans. (Wash. D.C.) 86(2): 13-24., more
- Vermeesch, P.; Poort, J.; Duchkov, A. D. ; Klerkx, J.; De Batist, M. (2004). Lake Issyk-Kul (Tien Shan): Unusually low heat flow in an active intermontane basin. Geol. geofiz. (Novosib.) 45(5): 616-625, more
- De Batist, M. ; Klerkx, J.; Vanneste, M.; Poort, J.; Golmshtok, A.; Kremlev, A.; Grachev, M.; Duchkov, A. (2001). Gas hydrates and gas seeps in Lake Baikal, Siberia. Nna-bericht 14(Special Issue 1/2001): 62, more
- Klerkx, J.; Hus, R.; De Batist, M.; Khlystov, O.; Van Rensbergen, P.; Poort, J. (2001). The structural control of the methane venting area in the Southern basin of Lake Baikal, Siberia. J. Conf. Abstr. 6: 153, more
- Klerkx, J.; De Batist, M. ; Delvaux, D.; Poort, J.; Dehandschutter, B.; Theunissen, K.; Dobretsov, L. (2001). Results of Belgian-Russian collaboration on the study of the tectonic evolution of Lake Baikal. Nna-bericht 14(Special Issue 1/2001): 73-78, more
- Poort, J.; Vanneste, M.; De Batist, M.; Klerkx, J. (2001). Measured and BSR-Derived heat flow in an area of gas venting in Lake Baikal. J. Conf. Abstr. 6: 153, more
- Van Rensbergen, P.; De Batist, M.; Klerkx, J.; Poort, J.; Hus, R.; Vanneste, M.; Granin, N.; Krinitsky, P. (2001). Short-lived mud volcanism and cold seeps caused by dissociation of gas hydrates in Lake Baikal. J. Conf. Abstr. 6: 151, more
Thesis (co-)promotor [show] |