Portuguese name: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Parent institute: Ministério da Ciência e da Tecnologia (FCT), more
Address: Av. D. Carlos I, 126
1249-074 Lisboa Portugal
| | Tel.: +351-(0)213-92 43 00
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1 Director: Head of the department 2 Marine scientist: Works in this research group and acts as (co-)author in at least one marine publication in the last 5 years. 3 Specialized personnel: Provides administrative or technical support to marine scientific research.
Associated to an institute part |
Child institute |
Top | Persons | Projects | Events |
- Ministério da Ciência e da Tecnologia; Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; Portugese Committee for IOC (FCT), more
Abstract: |
"The mission of FCT consists in continuously promoting the advancement of scientific and technological knowledge in Portugal, exploring opportunities that become available in any scientific or technological domain to attain the highest international standards in the creation of knowledge, and to stimulate their diffusion and contribution to improve education, health, environment, and the quality of life and well being of the general public. This mission is mainly accomplished through the funding, subsequent to the evaluation of the merit, of proposals presented by institutions, research teams or individuals in public open calls, and also through cooperation agreements and other forms of support in partnership with universities and other public or private institutions, in Portugal and abroad." |
Projects (22) |
Top | Persons | Institute | Events |
- CSA Oceans 2: Coordination action in support of the implementation of the Joint Programming Initiative on 'Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans', more
- ARIMNET: Coordination of Agricultural Research in the Mediterranean, more
- BiodivERsA 2: Cooperation and shared strategies for biodiversity research programmes in Europe, more
- BiodivERsA: An ERA-NET in Biodiversity Research, more
- COFASP: Cooperation in Fisheries, Aquaculture and Seafood Processing, more
- CSA in Marine Biotechnology, more
- CSA Oceans 2: CSA Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans 2, more
- ERA-CAPS: ERA-NET for Coordinating Action in Plant Sciences, more
- ERA-IB-2: ERA-Net for Industrial Biotechnology 2, more
- ERA-IB: ERA-Net for Industrial Biotechnology, more
- ERA-MBT: Marine Biotechnology ERA-NET, more
- ERA-PG: European Research Area Plant Genomics, more
- ERASynBio: Synthetic Biology - ERA-NET, more
- EuroNanoMed: EUROpean network of trans-national collaborative RTD projects in the field of NANOMEDicine, more
- MARCYANO: Secondary metabolites and nitrogen fixation of benthic marine Cyanobacteria: how different from freshwater relatives?, more
- MARSPONGES: Phylogeny and chemodiversity of marine sponge symbiotic Cyanobacteria, more
- NITROTOX: Interference of Metals and PAHs in Nitrate Removal Biological Processes: Denitrification vs Anammox, more
- OCEANERA-NET: Ocean Energy ERA-NET, more
- PHYTOBIO: Phytoremediation and bioremediation of contaminants in salt marshes: plant – microorganisms interactions, more
- Plant-KBBE: Transnational PLant Alliance for Novel Technologies - towards implementing the Knowledge-Based Bio-Economy in Europe, more
- SBEP: Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership, more
- SEAS-ERA: Towards Integrated Marine Research Strategy and Programmes, more
Events (2) |
Top | Persons | Institute | Projects |
- ERA-MBT Final Conference: Oceans of opportunities, more
- ERA-MBT Stakeholder meeting: Marine Biotechnology - enabling future innovations, more