Italian name: Museo Zoologico "La Specola", Firenze
Address: Via Romana, 17
50125 Firenze Italy
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1 Director: Head of the department 2 Marine scientist: Works in this research group and acts as (co-)author in at least one marine publication in the last 5 years. 3 Specialized personnel: Provides administrative or technical support to marine scientific research.
Publications (16) |
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( 15 peer reviewed ) split up filter
Berti, R.; Cannicci, S.; Fabbroni, S.; Innocenti, G. (2008). Notes on the structure and the use of Neosarmatium meinerti and Cardisoma carnifex burrows in a Kenyan mangrove swamp (Decapoda Brachyura). Ethol. Ecol. Evol. 20(2): 101-113, more
Vannini, M.; Lori, E.; Coffa, C.; Fratini, S. (2008). Cerithidea decollata: a snail that can foresee the future? Anim. Behav. 76: 983-992., more
Vannini, M.; Coffa, C.; Lori, E.; Fratini, S. (2008). Vertical migrations of the mangrove snail Cerithidea decollata (L.)(Potamididae) through a synodic month. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 78: 644-648., more
Innocenti, G.; Vannini, M. (2007). The first record of the land crab, Discoplax rotunda (Quoy & Gaymard,1824) (Decapoda, Brachyura, Gecarcinidae) from East Africa: the problem of the island species. Crustaceana 80(5): 635-637., more
Fratini, S.; Vannini, M.; Cannicci, S.; Schubart, C. D. (2005). Tree-climbing mangrove crabs: a case of convergent evolution. Evol. Ecol. Res. 7(2): 219-233, more
Cumberlidge, N.; Vannini, M. (2004). Ecology and taxonomy of a tree-living freshwater crab (Brachyura: Potamoidea: Potamonautidae) from Kenya and Tanzania, East Africa. J. Nat. Hist. 38(6): 681-693., more
Fratini, S.; Vigiani, V.; Vannini, M.; Cannicci, S. (2004). Terebralia palustris (Gastropoda: Potamididae) in a Kenyan mangal: size structure, distribution and impact on the consumption of leaf litter. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 144(6): 1173-1182., more
Cannicci, S.; Morino, L.; Vannini, M. (2002). Behavioural evidence for visual recognition of predators by the mangrove climbing crab Sesarma leptosoma. Anim. Behav. 63: 77-83., more
Fratini, S.; Vannini, M. (2002). Genetic differentiation in the mud crab Scylla serrata (Decapoda: Portunidae) within the Indian Ocean. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 272(1): 103-116., more
Hartnoll, R.G.; Cannicci, S.; Emmerson, W. D.; Fratini, S.; Macia, A.; Mgaya, Y.; Porri, F.; Ruwa, R. K.; Shunula, J. P.; Skov, M. W.; Vannini, M. (2002). Geographic trends in mangrove crab abundance in East Africa. Wetlands Ecol. Manag. 10: 203-213, more
Fratini, S.; Cannicci, S.; Vannini, M. (2001). Feeding clusters and olfaction in the mangrove snail Terebralia palustris (Linnaeus) (Potamididae: Gastropoda). J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 261(2): 173-183., more
Fratini, S.; Cannicci, S.; Vannini, M. (2000). Competition and interaction between Neosarmatium smithi (Crustacea: Grapsidae) and Terebralia palustris (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in a Kenyan mangrove. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 137(2): 309-316., more
Cannicci, S.; Ruwa, R. K.; Giuggioli, M.; Vannini, M. (1998). Predatory activity and spatial strategies of Epixanthus dentatus (Decapoda: Oziidae), an ambush predator among the mangroves. J. Crust. Biol. 18(1): 57-63., more
Cannicci, S.; Ruwa, R. K.; Vannini, M. (1997). Homing experiments in the tree-climbing crab Sesarma leptosoma (Decapoda, Grapsidae). Ethology 103(11): 935-944, more
Vannini, M.; Ruwa, R. K.; Cannicci, S. (1997). Effect of microclimatic factors and tide on vertical migrations of the mangrove crab Sesarma leptosoma (Decapoda: Grapsidae). Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 130(1): 101-108., more
- Vannini, M.; Cannicci, S. (1997). Notes on the macro-benthos of Kenyan mangroves. [S.n.]: Mombasa. 16 + photographs pp., more