Parent institute: Vlaamse overheid; Beleidsdomein Leefmilieu, Natuur en Energie; Agentschap Natuur & Bos (LNE-ANB), more
Address: Gebroeders Van Eyckstraat 2-6
9000 Gent Belgium
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1 Director: Head of the department 2 Marine scientist: Works in this research group and acts as (co-)author in at least one marine publication in the last 5 years. 3 Specialized personnel: Provides administrative or technical support to marine scientific research.
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( 1 peer reviewed ) split up filter
Van Liefferinge, C.; Dillen, A.; Ide, C.; Herrel, A.; Belpaire, C.; Mouton, A.; De Deckere, E.; Meire, P. (2012). The role of a freshwater tidal area with controlled reduced tide as feeding habitat for European eel (Anguilla anguilla, L.). J. Appl. Ichthyol. 28(4): 572-581., more