( 3 peer reviewed ) split up filter
Hachikubo, A.; Khlystov, O.; Krylov, A.; Sakagami, H.; Minami, H.; Nunokawa, Y.; Yamashita, S.; Takahashi, N.; Shoji, H.; Nishio, S.; Kida, M.; Ebinuma, T.; Kalmychkov, G.; Poort, J. (2010). Molecular and isotopic characteristics of gas hydrate-bound hydrocarbons in southern and central Lake Baikal. Geo-Mar. Lett. 30(3-4): 321-329. dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00367-010-0203-1, more
Hachikubo, A.; Khlystov, O.; Manakov, A.; Kida, M.; Krylov, A.; Sakagami, H.; Minami, H.; Takahashi, N.; Shoji, H.; Kalmychkov, G.; Poort, J. (2009). Model of formation of double structure gas hydrates in Lake Baikal based on isotopic data. Geophys. Res. Lett. 36(L18504): 5. dx.doi.org/10.1029/2009GL039805, more
Krylov, A.; Khlystov, O.; Zemskaya, T.; Minami, H.; Hachikubo, A.; Nunokawa, Y.; Kida, M.; Shoji, H.; Naudts, L.; Poort, J.; Pogodaeva, T. (2008). First discovery and formation process of authigenic siderite from gas hydrate–bearing mud volcanoes in fresh water: Lake Baikal, eastern Siberia. Geophys. Res. Lett. 35(5): 6 pp. dx.doi.org/10.1029/2007GL032917, more
- De Batist, M.; Khlystov, O.; Shoji, H. (2011). A review of geophysical surveys relevant to gas-hydrate research, in: Shoji, H. et al. Gas hydrate studies in Okhotsk Sea and Lake Baikal. pp. 72-81, more
- De Batist, M.; Khlystov, O.; Shoji, H. (2011). Gas hydrates in Lake Baikal: Questions that remain to be addressed, in: Shoji, H. et al. Gas hydrate studies in Okhotsk Sea and Lake Baikal. pp. 82-94, more
- Hachikubo, A.; Kida, M.; Sakagami, H.; Minami, H.; Matsumoto, R.; Tomaru, H.; Obzhirov, A.; Khlystov, O.; De Batist, M. (2011). Source of methane: thermogenic and/or microbial, in: Shoji, H. et al. Gas hydrate studies in Okhotsk Sea and Lake Baikal. pp. 115-117, more
- Khlystov, O.; De Batist, M.; Obzhirov, A.; Baranov, B.; Jin, Y.K.; Yamashita, S. (2011). Questions and recommendations for future research, in: Shoji, H. et al. Gas hydrate studies in Okhotsk Sea and Lake Baikal. pp. 179-180, more
- Khlystov, O.; De Batist, M.; Shoji, H.; Nishio, S.; Naudts, L.; Poort, J. (2011). Gas hydrates of Lake Baikal, in: Shoji, H. et al. Gas hydrate studies in Okhotsk Sea and Lake Baikal. pp. 66-71, more
- Patil, S.; De Batist, M.; Jin, Y.K.; Chung, K.H.; Baranov, B.; Khlystov, O.; Obzhirov, A.; Matsumoto, R.; Tomaru, H.; Shoji, H.; Hachikubo, A.; Minami, H.; Sakagami, H.; Kida, M.; Yamashita, S. (2011). Logistics and challenges faced in performing field operations for gas hydrates identification, characterization and resource development, in: Shoji, H. et al. Gas hydrate studies in Okhotsk Sea and Lake Baikal. pp. 230-232, more
- Shoji, H.; Minami, H.; Hachikubo, A.; Sakagami, H.; Hyakutake, K.; Soloviev, V.; Matveeva, T.; Mazurenko, L.; Kaulio, V.; Gladysch, V.; Logvina, E.; Obzhirov, A.; Baranov, B.; Khlystov, O.; Biebow, N.; Poort, J.; Keun Jin, Y.; Kim, Y. (2005). Hydrate-bearing structures in the Sea of Okhotsk. Eos, Trans. (Wash. D.C.) 86(2): 13-24. https://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2005EO020001, more