This institute is the successor of the institute underneath Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen (KUN), more
Original name: Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
Previous name: Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen (KUN), more
Address: Postbus 9102
6500 HC Nijmegen Netherlands
| | Tel.: +31-(0)24-361 61 61
| |
Level: University
1 Director: Head of the department 2 Marine scientist: Works in this research group and acts as (co-)author in at least one marine publication in the last 5 years. 3 Specialized personnel: Provides administrative or technical support to marine scientific research.
Associated to an institute part (10) |
Person formerly associated with this organization |
Child institutes (3) |
Top | Persons | Publications | Projects |
- Radboud University Nijmegen; Department of Animal Ecology & Ecophysiology, more
- Radboud University Nijmegen; Faculty of Science, Mathematics and Computer Science, more
- Radboud University Nijmegen; Institute for Water and Wetland Research (IWWR), more
Publications (6) |
Top | Persons | Institutes | Projects |
( 1 peer reviewed ) split up filter
Slim, F. J.; Hemminga, M. A.; Ochieng, C.; Jannink, N. T.; Cocheret de la Morinière, E.; van der Velde, G. (1997). Leaf litter removal by the snail Terebralia palustris (Linnaeus) and sesarmid crabs in an East African mangrove forest (Gazi Bay, Kenya). J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 215(1): 35-48., more
- Suykerbuyk, W. (2019). Watching grass grow: Bottlenecks in seagrass survival. PhD Thesis. Radboud Universiteit: Nijmegen. 192 pp., more
- Zhu, Z. (2017). Seed fate in space implications for regeneration of coastal wetlands. PhD Thesis. Radboud Universiteit: Nijmegen. ISBN 9789462955646. 137 pp., more
- Cozzoli, F. (2016). Modelling biota-sediment interactions in estuarine environments. PhD Thesis. Radboud Universiteit: Nijmegen. ISBN 978-94-6295-433-5. 140 + appendices pp., more
- Heezen, R. (2015). Verdieping van de Schelde, ontwikkeling van de interactie bij politieke besluitvorming. MSc Thesis. Radboud Universiteit: Nijmegen. 46 pp., more
- van Kessel, N.; Kranenbarg, J.; Dorenbosch, M.; de Bruin, B.A.; van der Velde, G.; Leuven, R.S.E.W. (2013). Mitigatie van effecten van uitheemse grondels: kansen voor natuurvriendelijke oevers en uitgekiende kunstwerken. Verslagen Milieukunde 436. Natuurbalans - Limes Divergens, RAVON/Radboud Universiteit/Instituut voor Water en Wetland Research: Nijmegen. 88 pp., more
Projects (5) |
Top | Persons | Institutes | Publications |
- Bio Bouwers in de kust, more
- Biophysical feedbacks between seagrasses and hydrodynamics in relation to grazing, water quality and spatial heterogeneity: consequences for sediment stability and seston trapping, more
- Mahakam Seagrass systems under nutrient loads and grazing; Interactive effects and feedbacks, more
- MEG: Macrophytes in Estuarine Gradients, more
- Mitigation of seagrass in the Eastern Scheldt, more