one publication added to basket [17778] | Status of small scale fisheries in the Philippines: implications on coastal resources management
Perante, N.C. (2001). Status of small scale fisheries in the Philippines: implications on coastal resources management. MSc Thesis. VUB: Brussel. 72 pp.
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Document type: Dissertation
Abstract |
The resources of marine environment in many parts of the world are being exploited beyond sustainable levels. In the Philippines pressure on the coastal environment have reached extreme proportions due to increase in population living in coastal areas and a corresponding increase in people depending on degraded coastal resources for livelihood. The status of the marine environment can be assessed by looking at the condition of marine habitats such as coral reefs, seagrassbeds, mangroves and others and by looking at the catch per unit effort (CPUE) of fishermen. There is also need to develop mechanisms of intervention to manage marine resources. This study presents the status of marine habitats, catch per unit effort and possible criteria for intervention in the Danajon bank fisheries in the central Philippines. Results suggest that the condition of coral reefs around Danajon bank, a double barrier and a very important fishing ground in the central Philippines, is in bad condition with 43% of the coral reef area categorized as "poor" (1-10% live coral cover). Findings indicate that among the 30 fishing ground surveyed, not one has an "excellent" (75-100%) live coral cover. In contrast, 60% of the fishing grounds surveyed showed a coral rubble cover (dead corals) of 31 to 75%. Furthermore, fishermen fishing in these fishing grounds showed poor CPUE values of (means ± std dev.) 2,37± 0,42 kgs for 1996 and 1,65 ± 0,93 kgs for 1997 of fish per day. Impacts of habitat degradation around the bank could possibly lead to a "phase shift" from abundant coral to abundant macro algae. Catch composition as well may have changed from "quality catch" composed of Serranidae and Lutjanidae to a less desirable catch of Apogonidae and Sepiidae. Target species rotation among fishermen may help certain species temporarily recover during certain times of the year. Investigation of fishermen sociological parameters may be useful in determining possible criteria of identifying individual fishermen as candidates for intervention. This study recommends the following management options: (1) establishment of marine protected areas or marine fishery reserves, (2) redefining property regimes in the coastal zone, (3) community police empowerment and implementation of laws, (4) alternative livelihood identification and development |