Dutch name: Vlaams Instituut voor Biotechnologie
Address: Rijvisschestraat 120
9052 Zwijnaarde Belgium
| | Tel.: +32-(0)9-244 66 11
| |
Type: Scientific
1 Director: Head of the department 2 Marine scientist: Works in this research group and acts as (co-)author in at least one marine publication in the last 5 years. 3 Specialized personnel: Provides administrative or technical support to marine scientific research.
Associated to an institute part (45) |
- Inzé, Dirk 1
- Beeckman, Tom
- Beyaert, Rudi
- Bicalho, Keylla
- Bicke, Gust 2
- Broché, Charlotte
- Bulankova, Petra
- Bulánková, Petra
- Cleyman, Arthur
- De Keuckelaere, Evi
- De Sutter, Delphine
- De Veylder, Lieven
- Del Cortona, Andrea
- Deroo, Tom
- Desmet, Sandrien
- Driege, Yasmine
- Eyckerman, Sven
- Gevaert, Kris
- Goeminne, Geert
- Gonnelli, Giulia
- Goossens, Alain
- Gul, Ismail
- Hulpiau, Paco
- Lohaus, Rolf
- Martens, Lennart
- Osuna Cruz, Christina
- Pollier, Jacob
- Rombauts, Stephane
- Saeys, Yvan
- Samyn, Noortje
- Sanders, Ellen
- Staal, Jens
- Staes, An
- Staes, Katrien
- Sterck, Lieven
- Steyaert, Jan
- Timmerman, Evy
- Uchanski, Tomasz
- Van Breusegem, Frank
- Van de Peer, Yves
- van Roy, Frans
- Vancaester, Emmelien
- Vandepoele, Klaas
- Vandermarliere, Elien
- Vandersyppe, Steven
Persons formerly associated with this organization (2) |
Child institutes (6) |
Top | Persons | Publications | Projects | Events |
- Flanders Institute for Biotechnology; Center for Inflammation Research (VIB-IRC), more
- Flanders Institute for Biotechnology; Center for Medical Biotechnology (VIB-CMB), more
- Flanders Institute for Biotechnology; Metabolomics Core Ghent (VIB-MCG), more
- Flanders Institute for Biotechnology; VIB Bio-Imaging Core (VIB), more
- Flanders Institute for Biotechnology; VIB-Ugent Center for Plant Systems Biology (VIB-PSB), more
- Flanders Institute for Biotechnology; VIB-VUB Center for Structural Biology (VIB-CSB), more
Abstract: |
VIB is a life sciences research institute, based in Flanders, Belgium. They perform basic research with a strong focus on translating scientific results into pharmaceutical, agricultural and industrial applications. |
Publications (40) |
Top | Persons | Institutes | Projects | Events |
( 24 peer reviewed ) split up filter
- Rodriguez Jimenez, A.; Breine, A.; Whiteway, C.; Dechamps, E.; George, I.F.; Van der Henst, C. (2024). Bactericidal effect of bacteria isolated from the marine sponges Hymeniacidon perlevis and Halichondria panicea against carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii. Letters in Applied Microbiology 77(5): ovae035. https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/lambio/ovae035, more
- Verwee, E.; van de Walle, D.; De Bruyne, M.; Mienis, E.; Sekulic, M.; Chaerle, P.; Vyverman, W.; Foubert, I.; Dewettinck, K. (2024). Visualisation of microalgal lipid bodies through electron microscopy. J. Microsc. 293(2): 118-131. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jmi.13259, more
- Acinas, S.G.; Sánchez, P.; Salazar, G.; Cornejo-Castillo, F.M.; Sebastian, M.; Logares, R.; Royo-Llonch, M.; Paoli, L.; Sunagawa, S.; Hingamp, P.; Ogata, H.; Lima-Mendez, G.; Roux, S.; González, J.M.; Arrieta, J.M.; Alam, I.S.; Kamau, A.; Bowler, C.; Raes, J.; Pesant, S.; Bork, P.; Agusti, S.; Gojobori, T.; Vaqué, D.; Sullivan, M.B.; Pedrós-Alió, C.; Massana, R.; Duarte, C.M.; Gasol, J.M. (2021). Deep ocean metagenomes provide insight into the metabolic architecture of bathypelagic microbial communities. Communications Biology 4(1): 604. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s42003-021-02112-2, more
- Deutschmann, I.M.; Lima-Mendez, G.; Krabberod, A.K.; Raes, J.; Vallina, S.M.; Faust, K.; Logares, R. (2021). Disentangling environmental effects in microbial association networks. Microbiome 9(1): 232. https://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s40168-021-01141-7, more
- Deutschmann, I.M.; Lima-Mendez, G.; Krabberod, A.K.; Raes, J.; Vallina, S.M.; Faust, K.; Logares, R. (2021). Correction to: Disentangling environmental effects in microbial association networks. Microbiome 9(1): 245. https://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s40168-021-01209-4, more
- Alberti, A.; Poulain, J.; Engelen, S.; Labadie, K.; Romac, S.; Ferrera, I.; Albini, G.; Aury, J.-M.; Belser, C.; Bertrand, A.; Cruaud, C.; Da Silva, C.; Dossat, C.; Gavory, F.; Gas, S.; Guy, J.; Haquelle, M.; Jacoby, E.; Jaillon, O.; Lemainque, A.; Pelletier, E.; Samson, G.; Wessner, M.; Acinas, S.G.; Royo-Llonch, M.; Cornejo-Castillo, F.M.; Logares, R.; Fernandez-Gomez, B.; Bowler, C.; Cochrane, G.; Amid, C.; ten Hoopen, P.; de Vargas, C.; Grimsley, N.; Desgranges, E.; Kandels-Lewis, S.; Ogata, H.; Poulton, N.; Sieracki, M.E.; Stepanauskas, R.; Sullivan, M.B.; Brum, J.R.; Duhaime, M.B.; Poulos, B.T.; Hurwitz, B.L.; Pesant, S.; Karsenti, E.; Wincker, P.; Bork, P.; Boss, E.; Follows, M.; Gorsky, G.; Hingamp, P.; Iudicone, D.; Karp-Boss, L.; Not, F.; Raes, J.; Sardet, C.; Speich, S.; Stemmann, L.; Sunagawa, S.; Bazire, P.; Beluche, O.; Besnard-Gonnet, M.; Bordelais, I.; Boutard, M.; Dubois, M.; Dumont, C.; Ettedgui, E.; Fernández, P.; Garcia, E.; Aiach, N.G.; Guerin, T.; Hamon, C.; Brun, E.; Lebled, S.; Lenoble, P.; Louesse, C.; Mahieu, E.; Mairey, B.; Martins, N.; Megret, C.; Milani, C.; Muanga, J.; Orvain, C.; Payen, E.; Perroud, P.; Petit, E.; Robert, D.; Ronsin, M.; Vacherie, B. (2017). Viral to metazoan marine plankton nucleotide sequences from the Tara Oceans expedition. Scientific Data 4: 20. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/sdata.2017.93, more
- De Decker, S.; Vanormelingen, P.; Sefbom, J.; Lembke, C.; Van den Berghe, K.; Vandepoele, K.; Sabbe, K.; De Veylder, L.; Pohnert, G.; Clement, L.; Vyverman, W. (2017). Identifying drivers of sympatric speciation in the marine benthic diatom Seminavis robusta using metabolic analysis and whole-genome resequencing. Phycologia 56(4): 41-42, more
- Van Malderen, S.J.M.; Laforce, B.; Van Acker, T.; Nys, C.; De Rijcke, M.; de Rycke, R.; De Bruyne, M.; Boone, M.N.; De Schamphelaere, K.; Borovinskaya, O.; De Samber, B.; Vincze, L.; Vanhaecke, F. (2017). Three-dimensional reconstruction of the tissue-specific multielemental distribution within Ceriodaphnia dubiavia multimodal registration using laser ablation ICP-mass spectrometry and X-ray spectroscopic techniques. Anal. Chem. 89(7): 4161-4168. https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.analchem.7b00111, more
- Calegario, G.; Pollier, J.; Arendt, P.; de Oliveira, L.S.; Thompson, C.; Soares, A.R.; Pereira, R.C.; Goossens, A.; Thompson, F.L. (2016). Cloning and functional characterization of cycloartenol synthase from the red seaweed Laurencia dendroidea. PLoS One 11(11): e0165954. https://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0165954, more
- Guidi, L.; Chaffron, S.; Bittner, L.; Eveillard, D.; Larhlimi, A.; Roux, S.; Darzi, Y.; Audic, S.; Berline, L.; Brum, J.R.; Coelho, L.P.; Ignacio-Espinoza, J.C.; Malviya, S.; Sunagawa, S.; Dimier, C.; Kandels-Lewis, S.; Picheral, M.; Poulain, J.; Searson, S.; Tara Oceans Consortium Coordinators; Stemmann, L.; Not, F.; Hingamp, P.; Speich, S.; Follows, M.; Karp-Boss, L.; Boss, E.S.; Ogata, H.; Pesant, S.; Weissenbach, J.; Wincker, P.; Acinas, S.G.; Bork, P.; de Vargas, C.; Iudicone, D.; Sullivan, M.B.; Raes, J.; Karsenti, E.; Bowler, C.; Gorsky, G. (2016). Plankton networks driving carbon export in the oligotrophic ocean. Nature (Lond.) 532(7600): 465-470. https://hdl.handle.net/10.1038/nature16942, more
- Matthijs, M.; Fabris, M.; Broos, S.; Vyverman, W.; Goossens, A. (2016). Profiling of the early nitrogen stress response in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum reveals a novel family of RING-domain transcription factors. Plant Physiol. 170(1): 489-498. https://dx.doi.org/10.1104/pp.15.01300, more
- Moeys, S.; Frenkel, J.; Lembke, C.; Gillard, J.; Devos, V.; Van den Berge, K.; Bouillon, B.; Huysman, M.J.J.; De Decker, S.; Scharf, J.; Bones, A.; Brembu, T.; Winge, P.; Sabbe, K.; Vuylsteke, M.; Clement, L.; De Veylder, L.; Pohnert, G.; Vyverman, W. (2016). A sex-inducing pheromone triggers cell cycle arrest and mate attraction in the diatom Seminavis robusta. NPG Scientific Reports 6(19252): 13 pp. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/srep19252, more
- Fabris, M.; Matthijs, M.; Carbonelle, S.; Moses, T.; Pollier, J.; Dasseville, R.; Baart, G.J.E.; Vyverman, W.; Goossens, A. (2014). Tracking the sterol biosynthesis pathway of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. New Phytol. 204(3): 521-535. dx.doi.org/10.1111/nph.12917, more
- Hildebrand, F.; Tadeo, R.; Voigt, A.Y.; Bork, P.; Raes, J. (2014). LotuS: an efficient and user-friendly OTU processing pipeline. Microbiome 2: 7. https://dx.doi.org/10.1186/2049-2618-2-30, more
- Hildebrand, F.; Tito, R.Y.; Voigt, A.Y.; Bork, P.; Raes, J. (2014). Correction: LotuS: an efficient and user-friendly OTU processing pipeline. Microbiome 2(1): 37. https://dx.doi.org/10.1186/2049-2618-2-37, more
- Huysman, M.J.J.; Martens, C.; Vyverman, W.; De Veylder, L. (2014). Protein degradation during the diatom cell cycle: annotation and transcriptional analysis of SCF and APC/C ubiquitin ligase genes in Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Marine Genomics 14: 39-46. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.margen.2013.09.001, more
- Huysman, M.J.J.; Vyverman, W.; De Veylder, L. (2014). Molecular regulation of the diatom cell cycle. J. Exp. Bot. 65(10): 2573-2584. https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jxb/ert387, more
- De Vos, S.; Bossier, P.; Van Stappen, G.; Vercauteren, I.; Sorgeloos, P.; Vuylsteke, M. (2013). A first AFLP-Based genetic linkage map for brine shrimp Artemia franciscana and its application in mapping the sex locus. PLoS One 8(3): 1-10. dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0057585, more
- Gillard, J.; Frenkel, J.; Devos, V.; Sabbe, K.; Paul, C.; Rempt, M.; Inzé, D.; Pohnert, G.; Vuylsteke, M.; Vyverman, W. (2013). Metabolomics enables the structure elucidation of a diatom sex pheromone. Angew. Chem. 52(3): 854-857. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/anie.201208175, more
- Huysman, M.J.J.; Fortunato, A.; Matthijs, M.; Costa, B.; Vanderhaeghen, R.; Van den Daele, H.; Sachse, M.; Inzé, D.; Bowler, C.; Kroth, P.; Wilhelm, C.; Falciatore, A.; Vyverman, W.; De Veylder, L. (2013). AUREOCHROME1a-mediated induction of the diatom-specific cyclin dsCYC2 controls the onset of cell division in diatoms (Phaeodactylum tricornutum). Plant Cell 25(1): 215-228. dx.doi.org/10.1105/tpc.112.106377, more
- Fabris, M.; Matthijs, M.; Rombauts, S.; Vyverman, W.; Goossens, A.; Baart, G.J.E. (2012). The metabolic blueprint of Phaeodactylum tricornutum reveals a eukaryotic Entner-Doudoroff glycolytic pathway. Plant J. 70(6): 1004-1014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-313X.2012.04941.x, more
- Karsenti, E.; Acinas, S.G.; Bork, P.; Bowler, C.; de Vargas, C.; Raes, J.; Sullivan, M.; Arendt, D.; Benzoni, F.; Claverie, J.-M.; Follows, M.; Gorsky, G.; Hingamp, P.; Iudicone, D.; Jaillon, O.; Kandels-Lewis, S.; Krzic, U.; Not, F.; Ogata, H.; Pesant, S.; Reynaud, E.G.; Sardet, C.; Sieracki, M.E.; Speich, S.; Velayoudon, D.; Weissenbach, J.; Wincker, P.; Tara Oceans Consortium (2011). A holistic approach to marine eco-systems biology. PLoS Biology 9(10): e1001177. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001177, more
- Vannerum, K.; Huysman, M.J.J.; De Rycke, R.; Vuylsteke, M.; Leliaert, F.; Pollier, J.; Lütz-Meindl, U.; Gillard, J.; De Veylder, L.; Goossens, A.; Inzé, D.; Vyverman, W. (2011). Transcriptional analysis of cell growth and morphogenesis in the unicellular green alga Micrasterias (Streptophyta), with emphasis on the role of expansin. BMC Plant Biol. 11(128). dx.doi.org/10.1186/1471-2229-11-128, more
- Staelens, J.; Argue, B.; Brock, J.; Rombaut, D.; Vercauteren, I.; Benzie, J.A.H.; Vuylsteke, M. (2007). An advanced AFLP-based linkage map of Penaeus monodon. Aquaculture 272(Suppl. 1): S312-S312. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2007.07.189, more
- De Raedemaecker, F.; Sandra, M.; Devriese, L; Goeminne, G.; Bicalho, K.; Montoye, T.; Tytgat, J.; Bernaerts, H.; Coenye, T.; Van Vlierberghe, W.; Loosvelt , L. (2021). Prospection for bioactive compounds in the North Sea: Creating a knowledge base for blue biotech innovation in Flanders, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day, Online event 3 March 2021. VLIZ Special Publication, 87: pp. 45, more
- De Raedemaecker, F.; Sandra, M.; Devriese, L.I.; Goeminne, G.; Bicalho, K.; Montoye, T.; Tytgat, J.; Bernaerts, H.; Loosvelt , L. (2021). PROspectionfor BIOactivecompounds in the North Sea (PROBIO): creating a knowledge base for blue biotech innovation in Flanders. Poster submited at VLIZ Marine Science Day, Online event 3 March 2021. VLIZ/KU Leuven/Universiteit Gent: Oostende. 1 poster pp., more
- Bulankova, P.; Moeys, S.; Bouillon, B.; Huysman, M.J.J.; Verhelst, B.; Vancaester, E.; Vandepoele, K.; Sabbe, K.; Vyverman, W.; De Veylder, L. (2016). Uncovering the sex determining locus in diatom Seminavis robusta, in: Pienitz, R. et al. (Ed.) IDS 2016: 24th International Diatom Symposium, Quebec, Canada, 21-26 August 2016: Program & Abstracts. pp. 158, more
- Moeys, S.; Gillard, J.; Bouillon, B.; Van Den Berge, K.; Huysman, M.; Clement, L.; Sabbe, K.; De Veylder, L.; Vyverman, W. (2015). Molecular regulation of mating in the pennate diatom Seminavis robusta, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Scientists’ Day. Brugge, Belgium, 20 February 2015. VLIZ Special Publication, 71: pp. 93, more
- Matthijs, M. (2014). A first look at the genetic control mechanisms shaping metabolic changes during nitrogen starvation in Phaeodactylum tricornutum. PhD Thesis. Ghent University, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Plant Biotechnology and Bioinformatics/VIB, Department of Plant Systems Biology: Gent. 135 + appx. pp., more
- Matthijs, M.; Fabris, M.; Obata, T.; Broos, S.; Baart, G.J.E.; Fernie, A.R.; Vyverman, W.; Goossens, A. (2014). The early nitrogen starvation response of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Scientists’ Day. Brugge, Belgium, 7 March 2014. VLIZ Special Publication, 67, more
- Matthijs, M.; Fabris, M.; Baart, G.J.E.; Goossens, A.; Vyverman, W. (2013). Differential expression of a model diatom in the early phases of lipid accumulation, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day. Brugge, Belgium, 15 February 2013. VLIZ Special Publication, 63: pp. 66, more
- Fabris, M.; Matthijs, M.; Carbonelle, S.; Vyverman, W.; Goossens, A.; Baart, G.J.E. (2012). Sterol biosynthesis in P. tricornutum, in: Sabbe, K. et al. (Ed.) Twenty-second International Diatom Symposium, Aula Academica, Ghent, 26-31 August 2012. Abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 58: pp. 41, more
- Fabris, M.; Matthijs, M.; Vyverman, W.; Goossens, A.; Baart, G.J.E. (2012). DiatomCyc, in: Sabbe, K. et al. (Ed.) Twenty-second International Diatom Symposium, Aula Academica, Ghent, 26-31 August 2012. Abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 58: pp. 42, more
- Huysman, M.J.J.; Fortunato, A.E.; Matthijs, M.; Van den Daele, H.; Inzé, D.; Bowler, C.; Kroth, P.G.; Falciatore, A.; Vyverman, W. (2012). Control of light-dependent cell cycle onset by the diatom-specific cyclin dsCYC2, in: Sabbe, K. et al. (Ed.) Twenty-second International Diatom Symposium, Aula Academica, Ghent, 26-31 August 2012. Abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 58: pp. 52, more
- Huysman, M.J.J.; Fortunato, A.E.; Matthijs, M.; Van den Daele, H.; Inzé, D.; Bowler, C.; Falciatore, A.; De Veylder, L.; Vyverman, W. (2012). Unravelling the light-dependent cell cycle onset in diatoms, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts - VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day. Brugge, Belgium, 24 February 2012. VLIZ Special Publication, 55: pp. 41, more
- Matthijs, M.; Fabris, M.; Baart, G.J.E.; Goossens, A.; Vyverman, W. (2012). Enhancing diatom lipid production through metabolic engineering, first phases, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts - VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day. Brugge, Belgium, 24 February 2012. VLIZ Special Publication, 55: pp. 52, more
- Matthijs, M.; Baart, G.J.E.; Goossens, A.; Vyverman, W. (2012). Enhancing lipid production of Phaeodactylum tricornutum through metabolic engineering, in: Sabbe, K. et al. (Ed.) Twenty-second International Diatom Symposium, Aula Academica, Ghent, 26-31 August 2012. Abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 58: pp. 76, more
- Raes, J. (2012). Metagenomics: from parts lists to ecology, in: Sabbe, K. et al. (Ed.) Twenty-second International Diatom Symposium, Aula Academica, Ghent, 26-31 August 2012. Abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 58: pp. 14, more
- Vanstechelman, I.; Vuylsteke, M.; Vanormelingen, P.; Vyverman, W.; Sabbe, K. (2012). Identification of the mating type locus in pennate diatoms, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts - VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day. Brugge, Belgium, 24 February 2012. VLIZ Special Publication, 55: pp. 105, more
- Vanstechelman, Y.; Vyverman, W.; Vanormelingen, P.; Sabbe, K.; Vuylsteke, M. (2012). Identification of the mating type locus in pennate diatoms, in: Sabbe, K. et al. (Ed.) Twenty-second International Diatom Symposium, Aula Academica, Ghent, 26-31 August 2012. Abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 58: pp. 240, more
Projects (7) |
Top | Persons | Institutes | Publications | Events |
- ALFF: The Algal Microbiome: Friends and Foes, more
- ANDROMEDA: Analysis techniques for quantifying nano-and microplastic particles and their degradation in the marine environment, more
- EOSC ESFRI RDM: Implementing EOSC: ESFRI driven Open Science, more
- HOST-MICROBE: Host microbial interactions in aquatic production, more
- Meta-transcriptomics of plankton in the Belgian Part of the North Sea, more
- Micro B3: Marine Microbial Biodiversity, Bioinformatics and Biotechnology, more
- Sex signaling and life cycle evolution in pennate diatoms, more
Events (3) |
Top | Persons | Institutes | Publications | Projects |
- Advancing Data Stewardship: insights from environmental and life sciences research infrastructures, more
- EBR II Conference - Empowering Biodiversity Research, more
- Empowering Biodiversity Research Conference II - POSTPONED TO 2021, more