Prof. Dr Franckx, Erik |
Institute |
Top | Institute | Publications | Projects |
Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Faculteit Recht en Criminologie; Vakgroep Internationaal en Europees Recht; Centrum voor Internationaal Recht, more
| |
Projects (12) |
Top | Institute | Publications | Projects |
- Bescherming van het marien milieu en opvolging van zaken van zeeverontreiniging, more
- Bijstaan van de regering van Litouwen bij het opstellen van een visserijwetgeving, more
- Boundary and Cross-boundary Maritime Legal Cooperation in Eastern Baltic sea, more
- International Maritime Boundaries, more
- Juridical aspects of Marine Environmental Protection along the Belgian Coast, more
- Rapporteur van het Committee on Coastal Jurisdiction Relating to Marine Pollution van de International Law Association, more
- Reglementaire aanpak van de bestrijding van mariene pollutie, more
- Scheepvaart binnen de exclusieve economische zone: een vrijheid in gevaar of eerder een gevaarlijke vrijheid?, more
- Strengthening Democracy in Societies in Transition, more
- Strengthening the cooperation on the protection of the marine environment in the Eastern Baltic Sea, more
- The Competence of Coastal States with respect to Marine Pollution by Ships: The Belgian and South-African Experience and Possible Lessons to be learned from recent European Initiatives, more
- The jurisdiction of the coastal state in regard to maritime pollution through ships and/or dumping, more
Publications (141) |
Top | Institute | Publications | Projects |
A1 Publications (21) [show] |
- Franckx, E. (2023). A single maritime boundary: from UNCLOS III to present-day developments. Mar. Policy 148: 105425., more
- Franckx, E.; Benatar, M. (2017). Introduction: the South China Sea: an international law perspective. Int. J. Mar. Coast. Law 32(2): 193-197., more
- Franckx, E. (2012). Fisheries in the South China Sea: a centrifugal or centripetal force? Chin. J. Int. Law 11(4): 727-747., more
- Franckx, E. (2011). American and Chinese views on navigational rights of warships. Chin. J. Int. Law 10(1): 187-206., more
- Franckx, E. (2010). The International Seabed Authority and the common heritage of mankind: The need for states to establish the outer limits of their continental shelf. Int. J. Mar. Coast. Law 25(4): 543-567., more
- Franckx, E. (2001). Baltic Sea: new maritime boundaries concluded in the eastern Baltic Sea since 1998. Int. J. Mar. Coast. Law 16(4): 645-654, more
- Franckx, E. (2000). The 1998 Estonia-Sweden Maritime Boundary Agreement: lessons to be learned in the area of continuity and/or succession of states. Ocean Dev. Int. Law 31(3): 269-284., more
- Franckx, E. (1998). Two more maritime boundary agreements concluded in the Eastern Baltic Sea in 1997. Int. J. Mar. Coast. Law 13: 274-283, more
- Franckx, E. (1998). Regional marine environment protection regimes in the context of UNCLOS. Int. J. Mar. Coast. Law 13: 307-324, more
- Franckx, E.; Pallemaerts, M. (1998). Conference on "Toxics Reductions Programmes in the North Sea and Baltic Sea: a comparative perspective": introduction. Int. J. Mar. Coast. Law 13(3): 299-305, more
- Franckx, E. (1997). Two new maritime boundary delimitation agreements in the Eastern Baltic Sea. Int. J. Mar. Coast. Law 12: 365-376, more
- Franckx, E. (1996). Finland and Sweden complete their maritime boundary in the Baltic Sea. Ocean Dev. Int. Law 27: 291-314, more
- Franckx, E. (1996). Baltic Sea: Finland-Sweden delimitation agreement. Int. J. Mar. Coast. Law 11: 394-400, more
- Franckx, E. (1995). Coastal state jurisdiction with respect to marine pollution. Int. J. Mar. Coast. Law 10: 253-280, more
- Franckx, E. (1992). Nature protection in the Arctic: recent Soviet legislation. Int. Comp. Law Q. 41: 366-386, more
- Franckx, E. (1992). EC maritime zones: The delimitation aspect. Ocean Dev. Int. Law 23: 239-258, more
- Franckx, E. (1991). Marine scientific research and the Soviet Arctic. Polar Rec. 27: 325-337, more
- Franckx, E. (1990). Innocent passage of warships: recent developments in US-Soviet relations. Mar. Policy 14(6): 484-490., more
- Franckx, E. (1988). "New" Soviet delimitation agreements with its neighbors in the Baltic Sea. Ocean Dev. Int. Law 19: 143-158, more
- Franckx, E. (1988). Non-Soviet shipping in the northeast passage, and the legal status of Proliv Vil'kitskogo. Polar Rec. 24: 269-276, more
- Franckx, E. (1987). New Soviet fishery regulations concerning the EEZ: an appraisal. Mar. Policy 11: 125-132, more
Peer reviewed publications (36) [show] |
Franckx, E. (2021). Maritime delimitation in the Baltic Sea: an update. TransNav 15(4): 885-891., more
- Franckx, E. (2020). 10-24: Lithuania-Sweden, in: Lathrop, C. (Ed.) International Maritime Boundaries, vol. VIII. International Maritime Boundaries, VIII: pp. 5743-5760, more
- Franckx, E. (2020). 10-23: Lithuania-Russia-Sweden, in: Lathrop, C. (Ed.) International Maritime Boundaries, vol. VIII. International Maritime Boundaries, VIII: pp. 5731-5741, more
- Franckx, E. (2020). New developments with respect to fisheries in the Arctic. B.T.I.R. 51(2018/2): 442-482, more
- Franckx, E.; Gautier, P. (Ed.) (2020). Introduction to the Special Issue on "Arctic and Antarctic regions: new challenges for ocean governance". B.T.I.R. 51(2): 333-582, more
- Franckx, E. (2019). Responsible maritime governance ∙ A new regime established for regulating fisheries in the Arctic. EurUP 17(4): 416-437, more
- Franckx, E. (2018). Gaps in Baltic Sea maritime boundaries, in: Ringbom, H. (Ed.) Regulatory gaps in Baltic Sea governance. MARE Publication Series, 18: pp. 7-20., more
- Franckx, E. (2014). UNCLOS and the Arctic? B.T.I.R. 47(1): 157-181, more
- Franckx, E. (2013). The shape of things to come: The Russian Federation and the Northern Sea Route in 2011. The Yearbook of Polar Law Online 5: 255-269., more
- Franckx, E. (2012). Maritime delimitation in the Baltic Sea: what has already been accomplished? TransNav 6(3): 437-442, more
- Franckx, E.; Benatar, M. (2012). Dots and lines in the South China Sea: Insights from the law of map evidence. Asian J. Int. Law 2(1): 89-118., more
- Franckx, E.; Boone, L. (2012). New developments in the Arctic: protecting the marine environment from increased shipping, in: Nordquist, M.H. et al. The Law of the Sea Convention: US Accession and Globalization. Center for Oceans Law and Policy, 15: pp. 178-205., more
- Franckx, E. (2011). Baltic: Estonia-Russia, in: Colson, D.A. et al. (Ed.) International Maritime Boundaries, vol. VI. International Maritime Boundaries, VI: pp. 4567-4584, more
- Franckx, E. (2011). Should the law governing maritime areas in the Arctic adapt to changing climatic circumstances? Calif. West. Int. Law J. 43(2): 397-432, more
- Franckx, E.; Benatar, M.; Scotcher, N.; Van den Bossche, K. (2011). The naming of maritime features viewed from an international law perspective. COLR 11(1): 41-69, more
- Franckx, E.; Van den Bossche, K. (2011). The influence of environmental law on the development of the Law of the Sea: CITES and the international law of fisheries. Japanese Yearbook of International Law 54: 218-259, more
Franckx, E. (2010). The legal regime of navigation in the Russian Arctic. J. Transnatl. Law Policy 18(2): 327-342, more
- Franckx, E. (2009). Should the law governing maritime areas in the Arctic adapt to changing climatic circumstances?, in: Koivurova, T. et al. Climate governance in the Arctic. Environment & Policy, 50: pp. 119-143., more
Franckx, E. (2003). Marine environmental jurisdictional issues: coastal states, in: Nordquist, M.H. et al. (Ed.) The Stockholm Declaration and Law of the Marine Environment. Center for Oceans Law and Policy, 7: pp. 287-298, more
- Franckx, E. (2002). "Reasonable bond" in the practice of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. Calif. West. Int. Law J. 32(2): 303-342, more
- Franckx, E. (2000). Maritime boundaries in the Baltic Sea: post-1991 developments. Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law 28: 249-266, more
- Franckx, E. (1998). Finland-Sweden (Bogskär Area), in: Charney, J.I. et al. (Ed.) International Maritime Boundaries, vol. III. pp. 2539-2555, more
- Franckx, E. (1998). Baltic Sea update, in: Charney, J.I. et al. (Ed.) International Maritime Boundaries, vol. III. pp. 2557-2573, more
Franckx, E. (1998). Belgium and the Netherlands settle their last frontier disputes on land as well as at sea. B.T.I.R. 31: 338-393, more
- Franckx, E. (1995). Comments on the contribution of Jacques, T., La pratique belge et le droit de la mer: la protection de l'environnement marin. B.T.I.R. 28: 147-152, more
Franckx, E. (1994). De Belgische staatshervorming en het Zeerecht. B.T.I.R. 27: 244-283, more
- Franckx, E. (1993). Baltic Sea maritime boundaries: regional reports, in: Charney, J.I. et al. (Ed.) International Maritime Boundaries, volume I & II. pp. 345-365, more
- Franckx, E. (1993). Baltic Sea: individual boundary reports, in: Charney, J.I. et al. (Ed.) International Maritime Boundaries, volume I & II. pp. 1913-2104, more
Franckx, E. (1992). Maritime boundary agreements: the case of Belgium. B.T.I.R. 25(2): 390-447, more
- Franckx, E. (1992). The Soviet maritime Arctic, summer 1991: a western account. J. Transnatl. Law Policy 1: 131-149, more
- Franckx, E. (1990). Further steps in the clarification of the Soviet position on the innocent passage of foreign warships through its territorial waters. Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law 19: 535-563, more
- Franckx, E. (1988). De Belgische wetgeving ter uitbreiding van de territoriale zee en de interne rechtsorde. Rechtskundig Weekblad 51: 729-743, more
Franckx, E. (1987). Belgium extends its territorial sea up to 12 nautical miles. B.T.I.R. 20(1): 41-71, more
- Franckx, E. (1987). The USSR position on the issue of innocent passage of warships through foreign territorial waters. J. Marit. Law Commer. 18: 33-65, more
- Franckx, E. (1986). Usage created by agreement or by treaty, Report of section 5 of the XXXII Law Congress organized by the Flemish Law Association, Antwerp, April 26, 1986. Rechtskundig Weekblad 49: 2783-2786, more
- Franckx, E. (1985). Innocent passage of warships in the territorial sea: did the USSR revaluate the content of texts which fell into desuetude? B.T.I.R. 18(1): 272-297, more
Books (13) [show] |
- Ruiz Fabri, H.; Franckx, E.; Benatar, M.; Meshel, T. (Ed.) (2020). A Bridge over Troubled Waters. Dispute Resulution in the Law of International Watercourses in the Law of the Sea. Brill|Nijhoff: Leiden. ISBN 978-90-04-36572-8; e-ISBN 978-90-04-43495-0. 467 pp., more
- Sohn, L.B.; Noyes, J.E.; Franckx, E.; Juras, K.G. (Ed.) (2014). Cases and materials on the law of the sea. Second edition. Brill: Leiden. ISBN 9789004169906. lviii, 998 pp., more
- Franckx, E.; Gautier, P. (Ed.) (2010). The exercise of jurisdiction over vessels: New developments in the fields of pollution, fisheries, crimes at sea and trafficking of weapons of mass destruction. Bruylant: Brussels. ISBN 978-2-8027-2988-4. XX, 225 pp., more
Koivurova, T.; Chircop, A.; Franckx, E.; Molenaar, E.J.; VanderZwaag, D.L. (Ed.) (2009). Understanding and strengthening European Union-Canada relations in Law of the Sea and Ocean Governance. Juridica Lapponica, 35. University of Lapland Printing Centre: Rovaniemi. ISBN 978-952-484-299-0. XXXII, 593 pp., more
- Franckx, E. (Ed.) (2007). Contemporary regulation of marine living resources and pollution: Essays written by and in honour of the International Francqui Chairholder Professor Dermott Devine. Maklu: Antwerp. ISBN 978-90-4660-103-7. xxiii, 193 pp., more
- Franckx, E.; Pauwels, A. (Ed.) (2006). Vessel-source pollution and coastal state jurisdiction in the South-eastern Baltic Sea. Maklu: Antwerpen. ISBN 90-6215-762-9. XVIII, 239 pp., more
- Franckx, E.; Gautier, P. (Ed.) (2003). La Zone Economique Exclusive et la Convention des Nations unies sur le Droit de la Mer, 1982-2000: un premier bilan de la pratique des états = The Exclusive Economic Zone and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982-2000: A preliminary assessment of state practice. Bruylant: Bruxelles. ISBN 2-8027-1730-8. XVII, 247 pp., more
- Franckx, E. (Ed.) (2001). Vessel source pollution and coastal state jurisdiction: the work of the ILA committee on coastal state jurisdiction relating to marine pollution (1991-2000). Kluwer Law International: The Hague. ISBN 9041116303. XXXVI, 391 pp., more
- Franckx, E. (2000). Pacta Tertiis and the Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks. Legal Paper Online, 2000(8). FAO: Rome. 28 pp., more
Franckx, E. (2000). Pacta Tertiis and the Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation & Management of Straddling Fish Stocks & Highly Migratory Fish Stocks. FAO: Brussels. 2-28 pp., more
- De Meyere, P.; Franckx, E.; Henckaerts, J.-M.; Gorlé, F. (Ed.) (1996). Oost-Europa in Europa: eenheid en verscheidenheid: huldeboek opgedragen aan Frits Gorlé. VUB Press: Brussel. ISBN 90-5487-130-X. 369 pp., more
- Salmon, J.; Franckx, E. (Ed.) (1995). Colloque sur la Belgique et la nouvelle convention des Nations Unies sur le droit de la mer: actes de la journée du 25 novembre 1994. Bruylant: Brussel. ISBN 2-8027-0666-7. 174 pp., more
- Franckx, E. (1993). Maritime claims in the Arctic: Canadian and Russian perspectives. Martinus Nijhoff: Dordrecht. ISBN 0-79-232218-5. 330 pp., more
Book chapters (44) [show] |
- Ruiz Fabri, H.; Franckx, E.; Benatar, M.; Meshel, T. (2020). Introduction, in: Ruiz Fabri, H. et al. A Bridge over Troubled Waters. Dispute Resulution in the Law of International Watercourses in the Law of the Sea. pp. 1-18., more
- Franckx, E. (2018). The Arbitral Tribunal’s interpretation of paragraph 3 in Article 121: a first but important step forward, in: Jayakumar, S. et al. The South China Sea arbitration: the legal dimension. pp. 154-175., more
- Franckx, E.; Benatar, M. (2018). Non-participation in compulsory procedures of dispute settlement: the People’s Republic of China’s position paper in the South China Sea arbitration and beyond, in: Follesdal, A. et al. The judicialization of international law: a mixed blessing?. pp. 183-205., more
- Franckx, E. (2017). The effects of the South China Sea dispute and the arbitral ruling on UNCLOS and international law, in: Hiebert, M. et al. In the wake of arbitration: papers from the sixth annual CSIS South China Sea conference. pp. 47-57, more
- Franckx, E.; Benatar, M. (2017). Article 305. Signature, in: Proelß, A. et al. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: a commentary. pp. 1968-1979, more
- Franckx, E.; Benatar, M. (2016). Turkish objections to Exclusive Economic Zone agreements concluded by Cyprus, in: Pazartzis, P. et al. (Ed.) Reconceptualising the rule of law in global governance, resources, investment and trade
. pp. 217-241, more
- Franckx, E. (2015). The 'new' Arctic passages and the 'old' law of the sea, in: Ringbom, H. (Ed.) Jurisdiction over Ships. pp. 194-216., more
- Franckx, E. (2015). Is het Verdrag van de Verenigde Naties inzake het recht van de zee van toepassing op Arctica?, in: Cliquet, A. et al. (Ed.) Recht door zee: Hedendaags internationaal zee- en maritiem recht: Liber amicorum Eddy Somers. pp. 23-42, more
- Franckx, E.; Benatar, M. (2015). The “duty” to co-operate for states bordering enclosed or semi-enclosed seas, in: Ma, Y. (Ed.) Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs. pp. 66-81., more
- Franckx, E. (2014). Bringing the North Pole to the South China Sea: dots and lines on maps and their explanation, in: Song, Y. et al. (Ed.) Major law and policy issues in the South China Sea: European and American perspectives. pp. 161-173, more
- Franckx, E. (2014). The regime of islands and rocks, in: Attard, D. et al. (Ed.) The IMLI manual on International Maritime Law: Volume I: the law of the sea . pp. 99-124, more
- Franckx, E. (2013). Global warming and its impact on Arctic navigation: the Northern Sea route shipping season 2012, in: Weintrit, A. (Ed.) Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation: Navigational Problems. pp. 172-179, more
- Franckx, E.; Van den Bossche, K. (2013). Regional issues and ocean law: the African region, in: Scheiber, H.N. et al. Regions, institutions, and law of the sea. Studies in ocean governance. pp. 411-436., more
Franckx, E. (2012). Estuaries, in: Bernhardt, R. (Ed.) (2008-2012). Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law. pp. 677-681, more
Franckx, E. (2012). Sea fisheries cases before the European Court of Justice, in: Bernhardt, R. (Ed.) (2008-2012). Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law. pp. 42-47, more
- Franckx, E. (2011). CITES as an alternative for effective fisheries management in the Asia-Pacific region, in: Ma, Y.-J. (Ed.) Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs, Volume 29. pp. 70-103., more
- Franckx, E. (2011). Maritime delimitation in the Baltic Sea: What has already been accomplished?, in: Weintrit, A. et al. (Ed.) Transport systems and processes: Marine navigation and safety of sea transportation. pp. 139-144, more
- Franckx, E. (2010). Het internationale hof voor het recht van de zee, in: Maes, F. et al. Water: Bron van leven en conflicten. pp. 147-154, more
- Franckx, E. (2010). The exercise of jurisdiction over vessels: legal issues raised by the relationship between CITES, FAO and the UN Convention of the Law of the Sea, in: Franckx, E. et al. (Ed.) The exercise of jurisdiction over vessels: new developments in the fields of pollution, fisheries, crimes at sea and trafficking of weapons of mass destruction. pp. 57-79, more
- Franckx, E.; Van den Bossche, K. (2010). The role of the European Union in regional fisheries organizations, in: Russell, D.A. et al. Recasting transboundary fisheries management arrangements in light of sustainability principles. pp. 419-448., more
Chircop, A.; Franckx, E.; Koivurova, T.; Molenaar, E.J.; VanderZwaag, D.L. (2009). Introduction, in: Koivurova, T. et al. (Ed.) Understanding and strengthening European Union-Canada relations in Law of the Sea and Ocean Governance. Juridica Lapponica, 35: pp. 1-5, more
Franckx, E. (2009). Challenges to policy making, in: Koivurova, T. et al. (Ed.) Understanding and strengthening European Union-Canada relations in Law of the Sea and Ocean Governance. Juridica Lapponica, 35: pp. 9-18, more
Franckx, E.; Van den Bossche, K.; VanderZwaag, D.L. (2009). Canada, the European Union and regional fisheries management in the North Atlantic: conflict, cooperation and challenges, in: Koivurova, T. et al. (Ed.) Understanding and strengthening European Union-Canada relations in Law of the Sea and Ocean Governance. Juridica Lapponica, 35: pp. 265-344, more
- Franckx, E.; Van Assche, C. (2007). Contemporary high seas fisheries law, in: Franckx, E. (Ed.) Contemporary regulation of marine living resources and pollution: essays written by and in honour of the International Francqui Chairholder Professor Dermott Devine. pp. 29-70, more
- Franckx, E. (2006). Vessel-source pollution and coastal state jurisdiction in the South-eastern Baltic Sea: its place in the global context, in: Franckx, E. et al. (Ed.) Vessel-source pollution and coastal state jurisdiction in the South-eastern Baltic Sea. pp. 3-19, more
- Franckx, E.; Pauwels, O. (2006). Introduction, in: Franckx, E. et al. (Ed.) Vessel-source pollution and coastal state jurisdiction in the South-eastern Baltic Sea. pp. xi-xii, more
- Franckx, E. (2004). De werkzaamheden van de International Law Association inzake marien milieurecht, in: Van Hooydonk, E. (Ed.) Zeeverontreiniging: preventie, bestrijding en aansprakelijkheid. Antwerpse Zeerechtdagen, : pp. 19-42, more
- Franckx, E. (2003). Exclusive Economic Zone, state practice and the protection of the marine environment, in: Franckx, E. et al. (Ed.) La Zone Economique Exclusive et la Convention des Nations unies sur le Droit de la Mer, 1982-2000: un premier bilan de la pratique des états = The Exclusive Economic Zone and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982-2000: a preliminary assessment of state practice. pp. 11-30, more
- Franckx, E. (2001). First report (May 1996), in: Franckx, E. (Ed.) Vessel source pollution and coastal state jurisdiction: the work of the ILA committee on coastal state jurisdiction relating to marine pollution (1991-2000). pp. 1-31, more
Franckx, E. (2000). The work of the International Law Association's Committee on coastal state jurisdiction relating to marine pollution and its implications for the Aegean Sea, in: Öztürk, B. (Ed.) The Aegean Sea 2000. Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Aegean Sea 5-7 May 2000, Bodrum, Turkey. pp. 221-236, more
- Franckx, E. (1998). Maritime boundaries in the Baltic, in: Blake, G. et al. (Ed.) Boundaries and energy: problems and prospects. pp. 275-295, more
- Franckx, E. (1998). La frontière maritime récemment établie entre la Belgique et les Pays-Bas. Annu. Droit Mer 2: 117-159, more
- Franckx, E. (1997). Belgium and the Law of the Sea, in: Treves, T. et al. (Ed.) The Law of the Sea: the European Union and its member states. pp. 37-96, more
- Franckx, E. (1997). La Belgique et la Convention MARPOL: un mariage difficile. Annu. Droit Mer 1: 151-178, more
- Franckx, E. (1997). The ILA survey on coastal state jurisdiction with special reference to regional rules, in: Ringbom, H. (Ed.) Competing norms in the law of marine environmental protection. pp. 59-81, more
- Franckx, E. (1996). Maritime Boudary Delimitation in the Baltic, in: [s.d.] pp. 167-177, more
- Franckx, E. (1996). Maritime delimitation in the Eastern Baltic Sea: Internet and scientific research, in: De Meyere, P. et al. (Ed.) Oost-Europa in Europa: eenheid en verscheidenheid: huldeboek opgedragen aan Frits Gorlé. pp. 275-315, more
- Franckx, E. (1995). The new United Nations Law of the Sea Convention and the problem of the maritime delimitation in the Baltic Sea, in: Bergholcs, J. (Ed.) Baltic Sea yesterday, today, tomorrow. pp. 16-19, more
- Franckx, E. (1995). Evolutions récentes du droit de la mer dans ses relations avec l'environnement, in: L'actualité du droit de l'environnement: actes du colloque des 17-18 novembre 1994, Bruxelles. pp. 227-258, more
- Franckx, E. (1994). The voyage of the Greenpeace ship MV Solo to Novaia Zemlia and international law: a commentary, in: De Vroede, P. (Ed.) Liber Amicorum Paul De Vroede. pp. 803-836, more
- Franckx, E. (1992). Environmental protection: an Arctic-Antarctic comparison, in: Verhoeven, J. et al. (Ed.) The Antarctic environment and international law. pp. 109-119, more
- Franckx, E. (1991). International cooperation in respect of the Baltic Sea, in: Lefeber, R. et al. (Ed.) The changing political structure of Europe: aspects of international law. pp. 245-277, more
- Franckx, E. (1990). The 1893 Bering Sea arbitration: a retrospect, in: Ocean Resources, Industries and Rivalries 1800 to the Present: an international experts' conference at the University of California at Berkeley, May 6, 1990. pp. 114-162, more
- Franckx, E. (1987). A new international organization: the Sea-Bed Authority, in: De Vroede, P. (Ed.) Technologie en recht. pp. 11-57, more
Thesis [show] |
- Franckx, E. (1983). Comparison of the USSR and United States position on the territorial sea, Exclusive Economic Zone and strait issues. Thesis. University of Georgia. School of Law: Athens. VI, 234 pp., more
Report [show] |
- Franckx, E. (2001). Fisheries enforcement: related legal and institutional issues: national, subregional or regional perspectives. FAO Legislative Study, 71. FAO: Rome. ISBN 92-5-104685-9. III, 180 pp., more
Other publications (25) [show] |
Franckx, E. (2007). Het Internationale Hof voor het recht van de zee. Wereldbeeld (Bruss.) 31(141): 20-25, more
- Franckx, E. (2000). Pacta Tertiis and the agreement for the implementation of the straddling and highly migratory fish stock provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Tulane J. of Int'l & Comp. Law 8: 49-81, more
- Franckx, E. (1999). Vessel-source pollution and coastal state jurisdiction: general framework. South African Yearbook of International Law 24: 1-34, more
- Franckx, E. (1997). Les délimitations maritimes en mer Baltique. Revue de l'Indemer 5: 37-76, more
- Franckx, E. (1997). Het Zeerechtverdrag van 1982: een internationale overeenkomst met universeel karakter? Tijdschrift Rechtsdocumentatie en -informatie 18: 71-72, more
- Franckx, E. (1994). L'ecologie et le droit de la mer dans l'Arctique russe: la Nouvelle Zemble. Espaces et Ressources Maritimes 7: 185-216, more
- Franckx, E. (1994). Les péripéties du Droit de la Mer dans une Belgique fédéralisée. Espaces et Ressources Maritimes 8: 58-90, more
- Franckx, E. (1993). La collision entre deux sous-marins, un américain et un russe, dans la baie de Kola (Mer de Barents). Espaces et Ressources Maritimes 6: 33-50, more
- Franckx, E. (1992). Maritime boundaries and regional cooperation in the Baltic. International Journal of Legal Information 20: 18-23, more
- Franckx, E. (1991). Nature protection in the Arctic: new Soviet legislative initiative. International Journal of Estuarine and Coastal Law 6: 377-383, more
- Franckx, E. (1991). New developments in the northeast passage. International Journal of Estuarine and Coastal Law 6: 33-40, more
- Franckx, E. (1991). The new attitude of the USSR, in: Sybesma-Knol, N. (Ed.) The compulsory jurisdiction of the international Court of Justice: a turning point?: Proceedings of the roundtable, in honour of Louis B. Sohn. pp. 33-50, more
- Franckx, E. (1990). First trijunction point agreed upon in the Baltic between Poland, Sweden and the USSR. International Journal of Estuarine and Coastal Law 5: 394-397, more
- Franckx, E. (1990). The Soviet Union adapts its legislation on the conduct of marine scientific research in the USSR Economic Zone. International Journal of Estuarine and Coastal Law 5: 406-408, more
- Franckx, E. (1990). Maritime boundaries and regional co-operation, in: Freestone, D. et al. (Ed.) The North Sea: perspectives on regional environmental co-operation. pp. 215-227, more
- Franckx, E. (1989). The 1989 Maritime Boundary Delimitation Agreement between the GDR and Poland. International Journal of Estuarine and Coastal Law 4: 237-251, more
- Franckx, E. (1988). Bulgaria's decree on the establishment of an Exclusive Economic Zone. International Journal of Estuarine and Coastal Law 3: 340-341, more
- Franckx, E. (1988). Belgium joins the majority of coastal states by claiming a 12-mile territorial sea. International Journal of Estuarine and Coastal Law 3(2): 155-157, more
- Franckx, E. (1987). New Soviet fishery regulations. International Journal of Estuarine and Coastal Law 2: 49-57, more
- Franckx, E. (1987). België en de Verenigde Naties: op zoek naar nationale standpunten in en vindplaatsen van de VN documentatie in België. Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Brussel. 105 pp., more
- Franckx, E. (1987). The Soviet north-south river diversion: new options for the future. International Journal of Estuarine and Coastal Law 2: 111-115, more
- Franckx, E. (1987). Romania's proclamation of a 200-mile Exclusive Economic Zone. International Journal of Estuarine and Coastal Law 2: 144-153, more
- Franckx, E. (1986). The New USSR legislation on pollution prevention in the Exclusive Economic Zone. International Journal of Estuarine and Coastal Law 1: 155-183, more
- Franckx, E. (1986). Juridische aspecten van het ongeval met de Mont-Louis. Water 5(31): 60-61, more
- Franckx, E. (1986). Marine scientific research and the new USSR legislation on the Economic Zone. International Journal of Estuarine and Coastal Law 1: 367-390, more