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Mr Jocqué, Merlijn

Institute  Top | Institute | Publications 
    Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; Departement Biologie; Afdeling Dierenecologie en -systematiek; Aquatische Ecologie en Evolutiebiologie, more
    Function: Associated researcher
    Direct contact at institute:
    Tel.: +32-(0)16-32 45 69

Previous institute  Top | Institute | Publications 
    Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Vakgroep Biologie; Msc. Advanced studies in marine and lacustrine sciences (MARELAC), more
    Function: Student 2002

Publications (8)  Top | Institute | Publications 
A1 Publications (5) [show]
Book chapters (2) [show]
Thesis [show]

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