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Ghent University; Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences; Department of developmental, personality and social psychology (UGent)

Dutch name: Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Psychologie en Pedagogische Wetenschappen; Departement Ontwikkelings-, Persoonlijkheids- en Sociale Psychologie

Henri Dunantlaan 2
9000 Gent
 Person | Publications | Dataset 
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Publications (4)  Top | Person | Dataset 
    ( 2 peer reviewed ) split up filter
  • Peer reviewed article Hooyberg, A.; Roose, H.; Lonneville, B.; De Henauw, S.; Michels, N.; Everaert, G. (2024). Survey data linking coastal visit behaviours to socio-demographic and health profiles. Scientific Data 11(1): 315. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41597-024-03161-y, more
  • Peer reviewed article Sattler, D.N.; Lousi, U.; Dierckx, K.; Peyer-Nelson, R.; Helu, S.L. (2023). A social-cognitive model of climate change behavioral adaption in Tonga: relationships among indigenous knowledge, social media use, norms, values, and spiritual beliefs. Journal of Environmental Psychology 91: 102148. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2023.102148, more
  • Everaert, G.; Aerts, R.; Bourgois, J.; Buysse, A.; Covaci, A.; De Rijcke, M.; Diopere, E.; Hooyberg, A.; Lachat, C.; Lahousse, L.; Mees, J.; Michels, N.; Plusquin, M.; Raes, F.; Rappé, K.; Roose, H.; Severin, M.I.; Van Campenhout, K.; Vanhaecke, L.; Janssen, C.; Asselman, J. (2024). Het belang van de oceaan voor onze gezondheid: Rapport van de Ostend Working Group on Ocean and Human Health. VLIZ Special Publication, 92. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ): Oostende. ISBN 9789464206272. 22 pp. https://dx.doi.org/10.48470/93, more
  • Hooyberg, A.; Roose, H.; Lonneville, B.; De Henauw, S.; Michels, N.; Everaert, G. (2024). The social structuring of recreational visits to the Belgian coast in 2022, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day, 6 March 2024, Oostende. VLIZ Special Publication, 91: pp. 78, more

Dataset  Top | Person | Publications 
  • Hooyberg, A.; Roose, H.; Lonneville, B.; De Henauw, S.; Michels, N.; Everaert, G.; Flanders Marine Institute; Department of Sociology (Ugent); Department of Public Health and Primary Care (Ugent); Department of developmental, personality and social psychology (Ugent): Belgium; (2023): Survey data linking coastal visit behaviours to socio-demographic and health profiles. Marine Data Archive., more

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