one publication added to basket [246572] | North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes
Hempel, G. (Ed.) (1978). North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. Rapports et Procès-Verbaux des Réunions du Conseil Permanent International pour l'Exploration de la Mer, 172. Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer: Copenhagen. 449 pp.
Part of: Rapports et Procès-Verbaux des Réunions du Conseil Permanent International pour l'Exploration de la Mer. Conseil Permanent International pour l'Exploration de la Mer: Copenhague. ISSN 0074-4336, more
Content |
- Hempel, G. (1978). Introduction and historical background, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 5-9, more
- Holden, M.J. (1978). Long-term changes in landings of fish from the North Sea, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 11-26, more
- Popp Madsen, K. (1978). The industrial fisheries in the North Sea, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 27-30, more
- Lahn-Johannessen, J.; Jakupsstovu, S.H.; Thomassen, T. (1978). Changes in the Norwegian mixed fisheries in the North Sea, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 31-38, more
- Daan, N. (1978). Changes in cod stocks and cod fisheries in the North Sea, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 39-57, more
- Jones, R.; Hislop, J.R.G. (1978). Changes in North Sea haddock and whiting, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 58-71, more
- Sahrhage, D.; Wagner, G. (1978). On fluctuations in the haddock population of the North Sea, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 72-85, more
- Bannister, R.C.A. (1978). Changes in plaice stocks and plaice fisheries in the North Sea, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 86-101, more
- Harding, D.; Nichols, J.H.; Tungate, D.S. (1978). The spawning of plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) in the southern North Sea and English Channel, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 102-113, more
- Talbot, J.W. (1978). Changes in plaice larval dispersal in the last fifteen years, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 114-123, more
- de Veen, J.F. (1978). Changes in North Sea sole stocks (Solea solea (L.)), in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 124-136, more
- Burd, A.C. (1978). Long-term changes in North Sea herring stocks, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. Rapports et Procès-Verbaux des Réunions du Conseil Permanent International pour l'Exploration de la Mer, 172: pp. 137-153, more
- Hubold, G. (1978). Variations in growth rate and maturity of herring in the northern North Sea in the years 1955-1973, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 154-163, more
- Saville, A. (1978). The growth of herring in the northwestern North Sea, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 164-171, more
- Saville, A. (1978). Some comments on herring larval distribution and abundance in the North Sea, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 172-174, more
- Höglund, H. (1978). Long-term variations in the Swedish herring fishery off Bohuslän and their relation to North Sea herring, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 175-186, more
- Lindquist, A. (1978). A century of observations on sprat in the Skagerrak and the Kattegat, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 187-196, more
- Hamre, J. (1978). The effect of recent changes in the North Sea mackerel fishery on stock and yield, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 197-210, more
- Richards, J.; Armstrong, D.W.; Hislop, J.R.G.; Jermyn, A.S.; Nicholson, M.D. (1978). Trends in Scottish research-vessel catches of various fish species in the North Sea, 1922-1971, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 211-224, more
- Postuma, K.H. (1978). Immigration of southern fish into the North Sea, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 225-229, more
- Tiews, K. (1978). The German industrial fisheries in the North Sea and their by-catches, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 230-238, more
- Boddeke, R. (1978). Changes in the stock of brown shrimp (Crangon crangon L.) in the coastal area of the Netherlands, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. Rapports et Procès-Verbaux des Réunions du Conseil Permanent International pour l'Exploration de la Mer, 172: pp. 239-249, more
- Tiews, K. (1978). The predator-prey relationship between fish populations and the stock of brown shrimp (Crangon crangon L.) in German coastal waters, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 250-258, more
- Tiews, K. (1978). Non-commercial fish species in the German Bight: Records of by-catches of the brown shrimp fishery, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 259-265, more
- Rauck, G.; Zijlstra, J.J. (1978). On the nursery-aspects of the Waddensea for some commercial fish species and possible long-term changes, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 266-275, more
- Michaelis, H. (1978). Recent biological phenomena in the German Waddensea, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 276-277, more
- Summers, C.F.; Bonner, W.N.; Van Haaften, J. (1978). Changes in the seal populations of the North Sea, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 278-285, more
- Andersen, K.P.; Ursin, E. (1978). A multispecies analysis of the effects of variations of effort upon stock composition of eleven North Sea fish species, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 286-291, more
- Jones, R. (1978). Competition and co-existence with particular reference to gadoid fish species, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 292-300, more
- Tiews, K. (1978). On the disappearance of bluefin tuna in the North Sea and its ecological implications for herring and mackerel, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. Rapports et Procès-Verbaux des Réunions du Conseil Permanent International pour l'Exploration de la Mer, 172: pp. 301-309, more
- Hill, H.W.; Dickson, R.R. (1978). Long-term changes in North Sea hydrography, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 310-334, more
- Becker, G.; Kohnke, D. (1978). Long-term variations of temperature and salinity in the inner German Bight, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 335-344, more
- Ljøen, R.; Sætre, R. (1978). Long-term hydrographic variations off southern Norway, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 345-349, more
- Postma, H. (1978). The nutricient contents of North Sea water: Changes in recent years, particularly in the Southern Bight, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 350-357, more
- Lucht, F.; Gillbricht, M. (1978). Long-term observations on nutrient contents near Helgoland in relation to nutrient input of the River Elbe, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 358-360, more
- Hagmeier, E. (1978). Variations in phytoplankton near Helgoland, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 361-363, more
- Gunkel, W.; Gillbricht, M. (1978). Variations in bacteria in the German Bight, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 364-365, more
- Ursin, E.; Andersen, K.P. (1978). A model of the biological effects of eutrophication in the North Sea, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 366-377, more
- Lassen, H. (1978). A method of predicting the biological effects of synthetic pollutants in the North Sea, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 378-383, more
- Reid, P.C. (1978). Continuous plankton pecords: Large-scale changes in the abundance of phytoplankton in the North Sea from 1958-1973, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 384-389, more
- Colebrook, J.M. (1978). Changes in the zooplankton of the North Sea, 1948-1973, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 390-396, more
- Bainbridge, V.; Forsyth, D.C.T.; Canning, D.W. (1978). The plankton in the northwestern North Sea, 1948 to 1974, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 397-404, more
- McIntyre, A.D. (1978). The benthos of the western North Sea, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 405-417, more
- Rachor, E.; Gerlach, S.A. (1978). Changes of macrobenthos in a sublittoral sand area of the German Bight, 1967 to 1975, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 418-431, more
- Ziegelmeier, E. (1978). Macrobenthos investigations in the eastern part of the German Bight from 1950 to 1974, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 432-444, more
- Hempel, G. (1978). Synopsis of the Symposium, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) North Sea fish stocks-recent changes and their causes. pp. 445-449, more