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Université de Bretagne Occidentale; Laboratory of Sciences of the Marine Environment CNRS-UMR6539 (LEMAR), more
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Publications (25) |
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A1 Publications (17) [show] |
Sarthou, G.; Lherminier, P.; Achterberg, E.P.; Alonso-Pérez, F.; Bucciarelli, E.; Boutorh, J.; Bouvier, V.; Boyle, E.A.; Branellec, P.; Carracedo, L.I.; Casacuberta, N.; Castrillejo, M.; Cheize, M.; Pereira, L.C.; Cossa, D.; Daniault, N.; De Saint-Leger, E.; Dehairs, F.; Deng, F.; de Gesincourt, F.D.; Devesa, J.; Foliot, L.; Fonseca-Batista, D.; Gallinari, M.; García-Ibáñez, M.I.; Gourain, A.; Grossteffan, E.; Hamon, M.; Heimbürger, L.E.; Henderson, G.M.; Jeandel, C.; Kermabon, C.; Lacan, F.; Le Bot, P.; Le Goff, M.; Le Roy, E.; Lefèbvre, A.; Leizour, S.; Lemaitre, N.; Masque, P.; Ménage, O.; Barraqueta, J.-L.M.; Mercier, H.; Perault, F.; Pérez, F.F.; Planquette, H.; Planchon, F.; Roukaerts, A.; Sanial, V.; Sauzède, R.; Schmechtig, C.; Shelley, R.U.; Stewart, G.; Sutton, J.N.; Tang, Y.; Tisnérat-Laborde, N.; Tonnard, M.; Tréguer, P.; van Beek, P.; Zurbrick, C.M.; Zunino, P. (2018). Introduction to the French GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect (GA01): GEOVIDE cruise. Biogeosciences 15(23): 7097-7109., more
- Tréguer, P.; Bowler, C.; Moriceau, B.; Dutkiewicz, S.; Gehlen, M.; Aumont, O.; Bittner, L.; Dugdale, R.C.; Finkel, Z.V.; Iudicone, D.; Jahn, O.; Guidi, L.; Lasbleiz, M.; Lévy, M.; Pondaven, P. (2017). Influence of diatom diversity on the ocean biological carbon pump. Nature Geoscience 11(1): 27-37., more
- Tréguer, P.; De La Rocha, C.L. (2013). The world ocean silica cycle, in: Carlson, C.A. et al. Ann. Rev. Mar. Sci. 5. Annual Review of Marine Science, 5: pp. 477-501., more
- Czamanski, M.; Nugtaha, A.; Pondaven, P.; Lasbleiz, M.; Masson, A.; Caroff, N.; Bellail, R.; Tréguer, P. (2011). Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus elemental stoichiometry in aquacultured and wild-caught fish and consequences for pelagic nutrient dynamics. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 158(12): 2847-2862., more
- Elskens, M.; de Brauwere, A.; Beucher, C.; Corvaisier, R.; Savoye, N.; Tréguer, P.; Baeyens, W.F.J. (2007). Statistical process control in assessing production and dissolution rates of biogenic silica in marine environments. Mar. Chem. 106(1-2): 272-286., more
- Corvaisier, R.; Tréguer, P.; Beucher, C.; Elskens, M. (2005). Determination of the rate of production and dissolution of biosilica in marine waters by thermal ionisation mass spectrometry. Anal. Chim. Acta 534(1): 149-155, more
- Sarthou, G.; Timmermans, K.R.; Blain, S.; Tréguer, P. (2005). Growth physiology and fate of diatoms in the ocean: a review. J. Sea Res. 53(1-2): 25-42., more
- Beucher, C.; Tréguer, P.; Corvaisier, R.; Hapette, A.M.; Elskens, M. (2004). Production and dissolution of biosilica, and changing microphytoplankton dominance in the Bay of Brest (France). Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 267: 57-69., more
- Jeandel, C.; Ruiz-Pino, D.; Gjata, E.; Poisson, A.; Brunet, C.; Charriaud, E.; Dehairs, F.A.; Delille, D.; Fiala, M.; Fravalo, C.; Miquel, J.C.; Park, Y.-H.; Pondaven, P.; Quéguiner, B.; Razouls, C.; Shauer, B.; Tréguer, P. (1998). KERFIX, a time-series station in the Southern Ocean: a presentation. J. Mar. Syst. 17(1-4): 555-569., more
- Jeandel, C.; Ruiz-Pino, E.; Gjata, E.; Poisson, A.; Brunet, C.; Charriaud, E.; Dehairs, F.A.; Delille, D.; Fiala, M.; Fravalo, C.; Miquel, J.C.; Park, Y.-H.; Pondaven, P.; Quéguiner, B.; Razouls, S.; Shauer, B.; Tréguer, P. (1998). KERFIX, a time series station in the Southern Ocean: a presentation. J. Mar. Syst. 17: 555-569, more
- Le Fèvre, J.; Tréguer, P. (Ed.) (1998). Carbon Fluxes and Dynamic Processes in the Southern Ocean: Present and Past. Selected papers from the International JGOFS Symposium, Brest, France, 28-31 August 1995. Journal of Marine Systems, 17(1-4). Elsevier: Amsterdam. 1-619 pp., more
- Pondaven, P.; Fravalo, C.; Ruiz Pino, D.; Tréguer, P.; Quéguiner, B.; Jeandel, C. (1998). Modelling the silica pump in the Permanently Open Ocean Zone of the Southern Ocean. J. Mar. Syst. 17(1-4): 587-619., more
- Goeyens, L.; Dehairs, F.A.; Tréguer, P.; Bauman, E.M.; Baeyens, W.F.J. (1995). The leading role of ammonium in the nitrogen uptake regime of Southern Ocean marginal ice zones. J. Mar. Syst. 6: 345-361, more
Goeyens, L.; Sörensson, F.; Tréguer, P.; Morvan, J.; Panouse, M.; Dehairs, F.A. (1991). Spatiotemporal variability of inorganic nitrogen stocks and uptake fluxes in the Scotia-Weddell Confluence area during November and December 1988. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 77: 7-19, more
Goeyens, L.; Tréguer, P.; Lancelot, C.; Mathot, S.; Becquevort, S.; Morvan, J.; Dehairs, F.A.; Baeyens, W.F.J. (1991). Ammonium regeneration in the Scotia-Weddell Confluence area during spring 1988. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 78: 241-252, more
Le Corre, P.; Tréguer, P.; Courtot, P. (1972). Évaluation de la matière organique dissoute dans des eaux côtières de Bretagne méridionale en Avril 1970. Cah. Biol. Mar. 13(4): 443-455, more
- Tréguer, P.; Le Corre, P.; Courtot, P. (1972). A method for determination of the total dissolved free fatty-acid content of sea water. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 52(4): 1045., more
Peer reviewed publication [show] |
- Van Bennekom, J.; Dehairs, F.A.; Goeyens, L.; Pamatmat, M.; Tréguer, P. (1989). Barium biogeochemistry. Ber. Polarforsch. Meeresforsch. 65: 44-46, more
Books (2) [show] |
- Tréguer, P.; Chauvaud, L.; Amice, E. (2013). La vie sous la glace: Une oasis au pôle Sud. Éditions Quae: Versailles. ISBN 978-2-7592-1978-0. 104 pp., more
- Tréguer, P. (2010). Trois marins pour un pôle. Editions Quae: Versailles. ISBN 978-2-7592-0362-8. 145 pp., more
Book chapters (4) [show] |
- Tréguer, P.; Legendre, L.; Rivkin, R.; Ragueneau, O.; Dittert, N. (2003). Water column biogeochemistry below the euphotic zone, in: Fasham, M.J.R. (Ed.) Ocean biogeochemistry: the role of the ocean carbon cycle in global change. Global Change - The IGBP Series, : pp. 145-156, more
- Cailliau, C.; Claustre, H.; Quéguiner, B.; Tréguer, P. (1998). The pigment labelling method to estimate "new production" in the sea, in: Dehairs, F.A. et al. (Ed.) Integrated Marine System Analysis. European Network for Integrated Marine System Analysis FWO Vlaanderen: Proceedings of the second network meeting (Brussels, May 29-31, 1997). pp. 165-171, more
- Leynaert, A.; Tréguer, P.; Nelson, D.M.; Del Amo, Y. (1996). 32Si as a tracer of biogenic silica production: methodological improvements, in: Baeyens, J. et al. (Ed.) Integrated Marine System Analysis. European Network for Integrated Marine System Analysis. FWO Vlaanderen: minutes of the first network meeting (Brugge, 29.02.96-02.03.96). pp. 29-35, more
- Delmas, R.; Hafsaoui, M.; Le Jehan, S.; Quéguiner, B.; Tréguer, P. (1983). Impact de fertilisations à forte variabilité saisonnière et annuelle sur le phytoplancton d'un écosystème eutrophe = Effect of large seasonal and annual variable fertilizations on phytoplankton in an eutrophic ecosystem, in: Cabioch, L. et al. (Ed.) Fluctuation and Succession in Marine Ecosystems: Proceedings of the 17th European Symposium on Marine Biology, Brest, France, 27 September-1 October 1982. Oceanologica Acta, Spec. vol.(1983): pp. 81-85, more
Abstract [show] |
Heip, C.; Barange, M.; Danovaro, R.; Gehlen, M.; Grehan, A.; Meysman, F.; Oguz, T.; Papathanassiou, V.; Philippart, K.; She, J.; Tréguer, P.; Waren, R.; Wassmann, P.; Weaver, P.; Yu, R.; van Beusekom, J.E.E.; Boyd, P.W.; Cooper, A.; de Baar, H.J.W.; de Haas, H.; Janssen, F.; Ludwig, W.; Pedersen, L.T.; Tsimplis, M.; von Storch, H.; Calewaert, J.-B.; McDonough, N. (2011). Climate change impacts on marine ecosystems in Europe, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Living with a warming ocean: European research and public perception of climate change impacts in the marine environment. International CLAMER Conference. Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts, Brussels, Belgium, 14-15 September 2011. Book of Abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 52: pp. 6, more