Publications (4) |
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A1 Publications (3) [show] |
Vannerum, K.; Huysman, M.J.J.; De Rycke, R.; Vuylsteke, M.; Leliaert, F.; Pollier, J.; Lütz-Meindl, U.; Gillard, J.; De Veylder, L.; Goossens, A.; Inzé, D.; Vyverman, W. (2011). Transcriptional analysis of cell growth and morphogenesis in the unicellular green alga Micrasterias (Streptophyta), with emphasis on the role of expansin. BMC Plant Biol. 11(128)., more
Gillard, J.; Devos, V.; Huysman, M.J.J.; De Veylder, L.; D’Hondt, S.; Martens, C.; Vanormelingen, P.; Vannerum, K.; Sabbe, K.; Chepurnov, V.A.; Inzé, D.; Vuylsteke, M.; Vyverman, W. (2008). Physiological and transcriptomic evidence for a close coupling between chloroplast ontogeny and cell cycle progression in the pennate diatom Seminavis robusta. Plant Physiol. 148(3): 1394-1411., more
- Chepurnov, V.A.; Mann, D.G.; Sabbe, K.; Vannerum, K.; Casteleyn, G.; Verleyen, E.; Peperzak, L.; Vyverman, W. (2005). Sexual reproduction, mating system, chloroplast dynamics and abrupt cell size reduction in Pseudo-nitzschia pungens from the North Sea (Bacillariophyta). Eur. J. Phycol. 40(4): 379-395., more
Abstract [show] |
Blommaert, L.; Vannerum, K.; Vyverman, W.; Sabbe, K. (2012). Light stress in intertidal diatoms: a comparative molecular and ecophysiological study, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts - VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day. Brugge, Belgium, 24 February 2012. VLIZ Special Publication, 55: pp. 14, more