Raw EK60 echosounder data: Swart seamount, British Indian Ocean Territory 2015
Citable as data publication
Roland Proud, Univeristy of St. Andrews School of Biology (2020): Raw EK60 echosounder data: Swart seamount, British Indian Ocean Territory 2015. https://doi.org/10.14284/425
![]() Description
These data consist of raw uncalibrated 38 and 120 kHz echosounder observations collected during a pelagic survey of the Chagos archipelago MPA (January 2015). more
Observations were collected from a pole-mounted system (transducers were fixed at a depth of 3m). Data include several transects recorded during the 19th January at the Swart seamount site (close to Diego Garcia). A calibration was conducted prior to the survey. Resultant transducer peak gain (G0) and Simrad correction factor (Sa) values were as follows: 38 kHz (power = 1000 W; pulse duration = 1.024 ms; G0 = 20.97 dB; Sa = -0.62 dB) and 120 kHz (power = 250 W; pulse duration = 1.024 ms; G0 = 24.5 dB; Sa = -0.29 dB). Scope Themes: Biology, Biology > Acoustics Keywords: Marine/Coastal, Abundance, Biomass, Biota, Diversity, Echosounders, Sonar, ISW, Chagos Archipelago, Swart Seamount Geographical coverage ISW, Chagos Archipelago, Swart Seamount [Marine Regions] Temporal coverage
19 January 2015 Contributors
Dataset status: Completed
Data type: Data
Data origin: Research: field survey
Metadatarecord created: 2020-10-12
Information last updated: 2020-11-04