Address: Vital Decosterstraat 67A bus 0001
3000 Leuven Belgium
| | Tel.: +32-(0)16-31 77 30
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1 Director: Head of the department 2 Marine scientist: Works in this research group and acts as (co-)author in at least one marine publication in the last 5 years. 3 Specialized personnel: Provides administrative or technical support to marine scientific research.
Person formerly associated with this organization |
Abstract: |
Transport & Mobility Leuven (TML) performs applied research to support policy decisions. It is our mission to help society by offering scientifically sound analyses. For this, we rely on quantitative research: modelling, statistical analyses, simulations, and prognoses.
Our work fields are traffic, passenger and freight transport and the related economic impact and environmental problems. The integration between passenger and freight transport, economics and environment gives us a unique position within Europe.
Transport & Mobility Leuven has been founded in 2002. Its shareholders are the K.U.Leuven (, a Belgian university, and TNO, a Dutch research institute ( The knowledge of both institutes has been bundled and further applied to support policy decisions. The excellent relation with our shareholders guarantees that TML is always up to date with the most recent state-of-the-art.
Our focus is both scientifically as practical: we are the bridge between the university and society. Our clients are the European Commission (DG TREN, DG ENV), national governments and administrations, local and regional authorities as well as sector associations and non-profit organisations. They base their policy on our analyses and prognoses.
We perform our projects with great concern for independency and openness. Transport & Mobility Leuven does not relate to road construction companies, economic sectors or political parties. We think it is important to communicate self-critical and open on our methods and sources. Not only the end results, but also the intermediate results and methods are always clearly stated. This way, you get insight and trust in our research results, which enables you to defend them.
You can download our general fact sheet here.
* TML is member of Telematics Cluster/ITS Belgium, Griet De Ceuster is board member (
* TML is member of the Flemish Institute for Mobility (VIM -
* Griet De Ceuster is one of the 500 Flemish 'captains of society' of Flanders in Action (VIA -
* TML is member of T2M, the International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility (
* Griet De Ceuster worked as external expert on the seventh framework programme of the European Commission ( |
Publications (3) |
Top | Person | Project |
( 2 peer reviewed ) split up filter
Purwanto, J.; de Ceuster, G.; Vanherle, K. (2017). Mobility, Vehicle fleet, Energy use and Emissions forecast Tool (MOVEET). Transportation Research Procedia 25: 3425-3438., more
Janssen, S.; Deutsch, F.; Veldeman, N.; Vanherle, K.; Lodewijks, P.; Duerinck, J.; Campling, P. (2014). Integrated assessment of an emission trading scheme to reduce emissions from international shipping and the related environmental impact over Europe, in: Steyn, D.G. et al. Air pollution modeling and its application XXII. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series: C. Environmental Security, : pp. 85-88., more
- Vanherle, K.; Van Zeebroeck, B. (2008). Maritime emissions: modeling and measuring policy effects. Transport & Mobility: Leuven. 10 pp., more