VMM - Rat control occurrences in Flanders, Belgium
Slootmaekers D, Gevens F, Reyserhove L, Oldoni D, Desmet P (2025). VMM - Rat control occurrences in Flanders, Belgium. Version 1.151. Flanders Environment Agency (VMM). Occurrence dataset. https://ipt.inbo.be/resource?r=vmm-rattenapp-occurrences&v=1.151 https://doi.org/10.15468/wquzva
Gevens, Frank Availability: This dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The "VMM - Rat control occurrences in Flanders, Belgium" dataset is an occurrence dataset published by Flanders Environment Agency (VMM). The dataset is assembled by the VMM to monitor and control pest organisms in Flanders from 2016 onwards. It mainly includes observations of muskrats and brown rats, but other animal and plant pest species are included as well. more
The main species included are muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus, 45%), brown rat (Rattus norvegicus, 15%) and Eurasion beaver (Castor fiber, 10%). The dataset also includes records of water primrose (Ludwigia grandiflora), floating pennywort (Hydrocotyle ranunculoides) and several other animal and plant pest species.
Scope Themes: Biology > Mammals, Biology > Plants Keywords: Fresh water, Terrestrial, Biological damage, Damage prevention, Invasive species, Pest control, Belgium, Flanders, , , Plantae, Geographical coverage Belgium, Flanders [Marine Regions] Temporal coverage
1 January 2016 - 24 May 2022 Taxonomic coverage
Occurrence of biota Contributors
Dataset status: In Progress
Data type: Data
Data origin: Data collection
Metadatarecord created: 2022-07-29
Information last updated: 2025-01-07