Complete: EMODnet Biology workshop on data formatting, QC & publishing

Complete: EMODnet Biology workshop on data formatting, QC & publishing

Our (EMODnet Biology’s) first ever, completely online workshop has ended! During the past two weeks, around 50 people have dedicated their time to learning everything about formatting and quality controlling datasets for EMODnet Biology ingestion.
Register of Antarctic Species (RAS) expands its content with traits
Register of Antarctic Species (RAS) expands its content with traits

Register of Antarctic Species (RAS) expands its content with traits

From 25-28th November 2019, 12 thematic editors of the Register of Antarctic Species (RAS) and the Register of Antarctic Marine Species (RAMS) met in Ostend to discuss the application of trait data in the Aphia platform in the context of the Southern Ocean and the Antarctic region. A mixture of terrestrial and marine expertise was represented from various countries around the world. In addition, 2 experts provided input through remote participation.
WoRMS and Aphia: a major update for Bryozoan species in collaboration with
WoRMS and Aphia: a major update for Bryozoan species in collaboration with

WoRMS and Aphia: a major update for Bryozoan species in collaboration with

A dedicated synchronization collaboration between Aphia-WoRMS and results in a major update of Bryozoans in WoRMS. No less than 15,835 (sub)species have been added, together with a tremendous amount of valuable related information such as original descriptions and fossil ranges.