Italian name: Dipartimento di Biologia
Parent institute: University of Milano Bicocca, more
Address: Via G. Celoria, 26
20133 Milano Italy
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Level: Department
1 Director: Head of the department 2 Marine scientist: Works in this research group and acts as (co-)author in at least one marine publication in the last 5 years. 3 Specialized personnel: Provides administrative or technical support to marine scientific research.
Publications (2) |
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( 2 peer reviewed ) split up filter
Strona, G.; Beck, P.S.A.; Cabeza, M.; Fattorini, S.; Guilhaumon, F.; Micheli, F.; Montano, S.; Ovaskainen, O.; Planes, S.; Veech, J.A.; Parravicini, V. (2021). Ecological dependencies make remote reef fish communities most vulnerable to coral loss. Nature Comm. 12(1): 7282., more
Montano, S.; Seveso, D.; Galli, P.; Obura, D. O. (2010). Assessing coral bleaching and recovery with a colour reference card in Watamu Marine Park, Kenya. Hydrobiologia 655(1): 99-108., more