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Thyasiroidea (Mollusca: Bivalvia) from the mud volcanoes of the Gulf of Cadiz (NE Atlantic)
Rodrigues, C.F.; Oliver, P.G.; Cunha, M.R. (2008). Thyasiroidea (Mollusca: Bivalvia) from the mud volcanoes of the Gulf of Cadiz (NE Atlantic). Zootaxa 1752: 41-56
In: Zootaxa. Magnolia Press: Auckland. ISSN 1175-5326; e-ISSN 1175-5334, more
Peer reviewed article  

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    Bathyal zone
    Taxa > Species > New taxa > New species
    Thyasira Lamarck, 1818 [WoRMS]

Authors  Top | Datasets 
  • Rodrigues, C.F.
  • Oliver, P.G.
  • Cunha, M.R.

    The Thyasiroidea collected from the mud volcanoes of the Gulf of Cadiz are reviewed. Of the seven species identified only one, Thyasira vulcolutre n. sp., is closely associated with a chemosynthetic setting. This species has anatomical features typical of chemosymbiotic taxa and is compared with T. sarsi (Philippi, 1845), T. southwardae Oliver & Holmes, 2006, T. oleophila Clarke, 1989 and T. methanophila Oliver & Sellanes, 2005. The other six, Thyasira (Parathyasira) granulosa (Monterosato, 1874), Thyasira tortuosa (Jeffreys, 1881), Thyasira obsoleta (Verrill & Bush, 1898), Axinulus croulinensis (Jeffreys, 1847), Mendicula ferruginosa (Forbes, 1844) and Leptaxinus minutus Verrill & Bush 1898, are previously known from typical deep-water benthic settings. Of these only A. croulinensis is known to harbour chemosymbionts although the gill anatomy of T. tortuosa suggests that it might also be chemosymbiotic. Thyasira vulcolutre is restricted to active seeps but there is no pattern in the distribution of the other species.

Datasets (2)
  • Ribeiro da Cunha, M. (2006). Macrofauna of the Gulf of Cadiz collected during 3 cruises in 2004-2006 and processed by Uaveiro. Universidade de Aveiro; Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies (CESAM), Portugal., more
  • Ribeiro da Cunha, M. (2008). Chemosynthetic macrofauna of the Gulf of Cadiz collected during various cruises between 2000 and 2008 and processed by Uaveiro. Universidade de Aveiro; Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies (CESAM), Portugal., more

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