World Ocean Circulation Experiment Global Data Version 3.0
WOCE (2002). WOCE global data [DVD]. Edition 3.0. WOCE Report, 180/02. World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE): Southampton. 2 DVDs pp.
![]() Description
The WOCE data set is the most comprehensive data set ever collected from the global ocean. This site provides access to the final (3rd) Version of the data set collected during the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (1990-1997). more
The oceans are a key element in the climate system because they transport heat and fresh water and exchange these with the atmosphere. The World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) was a part of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) which used resources from nearly 30 countries to make unprecedented in-situ and satellite observations of the global ocean between 1990 and 1998 and to observe poorly-understood but important physical processes. The Scientific Steering Group (SSG) of WOCE oversaw the scientific development and the International Project Office (IPO) the implementation of the Experiment. See the Design and Implementation of WOCE and the WOCE Data System for further details. The resulting diverse WOCE data sets contained on these disks will serve as a unique resource for climate researchers and marine scientists for decades to come. The inventories are available here as tab delimited ASCII files. The complete database file (Microsoft Access .mdb) used by the search tool is also available. Bathymetry (See DVD Disk 2) Current Meters Drifters Floats Hydrography Profiling Floats (see ) Satellite Sea Surface Height (See DVD Disk 2) Satellite Sea Surface Temperature (See DVD Disk 2) Satellite Surface Winds (See DVD Disk 2) Sea Level - Delayed Mode (See DVD Disk 2) Sea Level - Fast Mode (See DVD Disk 2) Sea Surface Salinity Shipboard ADCP Surface Meterology Upper Ocean Thermal (Top Level) Upper Ocean Thermal (Sub Level) Complete Microsoft Access Table (zipped .mdb file) used by the Integrated Search Tool Scope Themes: Meteorology, Physical Keywords: Marine/Coastal, Marine meteorology, Physical oceanography, World Ocean, World Waters Temporal coverage
1990 - 2002 Parameters
Bathymetry Current velocity water Meteoric conditions Physicochemical environmental variables Salinity Temperature in water Contributors
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC), more, sponsor, data creator
Related datasets
Previous version: World Ocean Circulation Experiment Global Data Version 2.0, more Dataset status: Completed
Data type: Data
Data origin: Research
Metadatarecord created: 2006-01-20
Information last updated: 2015-01-27