Publications (55) |
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A1 Publications (51) [show] |
Soriot, C.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Prigent, C.; Jiménez, C.; Frappart, F. (2024). Winter Arctic sea ice volume decline: uncertainties reduced using passive microwave-based sea ice thickness. NPG Scientific Reports 14(1): 21000 ., more
Goosse, H.; Contador, S.A.; Bitz, C.M.; Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, E.; Eayrs, C.; Fichefet, T.; Himmich, K.; Huot, P.-V.; Klein, F.; Marchi, S.; Massonnet, F.; Mezzina, B.; Pelletier, C.; Roach, L.; Vancoppenolle, M.; van Lipzig, N.P.M. (2023). Modulation of the seasonal cycle of the Antarctic sea ice extent by sea iceprocesses and feedbacks with the ocean and the atmosphere. Cryosphere 17(1): 407-425., more
Himmich, K.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Madec, G.; Sallée, J.-B.; Holland, P.R.; Lebrun, M. (2023). Drivers of Antarctic sea ice advance. Nature Comm. 14(1): 6219., more
Lebrun, M.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Madec, G.; Babin, M.; Bécu, G.; Lourenço, A.; Nomura, D.; Vivier, F.; Delille, B. (2023). Light under Arctic sea ice in observations and earth system models. JGR: Oceans 128(3): e2021JC018161., more
Lin, X.; Massonnet, F.; Fichefet, T.; Vancoppenolle, M. (2023). Impact of atmospheric forcing uncertainties on Arctic and Antarctic sea ice simulations in CMIP6 OMIP models. Cryosphere 17(5): 1935-1965., more
Nie, Y.F.; Li, C.K.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Cheng, B.; Dias, F.B.; Lv, X.Q.; Uotila, P. (2023). Sensitivity of NEMO4.0-SI3 model parameters on sea ice budgets in the Southern Ocean. Geosci. Model Dev. 16(4): 1395-1425., more
Vivier, F.; Lourenço, A.; Michel, E.; Skogseth, R.; Rousset, C.; Lansard, B.; Bouruet-Aubertot, P.; Boutin, J.; Bombled, B.; Cuypers, Y.; Crispi, O.; Dausse, D.; Le Goff, H.; Madec, G.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Van der Linden, F.; Waelbroeck, C. (2023). Summer hydrography and circulation in Storfjorden Svalbard, following a record low winter sea-ice extent in the Barents Sea. JGR: Oceans 128(2): e2022JC018648., more
Keen, A.; Blockley, E.; Bailey, D.A.; Debernard, J.B.; Bushuk, M.; Delhaye, S.; Docquier, D.; Feltham, D.; Massonnet, F.; O'Farrell, S.; Ponsoni, L.; Rodriguez, J.M.; Schroeder, D.; Swart, N.; Toyoda, T.; Tsujino, H.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Wyser, K. (2021). An inter-comparison of the mass budget of the Arctic sea ice in CMIP6 models. Cryosphere 15(2): 951-982., more
Lin, X.; Massonnet, F.; Fichefet, T.; Vancoppenolle, M. (2021). SITool (v1.0) - a new evaluation tool for large-scale sea ice simulations: application to CMIP6 OMIP. Geosci. Model Dev. 14(10): 6331-6354., more
Person, R.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Aumont, O.; Malsang, M. (2021). Continental and sea ice iron sources fertilize the Southern Ocean in synergy. Geophys. Res. Lett. 48(23): e2021GL094761., more
- Sterlin, J.; Fichefet, T.; Massonnet, F.; Lecomte, O.; Vancoppenolle, M. (2021). Sensitivity of Arctic sea ice to melt pond processes and atmospheric forcing: a model study. Ocean Modelling 167: 15101872., more
- Wongpan, P.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Langhorne, P.J.; Smith, I.J.; Madec, G.; Gough, A.J.; Mahoney, A.R.; Haskell, T.G. (2021). Sub-ice platelet layer physics: insights from a mushy-layer sea ice model. JGR: Oceans 126(6): e2019JC015918., more
- Blockley, E.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Hunke, E.; Bitz, C.; Feltham, D.; Lemieux, J.-F.; Losch, M.; Maisonnave, E.; Notz, D.; Rampal, P.; Tietsche, S.; Tremblay, B.; Turner, A.; Massonnet, F.; Olason, E.; Roberts, A.; Aksenov, Y.; Fichefet, T.; Garric, G.; Lovino, D.; Madec, G.; Rousset, C.; Melia, D.S.; Schroeder, D. (2020). The future of sea ice modeling: where do we go from here? Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc. 101(8): E1304-E1311., more
Hunke, E.; Allard, R.; Blain, P.; Blockley, E.; Feltham, D.; Fichefet, T.; Garric, G.; Grumbine, R.; Lemieux, J.-F.; Ribergaard, M.; Roberts, A.; Schweiger, A.; Tietsche, S.; Tremblay, B.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Zhang, J. (2020). Should sea-ice modeling tools designed for climate research be used for short-term forecasting? Current Climate Change Reports 6(4): 121-136., more
Nomura, D.; Wongpan, P.; Toyota, T.; Tanikawa, T.; Kawaguchi, Y.; Ono, T.; Ishino, T.; Tozawa, M.; Tamura, T.P.; Yabe, I.S.; Son, E.Y.; Vivier, F.; Lourenço, A.; Lebrun, M.; Nosaka, Y.; Hirawake, T.; Ooki, A.; Aoki, S.; Else, B.; Fripiat, F.; Inoue, J.; Vancoppenolle, M. (2020). Saroma-ko Lagoon observations for sea ice physico-chemistry and ecosystems 2019 (SLOPE2019). Bulletin of Glaciological Research 38: 1-12., more
Person, R.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Aumont, O. (2020). Iron incorporation from seawater Into Antarctic Sea ice: a model study. Global Biogeochem. Cycles 34(11): e2020GB006665., more
Thomas, M.; Vancoppenolle, M.; France, J.L.; Sturges, W.T.; Bakker, D.C.E.; Kaiser, J.; von Glasow, R. (2020). Tracer measurements in growing sea ice support convective gravity drainage parameterizations. JGR: Oceans 125(2): e2019JC015791., more
Tison, J.-L.; Maksym, T.; Fraser, A.D.; Corkill, M.; Kimura, N.; Nosaka, Y.; Nomura, D.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Ackley, S.; Stammerjohn, S.; Wauthy, S.; Van der Linden, F.; Carnat, G.; Sapart, C.; de Jong, J.; Fripiat, F.; Delille, B. (2020). Physical and biological properties of early winter Antarctic sea ice in the Ross Sea. Ann. Glaciol. 61(83): 241-259., more
Lebrun, M.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Madec, G.; Massonnet, F. (2019). Arctic sea-ice-free season projected to extend into autumn. Cryosphere 13(1): 79-96., more
Massonnet, F.; Barthélemy, A.; Worou, K.; Fichefet, T.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Rousset, C.; Moreno-Chamarro, E. (2019). On the discretization of the ice thickness distribution in the NEMO3.6-LIM3 global ocean-sea ice model. Geosci. Model Dev. 12(8): 3745-3758., more
Person, R.; Aumont, O.; Madec, G.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Bopp, L.; Merino, N. (2019). Sensitivity of ocean biogeochemistry to the iron supply from the Antarctic Ice Sheet explored with a biogeochemical model. Biogeosciences 16(18): 3583-3603., more
- Vancoppenolle, M.; Madec, G.; Thomas, M.; McDougall, T.J. (2019). Thermodynamics of sea ice phase composition revisited. JGR: Oceans 124(1): 615-634., more
Goosse, H.; Kay, J.E.; Armour, K.C.; Bodas-Salcedo, A.; Chepfer, H.; Docquier, D.; Jonko, A.; Kushner, P.J.; Lecomte, O.; Massonnet, F.; Park, H.-S.; Pithan, F.; Svensson, G.; Vancoppenolle, M. (2018). Quantifying climate feedbacks in polar regions. Nature Comm. 9(1): 13 pp., more
- Massonnet, F.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Goosse, H.; Docquier, D.; Fichefet, T.; Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, E. (2018). Arctic sea-ice change tied to its mean state through thermodynamic processes. Nat. Clim. Chang. 8(7): 599-603., more
Fripiat, F.; Meiners, K.M.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Papadimitriou, S.; Thomas, D.N.; Ackley, S.F.; Arrigo, K.R.; Carnat, G.; Cozzi, S.; Delille, B.; Dieckmann, G.S.; Dunbar, R.B.; Fransson, A.; Kattner, G.; Kennedy, H.; Lannuzel, D.; Munro, D.R.; Nomura, D.; Rintala, J.-M.; Schoemann, V.; Stefels, J.; Steiner, N.; Tison, J.-L. (2017). Macro-nutrient concentrations in Antarctic pack ice: overall patterns and overlooked processes. Elem. Sci. Anth. 5: 13., more
Carnat, G.; Brabant, F.; Dumont, I.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Ackley, S.F.; Fritsen, C.; Delille, B.; Tison, J.-L. (2016). Influence of short-term synoptic events and snow depth on DMS, DMSP, and DMSO dynamics in Antarctic spring sea ice. Elem. Sci. Anth. 4: 000135., more
- Jutras, M.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Lourenço, A.; Vivier, F.; Carnat, G.; Madec, G.; Rousset, C.; Tison, J.-L. (2016). Thermodynamics of slush and snow-ice formation in the Antarctic sea-ice zone. Deep-Sea Res., Part II, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 131: 75-83., more
Kotovitch, M.; Moreau, S.; Zhou, J.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Dieckmann, G.S.; Evers, K.-U.; Van der Linden, F.; Thomas, D.N.; Tison, J.-L.; Delille, B. (2016). Air-ice carbon pathways inferred from a sea ice tank experiment. Elem. Sci. Anth. 4: 000112., more
Lannuzel, D.; Vancoppenolle, M.; van der Merwe, P.; de Jong, J.; Meiners, K.M.; Grotti, M.; Nishioka, J.; Schoemann, V. (2016). Iron in sea ice: review and new insights. Elem. Sci. Anth. 4: 130., more
Moreau, S.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Bopp, L.; Aumont, O.; Madec, G.; Delille, B.; Tison, J.-L.; Barriat, P.-Y.; Goosse, H. (2016). Assessment of the sea-ice carbon pump: insights from a three-dimensional ocean-sea-ice biogeochemical model (NEMO-LIM-PISCES). Elem. Sci. Anth. 4: 122., more
Notz, D.; Jahn, A.; Holland, M.; Hunke, E.; Massonnet, F.; Stroeve, J.; Tremblay, B.; Vancoppenolle, M. (2016). The CMIP6 Sea-Ice Model Intercomparison Project (SIMIP): understanding sea ice through climate-model simulations. Geosci. Model Dev. 9(9): 3427-3446., more
Miller, L.A.; Fripiat, F.; Else, B.G.T.; Bowman, J.S.; Brown, K.A.; Collins, R.E.; Ewert, M.; Fransson, A.; Gosselin, M.; Lannuzel, D.; Meiners, K.M.; Michel, C.; Nishioka, J.; Nomura, D.; Papadimitriou, S.; Russell, L.M.; Sorensen, L.L.; Thomas, D.N.; Tison, J.-L.; van Leeuwe, M.A.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Wolff, E.W.; Zhou, J. (2015). Methods for biogeochemical studies of sea ice: the state of the art, caveats, and recommendations. Elem. Sci. Anth. 3: 000038., more
Moreau, S.; Kaartokallio, H.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Zhou, J.; Kotovitch, M.; Dieckmann, G.S.; Thomas, D.N.; Tison, J.-L.; Delille, B. (2015). Assessing the O2 budget under sea ice: an experimental and modelling approach. Elem. Sci. Anth. 3: 1-11., more
- Moreau, S.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Delille, B.; Tison, J.-L.; Zhou, J.; Kotovitch, M.; Thomas, N; Geilfus, X; Goosse, H. (2015). Drivers of inorganic carbon dynamics in first-year sea ice: a model study. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans(120): 471-495., more
- Moreau, S.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Zhou, J.; Tison, J.-L.; Delille, B.; Goosse, H. (2014). Modelling argon dynamics in first-year sea ice. Ocean Modelling 73: 1-18., more
- Jardon, F.P.; Vivier, F.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Lourenco, A.; Bouruet-Aubertot, P.; Cuypers, Y. (2013). Full-depth desalination of warm sea ice. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 118(1): 435-447., more
Mathiot, P.; König Beatty, C.; Fichefet, T.; Goosse, H.; Massonnet, F.; Vancoppenolle, M. (2012). Better constraints on the sea-ice state using global sea-ice data assimilation. Geosci. Model Dev. 5(6): 1501-1515., more
Hunke, E.; Notz, D.; Turner, A.; Vancoppenolle, M. (2011). The multiphase physics of sea ice: a review for model developers. Cryosphere 5(4): 989-1009., more
- Lecomte, O.; Fichefet, T.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Nicolaus, M. (2011). A new snow thermodynamic scheme for large-scale sea-ice models. Ann. Glaciol. 52(57): 337-346., more
- Lietaer, O.; Deleersnijder, E.; Fichefet, T.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Comblen, R.; Bouillon, S.; Legat, V. (2011). The vertical age profile in sea ice: theory and numerical results. Ocean Modelling 40(3-4): 211-226., more
Massonnet, F.; Fichefet, T.; Goosse, H.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Mathiot, P.; König Beatty, C. (2011). On the influence of model physics on simulations of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice. Cryosphere 5(3): 687-699., more
- Pogson, L.; Tremblay, B.; Lavoie, D.; Michel, C.; Vancoppenolle, M. (2011). Development and validation of a one-dimensional snow-ice algae model against observations in Resolute Passage, Canadian Arctic Archipelago. J. Geophys. Res. 116(C4)., more
- Stammerjohn, S.; Maksym, T.; Heil, P.; Massom, R.A.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Leonard, K.C. (2011). The influence of winds, sea-surface temperature and precipitation anomalies on Antarctic regional sea-ice conditions during IPY 2007. Deep-Sea Res., Part II, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 58(9-10): 999-1018., more
- Vancoppenolle, M.; Timmermann, R.; Ackley, S.F.; Fichefet, T.; Goosse, H.; Heil, P.; Leonard, K.C.; Lieser, J.; Nicolaus, M.; Papakyriakou, T.; Tison, J.L. (2011). Assessment of radiation forcing data sets for large-scale sea ice models in the Southern Ocean. Deep-Sea Res., Part 2, Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 58(9-10): 1237-1249., more
- Vancoppenolle, M.; Goosse, H.; de Montety, A.; Fichefet, T.; Tremblay, B.; Tison, J.L. (2010). Modeling brine and nutrient dynamics in Antarctic sea ice: The case of dissolved silica. J. Geophys. Res. 115(C02005): 18., more
Goosse, H.; Arzel, O.; Bitz, C.; de Montety, A.; Vancoppenolle, M. (2009). Increased variability of the Arctic summer ice extent in a warmer climate. Geophys. Res. Lett. 36(23)., more
Lancelot, C.; de Montety, A.; Goosse, H.; Becquevort, S.; Schoemann, V.; Pasquer, B.; Vancoppenolle, M. (2009). Spatial distribution of the iron supply to phytoplankton in the Southern Ocean: a model study. Biogeosciences 6(12): 2861-2878, more
- Vancoppenolle, M.; Fichefet, T.; Goosse, H.; Bouillon, S.; Madec, G.; Maqueda, M.A.M. (2009). Simulating the mass balance and salinity of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice. 1. Model description and validation. Ocean Modelling 27(1-2): 33-53., more
- Vancoppenolle, M.; Fichefet, T.; Goosse, H. (2009). Simulating the mass balance and salinity of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice. 2. Importance of sea ice salinity variations. Ocean Modelling 27(1-2): 54-69., more
- Vancoppenolle, M.; Bitz, C.M.; Fichefet, T. (2007). Summer landfast sea ice desalination at Point Barrow, Alaska: Modeling and observations. J. Geophys. Res. 112(C4)., more
- Vancoppenolle, M.; Fichefet, T.; Bitz, C.M. (2005). On the sensitivity of undeformed Arctic sea ice to its vertical salinity profile. Geophys. Res. Lett. 32(16): L16502 (1-4)., more
Book chapter [show] |
Meiners, K.M.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Thanassekos, S.; Dieckmann, G.S.; Thomas, D.N.; Tison, J.-L.; Arrigo, K.R.; Garrison, D.L.; McMinn, A.; Lannuzel, D.; Van der Merwe, P.; Swadling, K.M.; Smith Jr., W.O.; Melnikov, I.; Raymond, B. (2013). Chlorophyll a in Antarctic sea ice from historical ice core data, in: The 45th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics. The variability of primary production in the ocean: from the synoptic to the global scale, Liège, Belgium, 13-17 May, 2013: Abstracts. pp. [1], more
Abstracts (2) [show] |
Pirlet, N.; Fichefet, T.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Rousset, C.; Mathiot, P.; Fraser, A.; Barthélemy, A.; Kittel, C. (2024). Perscribing Antarctic landfast sea ice in a sea ice-ocean model, in: EGU General Assembly 2024. Vienna, Austria & Online, 14-19 April 2024. pp. EGU24-3367., more
Goosse, H.; Contador, S.A.; Bitz, C.M.; Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, E.; Eayrs, C.; Fichefet, T.; Himmich, K.; Huot, P.-V.; Klein, F.; Marchi, S.; Massonnet, F.; Mezzina, B.; Pelletier, C.; Roach, L.; Vancoppenolle, M.; van Lipzig, N.P.M. (2023). Importance of atmospheric feedbacks in simulating the seasonal cycle of the Antarctic sea ice and its response to perturbations, in: EGU General Assembly 2023. Vienna, Austria & Online, 23–28 April 2023. pp. EGU23-1531., more
Other publication [show] |
Dehairs, F.; Tison, J.-L.; Delille, B.; André, L.; Goosse, H.; Fripiat, F.; Moreau, S.; Cavagna, A.-J.; Vancoppenolle, M.; Schoemann, V.; Sapart, C.; Heinesch, B.; Zhou, J.; Carnat, G.; Roukaert, A.; Champenois, W.; de Jong, J. (2014). BIGSOUTH: BIoGeochemical cycles in the SOUTHern Ocean: Role within the Earth system. Sci. connect. (Ned. ed.) 44: 8-12, more