Call for nominations for the WoRMS Top-Ten Marine Species of 2022
Call for nominations for the WoRMS Top-Ten Marine Species of 2022

Call for nominations for the WoRMS Top-Ten Marine Species of 2022

Once again taxonomists have continued to publish many wonderful new species throughout the last year. As we approach the end of 2022 it is time to think about nominations for The WoRMS Top Ten Marine Species of 2022!
The LifeWatch Data Cloud is launched!
The LifeWatch Data Cloud is launched!

The LifeWatch Data Cloud is launched!

This summer the LifeWatch Data Cloud was launched as a user-friendly platform for researchers who are looking for data to perform biodiversity and ecosystem research. In the background, the LifeWatch Data Cloud is using the Flemish Supercomputer Center (VSC) resources to provide the users with a performant infrastructure. Let’s try it out immediately at!
Searching synergies between IMEV and LifeWatch VLIZ
Searching synergies between IMEV and LifeWatch VLIZ

Searching synergies between IMEV and LifeWatch VLIZ

Plankton imagery experts from l’Institut de la Mer de Villefranche (IMEV) visited over 3 days the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) to discuss the way forward in plankton imagery. It turned out as an inspiring cross-fertilisation!
ZEEKERWETEN, the first citizen science festival at the coast
ZEEKERWETEN, the first citizen science festival at the coast

ZEEKERWETEN, the first citizen science festival at the coast

How to involve citizens in biodiversity research? And how can we show citizens the beauty and the importance of the diverse fauna and flora in the Belgian part of the North Sea and the coastal area? ZEEKERWETEN, the first science festival at the Belgian coast, lifts the participation of citizens in science to a higher level.
WoRMS press release: Ten remarkable new marine species from 2021
WoRMS press release: Ten remarkable new marine species from 2021

WoRMS press release: Ten remarkable new marine species from 2021

As for previous years, the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) has again released its annual list of the top-ten marine species described by researchers during the past year to coincide with World Taxonomist Appreciation Day on March 19th!
Call for nominations for the WoRMS Top-Ten Marine Species of 2021
Call for nominations for the WoRMS Top-Ten Marine Species of 2021

Call for nominations for the WoRMS Top-Ten Marine Species of 2021

Once again taxonomists have continued to publish many wonderful new species throughout the last year, despite all the challenges post by a global pandemic situation. So as we approach the end of 2021 it is time to think about nominations for The WoRMS Top Ten Marine Species of 2021!
Catalogue of Life: 20 years of documenting life on Earth
Catalogue of Life: 20 years of documenting life on Earth

Catalogue of Life: 20 years of documenting life on Earth

This year, 2021, marks CoL's 20th anniversary and it is a time to celebrate! Milestones include reaching over 2 million accepted species and the completion of the new Catalogue of Life infrastructure.
WoRMS endorsed as a Project Action under the Ocean Decade
WoRMS endorsed as a Project Action under the Ocean Decade

WoRMS endorsed as a Project Action under the Ocean Decade

Last week, WoRMS received endorsement by the Ocean Decade as a Project Action, entitled “Above and Beyond – Completing the World Register of Marine Species (ABC WoRMS)”.